Friday, October 19, 2012

Mom breastfeeds her pet dog, World’s oldest dad at 96 and New 'Barbie flu beauty trend

Mom breastfeeds her pet dog,World’s oldest dad at 96 and New 'Barbie flu beauty trend

Affection-Cow-crazy elk removed after getting hot and heavy
Interesting-Mom breastfeeds her pet dog
Do you believe-No sex games at my parties, Berlusconi
Wow-World’s oldest dad at 96 says he has sex three times a night
Nice-Ukraine's disturbing 'Barbie flu' beauty trend

Do you believe-No sex games at my parties, Berlusconi

MILAN - Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, on trial for allegedly having sex with an under aged prostitute, on Friday denied there had ever been sex games at parties in his villa. “I can rule out that there have ever been scenes of a sexual nature,” the 76-year-old Berlusconi, wearing a dark blue suit, told judges as he addressed the packed Milan courtroom for the first time. Everything happened in front of staff and, at times, my children too came in to say hello.”
Berlusconi, whose reported “bunga bunga” parties won worldwide notoriety, has repeatedly denied having sex with Moroccan-born nightclub dancer Karima El Mahroug, better known by her stage name of “Ruby the Heartstealer”. The centre-right leader is accused of giving Ruby cash and jewels in exchange for sex in 2010, when she was 17 years old and thus too young under Italian law to be paid as a prostitute. He is also charged with abusing the powers of his office by getting her released from police custody after she had been arrested on unrelated charges of stealing a 3,000-euro bracelet from a friend. He denies the charges. Crowds outside the court as were divided, as ever, between supporters and critics debating Berlusconi’s role in the scandal that helped precipitate his departure from power last year. He’s always done exactly what he has wanted to do, he brought this country to its knees, where we are now, handing money out here and there, don’t get me started on it please,” Milan resident Rosalinda Fazzi told Reuters television
Affection-Cow-crazy elk removed after getting hot and heavy

CALGARY -- The amorous nature of one elk had become a hot, heavy and dangerous sight near the community of 100 Mile House, B.C., where motorists would clog the highway to watch the beast get busy with, of all things, cows. B.C. conservation officers recently tranquilized the 500-kg animal for relocation away from 100 Mile House, about 200 km of Kamploops, and the cattle with which he’d been having his way this summer. He had, it seems, fell in love in a hopeless place. “Different sort of breed, that guy,” joked Greg Messner, who tends the herd of cattle that became the elk’s object of inter-species affection. Messner, whose wife’s family has ranched 100 Mile House for a century, first noticed the beast about three years ago standing atop a meadow, eyeing his cows. He sported an impressive rack.
Interesting-Mom breastfeeds her pet dog

A California mom who couldn't breastfeed her children says she gets maternal satisfaction by breastfeeding her pet dog. In an interview with the U.K. edition of Closer magazine, Terri Graham, 44, said nursing her pug, Spider, makes her feel like a better mom. She told the magazine she was devastated when she couldn't breastfeed daughter Leesa, now 9, and son Lucas, now 2. She said Spider developed a taste for her breast milk
in 2010, after he licked the nipple of a bottle she had pumped to feed baby Lucas. "People might say I'm a freak, but having Spider suckle on my boob means I finally feel complete and a better mother," Lucas is quoted as saying in the article, which appears in the Oct. 20 issue of the magazine, under the heading "Outrageous Mum."
Nice-Ukraine's disturbing 'Barbie flu' beauty trend

Barbie'ss body dimensions may be physically impossible for a human to achieve, but that isn't stopping a growing number of women in Ukraine from trying. After one Ukrainian woman gained international notoriety for her transformation into a "living doll," at least two more have surfaced as devotees of the beauty trend, nicknamed the "Barbie flu." Here, a guide to the disturbing and dangerous craze.
When did this trend start?
It seems to have been triggered by 21-year-old Valeriya Lukyanova, who made international headlines back in April for turning herself into a living Barbie with the help of plastic surgery, eyelash extensions, colored contact lenses, and styling. Her heavily exaggerated proportions — 34-inch bust, 18-inch waist, 34-inch hips — come pretty close to what a real-life Barbie's would be.

And more women are following suit?
There are at least two other Ukrainian women who are making the media rounds calling themselves living dolls. One of them, Olga Oleynik, who goes by Dominkia, is reportedly friends with Lukyanova (it's a small living-dolls world, after all) and the pair appear together in interviews. Dominkia has had breast augmentation to complement her doll-like look, which includes long hair, contact lenses, and heavy makeup. Unlike the other two, Anastasiya Shpagina, 19, who goes by Anime, claims she has not had plastic surgery, though she would like to one day. For now, her look is achieved only through styling and makeup as well as an extremely limited diet of just fruits and vegetables. Anime reportedly rises at 5 a.m. to complete her look — which includes fairy-like outfits, long purplish hair, and large raccoon-like eyes — before leaving for work.

Wow-World’s oldest dad at 96 says he has sex three times a night

AN INDIAN farmer has become the world's oldest dad aged 96 - beating the record he set himself two years ago. Ramjeet Raghav was at his wife Shakuntala’s side as second son Ranjeet was born weighing 4lb 7oz, Indian and British media have reported.The former wrestler had gained the world record in 2010 when Shakuntala , 52, gave birth to Vikramjeet.Speaking at his home in the state of Haryana, near Delhi, Mr Raghav said: "What can I do? This is all God's wish. He wanted me to have another son."Mr raghav admits that as proud as he is of having two healthy sons at his age, his neighbours are more jealous of his sex drive, The Daily Mail reports."I do it three or four times a night. My neighbours are jealous and they keep asking me for my secret but all I tell them is that it is God's will," he said. "I'm healthy and I enjoy sex with my wife. I think it's very important for a husband and wife to have sex regularly.


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