Friday, August 31, 2012

Man calls cops after prostitute takes his money and raises her price and Benedict Claims Teens Seduce Priest

Why-eBay bans spells and potionsNice- Bionic eye brings amazed woman some sightWow-Minnesota man dreams of dog, wakes to bear in faceFather Benedict Groeschel, American Friar, Claims Teens Seduce Priests in Some Sex Abuse CasesWhat -Man a call cop after prostitute takes his money and raises her priceWhy-eBay bans spells and potions Budding warlocks and sorcerers will have to go elsewhere for...
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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mounties slammed for watching free jail sex romp and Why Rob Ford's niece tweets don't dress like a whore

Wow-Mass-massage record made in Thailand Why-Rob Ford's niece tweets 'don't dress like a whore' Cheap thief-Potato pilferers perturb B.C. farmer Nice-Two-faced cat gone viral (video) What-Mounties slammed for watching free jail cell sex romp Cheap thief-Potato pilferers perturb B.C. farmer A Richmond, B.C., farmer says he's used to his crop of blueberries or pumpkins going missing...
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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why Michelle Obama depicted nude, Dad jailed for abusing daughter on film and Mom Gave Beer to 4 year old Son

Why-Men's store Hitler causes furor What happen-Missing woman unwittingly joins search party for herself? Why-Michelle Obama depicted as nude slave sparks controversy Nice-From Playboy Bunny to Bun In The Oven Sad-Dad jailed for abusing daughter on film Stupid-Mom Gave Beer To Son, 4, At Irish Pub What happen-Missing woman unwittingly joins search party for herself A group of tourists...
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Woman has 100 orgasms per day, Couple caught on CCTV having sex and Maygan Sensenberger's glamorous life

Hot- Glamorous life of Maygan Sensenberger Woman walks between speeding trucks in Croatia LOL-Cops nab alleged boozer on a motorized picnic table Couple caught on CCTV having sex in the street How-Woman has 100 orgasms per day (video) LOL-Cops nab alleged boozer on a motorized picnic table LONDON, Ont. – An Ontario man is facing charges after he and his buddies constructed a motorized...
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Monday, August 27, 2012

Man Dials 911 for Sex with Female Cops, Women plan sex strike and Student strippers offered tuition cash

Unlucky-New bride dies after waterfall plunge How-Women plan sex strike in political protest  Nice display-Topless protest hits Toronto Good or Bad-College student strippers offered tuition cash, bonuses What-Man Dials 911 Asking For Sex with Female Cops How-Women plan sex strike in political protest Opposition parties in Togo are calling on women to withhold sex for one week to...
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