A lucky trucker survived a real-life cliffhanger when his overloaded lorry balanced above a 122m (400ft) drop after its brakes failed.The lorry – loaded with 40 tonnes of coal – was going too fast to make a turning in Qingzhen, south-west China . ‘The driver had been convinced he was going to die and took a lot of persuading to climb out of his cab and back up the truck,’ said a police spokesman.
Wow Nice prize-Irish author takes bad sex prize
An Irish author has been awarded the Bad Sex in Fiction prize.Rowan Somerville won for his novel, The Shape of Her. “Like a lepidopterist mounting a tough-skinned insect with a too blunt pin he screwed himself into her," was one of the passages in the book that helped Somerville win the award Monday night.
He beat out Canadian Annabel Lyon . The B.C. author was nominated for her book, The Golden Mean. On her blog, Lyon said she was "deeply honoured" by the nomination.In accepting his award, Somerville said he was glad to join the likes of Tom Wolfe, A.A. Gill and last year's winner, Jonathan Littell.
“There is nothing more English than bad sex, so on behalf of the entire nation I would like to thank you," he told the crowd in London, Bloomberg reported.British journal Literary Review has been handing out the prize since 1993.
Where are parents-Boy stuck in washing machine rescued by firefighters