Here are Today World top 5 weird, funny and sexy news of in reverse order....
Lot of interesting stories for today…
Top 5 -Man Attacked McDonald's Worker over Unwanted Cheese on His Hamburger
Irate that his McDonald’s hamburger had a piece of unwanted cheese on it, a Pennsylvania man allegedly assaulted a female employee of the fast food restaurant, police report. According to cops, the customer knocked over a trash can and threw a high chair after discovering that his burger order had been botched. When the man exited the eatery, a McDonald’s worker followed him to the parking lot in an effort to record his

license plate number. When the female employee sought to call 911, the patron attacked her, reported Springettsbury Township police. After taking the McDonald’s workers phone and throwing it across the parking lot, the suspect fled in his auto. During subsequent interviews with witnesses, police were able to identify a suspect in last Friday’s incident at the Memory Lane eatery. Cops have announced that “charges will be filed” against the man, who has not yet been named.
license plate number. When the female employee sought to call 911, the patron attacked her, reported Springettsbury Township police. After taking the McDonald’s workers phone and throwing it across the parking lot, the suspect fled in his auto. During subsequent interviews with witnesses, police were able to identify a suspect in last Friday’s incident at the Memory Lane eatery. Cops have announced that “charges will be filed” against the man, who has not yet been named.
Top 4- Two men lost on -30C fishing trip killed and ate friend to survive (What a way to survive)
Two men who got lost on a fishing trip in Siberia are suspected of killing and eating their friend to survive, it was reported. Alexander Abdullaev, 37, and Alexei Gradulenko, 35, were barely alive when they were plucked to safety by a rescue helicopter after being missing for three months in temperatures below minus 30C. A fourth member of the group is also missing, sparking fears he too may have been murdered and cannibalised. Police found the remains of one man, but his body had been so badly mutilated that he could not be identified, according to the Siberian Times. A wooden stake was found nearby close to a bloodstained jacket. "We suspect, the two survivors could have killed and eaten their friend just because of hunger," said a source.
Top 3- Rescue dogs learn how to drive in New Zealand (video)
An animal rescue charity in New Zealand is teaching three unwanted dogs how to drive in order to show how clever the animals can be – and why they deserve to find new homes. Monty, a giant schnauzer; Ginny, a whippet cross; and Porter, an old beardie cross, have spent the last seven weeks learning 10 or so sequential behaviours that will allow them to start the car, accelerate, change gears and, crucially, steer.
Top 2- Women can tell a cheating man just by looking at them (wow very nice study)
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Women can tell with some accuracy whether an unfamiliar male is faithful simply by looking at his face, but men seem to lack the same ability when checking out women, according to an Australian study published on Wednesday. In a paper that appeared in the journal Biology Letters, the researchers found that women tended to make that judgment based on how masculine-looking the man was. "Women's ratings of unfaithfulness showed small-moderate, significant correlations with measures of actual infidelity," wrote the team, led by Gillian Rhodes at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders at the University of Western Australia in Perth.
More masculine-looking men (were) rated as more probable to be unfaithful and having a sexual history of being more unfaithful." Attractiveness was not a factor in the women making the link. In the study, 34 men and 34 women were shown colour photographs of 189 Caucasian adult faces and asked to rate them for faithfulness. The researchers compared their answers to the self-reported sexual histories of the 189 individuals and found that the women participants were better able to tell who was faithful and who was not. "We provide the first evidence that faithfulness judgments, based solely on facial appearance, have a kernel of truth," they wrote in the paper. Men, on the other hand, seemed to have no clue. They tended to perceive attractive, feminine women to be unfaithful, when there was no evidence that they were, the scientists noted. Faithfulness is seen as important in the context of sexual relationships and mate choice, the scientists wrote in the paper. Men with unfaithful partners risk raising another man's child, while women with unfaithful partners risk losing some, or even all, parental and other resources to competitors.
Top 1a- Cartoon penis shown in TV interview causes outrage
A cartoon penis drawn on a blackboard has caused outrage in Slovakia after the rude image was unintentionally broadcast to the nation. The school boy humour failed to raise a smile from a selection of disgruntled viewers who were less than amused by the prank.
Head teacher Maria Franikova was being interviewed in her classroom at a school in Poltar, Slovakia, about an upcoming strike. While the programme’s editors failed to spot the cheeky chalk drawing lurking in the background, featuring a man with a penis as a nose, eagle-eyed viewers did. The TV station only realised its mistake after its switchboard was inundated with a raft of complaints from angry viewers complaining about the image. One angry viewer Miroslav Spak, said: ‘I don’t know whether this was a secret message from the teachers to the government or whoever, but it should have been wiped off the board. ‘There are enough d***heads in politics without creating more,’ he added.
Top 1-Man says prostitute owes 10 minutes (what a complaint)
OLD ORCHARD BEACH — Police in Maine say a man called them to complain a prostitute hadn't given him his money's worth — so they arrested him. Police say New Hampshire resident Scott Pipher was arrested this week. The 34-year-old is charged with engaging a prostitute. New Hampshire's The Portsmouth Herald newspaper reported Wednesday the police investigation started in the spring. Old Orchard Beach, Maine, police say Pipher called them March 25 to complain a woman he'd hired "shorted him by 10 minutes."Police say their investigation also led to the arrests of two women believed to be prostitutes contacted by Pipher through a website. Pipher is scheduled to be arraigned in Maine District Court in Biddeford next week. Telephone calls to numbers listed for him in Portsmouth, N.H., have gone unanswered.

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