Wow-Budding groom fakes his own death to propose to girlfriend
Strange-Class reunion invites 'white graduates only'
Why-Phone Sex Is Not selling a body
Bottle Girl" Is Busted For Lewd Truck Display
New-Stop Aid Charity idea- Breast Squeeze
Why-Class reunion invites 'white graduates only'
We're not sure whether to be shocked by the fact that St. Martinville Senior High School's Class of 1973 has been holding segregated class reunions since 1973. Or that they just realized the racist practice is unacceptable in 2012 yet managed to offend black graduates. "This year, 2012, was going to be the first year that we were going to integrate it," Liz
Chance, one of the organizers of the event at the Louisiana school, told but someone messed up and a printed invitation from a previous year was mailed out. It says that on Sept. 21, a reception will be held at the school, followed by the homecoming football game - which the letter notes all graduates are welcome to attend. It also includes this line: "After Game Get Together: White Graduates Only."Chance couldn't explain what happened.
Wow- Man fakes death before popping the question

A budding groom wanted to see if his girlfriend really did love him to death – so he faked his own death in a bizarre proposal. Alexey Bykov, 30, went all out to pop the question, hiring a movie director, stuntmen, make-up artists and even a script writer to stage a bogus car crash. He then planned for girlfriend Irena Kolokov to meet him at the crash site so she would be convinced he was dead. "We'd arranged to meet at a certain place but when I arrived there were mangled cars everywhere, ambulances, smoke, and carnage," Miss Kolokov said. "Then when I saw Alexy covered in blood lying in the road a paramedic told me he was dead and I just broke down in tears.

But then 'dead' Mr Bykov, from Ormsk in Russia, climbed to his feet and proposed to Irena still covered in fake blood. ,I was so cross I almost killed him again, but for real this time, she said. Luckily for Mr Bykov, she eventually saw the funny side, said yes - and the couple were married last week. "I wanted her to realise how empty her life would be without me and how life would have no meaning without me. I think it worked but I promise it's the last time," he said.
Trolleyed dolly-Drunken air stewardess sacked for being EIGHT times drink-fly limit

An air stewardess brought a new meaning to having a load of booze on board – by working while sozzled. Stephanie Partington was more than eight times the legal limit for cabin crew as she served passengers on an Emirates flight from Dubai to Birmingham. Colleagues noticed the 24-year-old was behaving oddly during the trip and the captain

called police who arrested her when the jet touched down. And her boozy antics ended with her being sacked and fined £110 for being drunk on a flight. Prosecutor Fiona Davis told magistrates in Solihull, West Midlands: “During the flight the purser became aware she was very loud and had to ask her to quieten down. “At the end of the flight she was required to fill in paperwork. “The purser noticed her handwriting was very bad and what she wrote was illegible. The purser was concerned about her behaviour. Partington, from Liverpool, insisted she had not touched a drop of booze for eight hours before the plane took off. But a test found she had 164mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. Under aviation laws, the legal limit for flight attendants is 20mg. The legal drink-drive limit is 80mg.
called police who arrested her when the jet touched down. And her boozy antics ended with her being sacked and fined £110 for being drunk on a flight. Prosecutor Fiona Davis told magistrates in Solihull, West Midlands: “During the flight the purser became aware she was very loud and had to ask her to quieten down. “At the end of the flight she was required to fill in paperwork. “The purser noticed her handwriting was very bad and what she wrote was illegible. The purser was concerned about her behaviour. Partington, from Liverpool, insisted she had not touched a drop of booze for eight hours before the plane took off. But a test found she had 164mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood. Under aviation laws, the legal limit for flight attendants is 20mg. The legal drink-drive limit is 80mg.
What-Bottle Girl" Is Busted For Lewd Truck Display

AUGUST 31--The Indiana woman who became Internet infamous this week--earning the nickname “Bottle Girl” along the way--has been charged with public nudity for her explicit videotaped performance in a truck bed. Belinda Dobrowolski, 24, was hit yesterday with a criminal rap for her lewd August 26 public performance in a Terre Haute parking lot.

As seen on an X-rated viral video--which was shot after the close of the Scheid Diesel Extravaganza at the nearby Vigo County fairgrounds--Dobrowolski (seen in the adjacent video grab) removed her dress as various onlookers filmed her standing naked. Dobrowolski is then seen engaging in explicit sexual acts with liquor bottles (she is, um, aided at points by two unidentified men). The graphic activity is met by hoots from an approving crowd of guys, one of whom exclaims, “This is awesome! Terre Haute cops began investigating the clip after it began circulating online this week. After identifying Dobrowolski--and determining when the video was filmed—cops charged her with misdemeanor public nudity.
As seen on an X-rated viral video--which was shot after the close of the Scheid Diesel Extravaganza at the nearby Vigo County fairgrounds--Dobrowolski (seen in the adjacent video grab) removed her dress as various onlookers filmed her standing naked. Dobrowolski is then seen engaging in explicit sexual acts with liquor bottles (she is, um, aided at points by two unidentified men). The graphic activity is met by hoots from an approving crowd of guys, one of whom exclaims, “This is awesome! Terre Haute cops began investigating the clip after it began circulating online this week. After identifying Dobrowolski--and determining when the video was filmed—cops charged her with misdemeanor public nudity.
Why-Phone Sex Is Not Prostitution, Italian Court Rules

In the case of a man charged with prostitution for engaging in phone sex, Italian judges ruled that a lower court made a bad call. Phone sex is not, in and of itself, prostitution, Italy's Supreme Court found on Friday, according to ANSA. "Verbally servicing an interlocutor for the purpose of sexual excitement does not constitute a sexual service, if it does not involve the bodily erogenous zones of the person who is getting paid for such a service," the court ruled. The defendant had paid a woman to provide phone sex to one of his business clients. The lower court said that act constituted a crime.
According to UPI, the Supreme Court also left the door open for other types of similar acts to still be considered illegal. Prostitution "may well be carried out via telephone or Internet Web chats" if the customer asks the vendor to perform a sex act. And phone sex isn't always perfectly legal. A Dover, Fla. man found that out the hard way when he was accused of trying to initiate sex with a 911 operator, the AP reported.
New-Stop Aid Charity idea- Breast Squeeze (video)
Whether one meets it with shock and outrage or unabashed enthusiasm, a charity breast squeeze is bound to get attention. And that might have been part of the idea behind a Japanese porn channel's recent interactive fundraiser. Japan's Paradise TV hosted the breast squeeze benefit as part of "Erotica Will Save The World," a 24-hour live-streamed event that took place Aug. 25-26 in Tokyo.

All money raised at the charity breast squeeze benefitted STOP!AIDS, an organization aimed at promoting AIDS awareness, treatment and prevention. It is unaffiliated with the Stop AIDS Project that is run by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation. After making a donation and sanitizing their hands, participants over the age of 18 were allowed to squeeze the breasts of one of 10 Japanese adult video actresses, according to Rocket News 24. A limit of two squeezes per hand were allowed: If donors felt like copping another feel, they had to give again. Paradise TV, a Japanese satellite porn channel known for its "wacky, perverted programming," has a reputation for "stupidity," sleaze, and directly engaging its subscribers. One of the channel's most popular shows is called "I Will Lose My Virginity," which involves a two-hour live broadcast of a woman’s first sexual encounter.
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