Tuesday, November 30, 2010

OMG-Trucker survives incredible cliffhanger after brakes fail

 A lucky trucker survived a real-life cliffhanger when his overloaded lorry balanced above a 122m (400ft) drop after its brakes failed.The lorry – loaded with 40 tonnes of coal – was going too fast to make a turning in Qingzhen, south-west China. ‘The driver had been convinced he was going to die and took a lot of persuading to climb out of his cab and back up the truck,’ said a police spokesman. Wow...
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Monday, November 29, 2010

New Strange vehicle-Man combines boat with lawnmower

John’s ‘Shortcutter’, made from a sit-on lawnmower and an old boat, can chug along the roads at a ‘relaxing’ 9kph (6mph), then take to the water at the first sign of a snarl-up. Of course, with a top speed that could cause more traffic jams than it solves and a propeller that spins wildly behind it on dry land, the four-wheeler is still very much a work in progress. But Mr Hinton hopes future...
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Very Strange- Bananas Sweeter when they're exposed to Music

The bananas are delivered to the the Toyoka Chuo Seika firm from the Philippines in the form of ordinary, unripe fruit.Mozart’s String Quartet 17 and Piano Concerto 5 in D major, as well as other works, are then played continuously for a week over speakers in the fruit's ripening chamber and the magic begins.The fruit company's Isamu Okuda confirmed to the Japan Times that the organisation is convinced...
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Neverseen Drive thru- offers sex toys and lubricants

NEW drive-thru window in one Alabama community is offering customers a lot more than just a burger and fries. Sherri Williams, owner of the adult store Pleasures; will start selling a variety of items including sex toys and lubricants through three drive-up lanes at a new location in Huntsville."It's a new level of privacy, and it feels good to give something back to the community," Williams said...
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Top 9 funny and strange things spotted on Google StreetView

Here is our 9 best 1) A naked man in a car trunk invited plenty of questions after he was snapped in Mannheim, southwest Germany. 2) A Staffordshire verge seemed to be the chosen spot for a bit of hanky-panky for this couple. 3) In Aberdeen a man was filmed standing on the pavement wearing a horses head.  4) This seagull was ready for its close-up as it swooped on the camera in Brighton. 5)...
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LOL-Wants His Money back for breast implants

LOL-Wants His Money back for breast implants BERLIN - A German woman who splashed out on breast implants with a loan from her then boyfriend now fears her assets could be re-possesed after she failed to fully reimburse him, the 20-year-old woman told Bild newspaper.Her ex-boyfriend is demanding that she return the 4,379 euros ($5,865) he gave her to pay for her breast enlargement surgery in 2009 or he’ll call the police and get the repossessors involved, Bild reported on Wednesday.“It’s true that...
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Is Miss Plastic Universe 2010

The pageant in Budapest, Hungary, is only for contestants who have enhanced their charms with cosmetic surgery.And judges say the standards are so high that it's nip and tuck for first place among the 22 contestants in the national rounds of Miss Plastic 2010.Girls can only qualify for the contest if they have received cosmetic surgery and must bring in their medical notes from the ops as proof....
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Friday, November 19, 2010

Man sick of Realty TV-fires shotgun into TV

A MAN watching "Dancing With the Stars" in the US became so enraged that he fired his shotgun into the television. Like most Americans, Steven Cowan had been perplexed by Bristol Palin’s curious ability to keep advancing in competition.However, unlike other viewers, Cowan, 67, allegedly became so enraged by Palin’s success that he actually fired a shotgun round into his television, triggering...
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Thursday, November 18, 2010

WOW –Nice Receipt with message -‘F**k You

WOW –Nice Receipt with message -‘F**k You’ It must have been confusing, because Perez certainly wasn’t aware of any beef that the employee had with him.Burger King HQ clearly agreed that the message was a flaming insult, because heads rolled without any further ado. A spokesman said: ‘Burger King Corp and the franchisee that owns and operates this restaurant deeply regret that this incident occurred....
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The world's smallest woman

‘It was hard when I was a child because all my classmates used to tease me for being small.‘But now I am famous bec­ause of my size. So it makes me feel like I am much taller,’ she said.The world has certainly become her oyster but she hopes there are plenty of fish in the sea too. ‘God made me the way I am and I am proud of that. I hope I can find someone who will love me one day,’ she added. Nice...
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Nice Gesture-President offered sex to veto Germany’s nuclear reactors

BERLIN - German writer Charlotte Roche offered in an interview Sunday to spend the night with President Christian Wulff if he votes against government plans to extend the lifetime of Germany's nuclear reactors. "I am offering to sleep with him if he does not sign," the 32-year-old anti-nuclear activist told the weekly Der Spiegel. "My husband agrees. Now it is up to the First Lady to give her consent,"...
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Friday, November 12, 2010

You Want to Vote in Sexy Municipal Election

- A Polish singer and tabloid celebrity has put up posters of herself stretched out on the sand in a provocative bikini as part of her campaign to win a WARSAWWarsaw district council seat in municipal elections on Nov. 21. Several of the posters — http://www.saramay.pl/blog.html — are to be seen around Warsaw’s Bemowo district bearing Sara May’s slogan: “Beautiful, independent, competent.” “The deeds...
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Woman sold baby to buy car

MIAMI - A Florida woman was charged with trying to sell her infant son in order to pay for a new car, police said on Tuesday.The baby's grandmother brokered the deal and initially demanded $75,000 but agreed to cut the price to $30,000 when told the prospective buyer could not get a bank loan, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) said.The mother of the eight-week-old boy, Stephanie Bigbee Fleming, 22, of Bradenton, Florida, was to receive $9,000 of the proceeds, the FDLE said."Fleming...
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Why-Nurse deemed too sexy to be a police officer

Nurse Cathrine Ashima, who models part time, breezed through the medical and fitness tests required to join the force but were rejected after an interview panel questioned her over her work as a nude model.Police deny that the decision was made on these grounds saying that ‘the applicant was not found suitable on the basis of the following: Work motivation, understanding about the role of the police...
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Monday, November 8, 2010

Woman Tries to sell grandson

45-year-old grandmother from Florida was held on $100,000 US bond Saturday after she was arrested for allegedly agreeing to sell her grandson for $30,000.ABC News reports that Patty Bigbee was arrested Friday after police received a tip from someone that she approached him/her and offered to sell her eight-month-old grandson for $75,000. The person acted as an informant for the cops and haggled the price of the baby down to $30,000. The two met Friday afternoon in Daytona Beach to make the transaction....
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Friday, November 5, 2010

Man in breathalyser costume arrested for drunk driving

When an inebriated driver was pulled over by police after being spotted swerving dangerously across the road in Lincoln, Nebraska he must have known that his chances did not look good. The bottle of vodka and empty beer cans will be overlooked, but the head-to-toe breathalyser costume was going to be a dead giveaway.Matthew Nieveen, 19, had spent the evening at a Halloween party in Lincoln, Nebraska,...
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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Are you ready for Lady Gaga Course?

Are you ready for Lady Gaga Course? Welcome to the school of Gaga — or at least the course of Gaga. Next semester, University of South Carolina professor Mathieu Deflem will teach a class called Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame. “Within the framework of the sociology of popular culture and music, this course specifically focuses on socially relevant elements in the rise of Lady Gaga’s popularity...
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