Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mom Passed Drugs to Son in Jailhouse Lip lock-, Couple snapped having sex in clothes shop and Pee patrols

Mom Passed Drugs to Son in Jailhouse Lip lock-, Couple snapped having sex in clothes shop and Pee patrols

Top Five Weird, Funny & sexy News stories of Feb.07, 2013 in reverses order.......

Top 5-Thief called victim to get PIN number-How stupid

SABADELL, Spain, Feb. 7 (UPI) -- Spanish police said they arrested a suspected wallet thief who allegedly called his victim to ask for his credit card personal identification number. Investigators said the suspect, identified as Joan Carles M.M., 28, of Sabadell,
tried to guess the number too many times after stealing the Solsona man's wallet in December and ended up with a block on the card, ThinkSpain reported Thursday. The man then used the information from the victim's wallet to call the card's owner and posed as a Visa customer service representative. He asked for the man's PIN and was given the correct code, but the card would no longer work due to his previous attempts.

Top 4-Fake eye pops out during assault trial -Surprise


A judge declared a mistrial in a Philadelphia courtroom Wednesday when an alleged assault victim's prosthetic eye popped out while he was testifying and startled jurors. John Huttick, 48, was sitting on the witness stand crying about the loss of his left eye that happened when he allegedly tried to break up a bar fight in August 2011, when the fake eye popped out and he caught it in his hand, reported the Philadelphia Inquirer. The jurors gasped. Matthew Brunelli, 23, is alleged to have punched Huttick in the eye with a car key between his fingers. Defence lawyer Eileen Hurley alleges Brunelli didn't use a weapon and was acting in self-defence.

Top 3-Pee patrols' to clean up Carnival


RIO DE JANEIRO - Rio de Janeiro has in recent years evicted drug dealers from hillside slums, carved fast-moving bus lanes into sclerotic streets, and cracked down on unauthorized food vendors along the city’s 58 miles (93 km) of beaches. Now, as they gear up for the 2013 Carnival, officials are taking aim at another old Rio scourge: public urinating. Urine flows as freely during Rio’s famous annual festivities as beer and the cane liquor known as cachaça. For as long as locals remember, the sight of people relieving themselves - and the stench of their steamy puddles - has been as much a part of Carnival as half-naked women, samba schools, drag queens, body paint, and drunk and sun-burned foreigners.
But Rio, Brazil’s second-largest city and its most popular tourist destination, now wants to stop the peeing. To sanitize some of the revelry, officially starting on Friday, city hall has deployed thousands of agents to spot and detain offenders. It’s a dry run, if you will, before Rio hosts World Cup soccer matches next year and the 2016 Olympics - events that are also expected to inspire celebration.

Top 2-Mom Passed Drugs to Son in Jailhouse Lip lock-Cool idea


FEBRUARY 6--You know your mother loves you when she is willing to smuggle Oxycodone into the jail where you are incarcerated. Especially when she passes. you the pills via an open-mouthed kiss. That is what investigators allege transpired last Tuesday when Kimberly Margeson, 54, visited her offspring in an upstate New York lockup. Margeson’s son, William Partridge, 30, was being held following a weapons arrest. According to a Yates County Sheriff’s Department report, Margeson put the Oxycodone pills “into her mouth and brought them into the jail when she visited her son.” She then passed two pills “from her mouth to her sons mouth when she kissed him. ”Deputies did not indicate whether tongue was involved in the transfer of the two painkiller pills, which were apparently intended for Partridge’s personal use and not resale. Margeson was arrested and charged with a felony drug count. She and Partridge were also each hit with a misdemeanor count of promoting prison contraband. The pair is pictured in the above mug shots.

Top 1-Couple snapped having sex in French clothes shop-Nice place for action


A couple have been caught having sex in a French clothes store - by Google Street View cameras. The pair were seemingly enjoying a steamy session in a changing cubicle when they were snapped. The last thing they would have imagined is their picture being
Naked couple caught having sex Google Street View in a French shop

posted online for the world to see. But Google is now taking pictures INSIDE business premises - and these two were literally caught with their pants down. The hilarious image was taken at the Krakatoa sports store in the French ski resort of Briançon. But Google has toned it down by blurring out the pair's naked legs and underwear round the ankles


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