Hamster Stops Royal Brunei flight

The fate of the hamster remains unknown.
LOL- Ready for Napping Prize
An unemployed security guard from Ecuador is now $1,000 euros ($1,430) richer and slightly more refreshed after winning the first Siesta Championship.The contest, organized by the National Association of Friends of the Siesta to promote the national tradition of taking a nap in the afternoon, was held in a busy shopping centre in Madrid reports British paper The Telegraph.More than three hundred contestants were given 20 minutes to lie down on a sofa in an attempt to sleep the longest during that time. A doctor was on hand to monitor how long they were actually sleeping.Sixty-two-year-old Pedro Soria Lopez said having a big lunch helped him fall into a deep snooze, which got extra points because he also snored at 70 decibels (the same as someone talking loudly). Contestants were also given extra points for original sleeping positions and choice of napping apparel.
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