However doubts have been raised about the idea, with Naser Khader, a member of the Danish parliament and founder of the Moderate Muslims movement, say it wouldn't work."A pair of naked breasts is no protection against extremism," Khader wrote on his Facebook page."It's quite the opposite, fundamentalists are so obsessed with sex that they will be pouring in over the borders."
Mr Skaarup said that a similar documentary in Holland showed bare breasts, and that Denmark should follow their example.
Stupid LOL-Man called 911 Operators looking for Pot
Victoria, B.C., police say a man called 911 Monday night asking the operator if he could buy some weed.The operator told police the man seemed extremely intoxicated and sounded confused. After a few minutes of rambling, the man hung up.Police responded to the home where the call originated just before Tuesday. The man who answered the door was home alone and sober, but said he had some friends over earlier and they had just left.Officers checked the home, but did not find anything amiss."With everything in order the officers thanked the man for his co-operation and carried on mindful that there was an intoxicated but potential marijuana buyer still on the loose out there," police said.
Strange thieves-Love to take dip in victims pools
A gang of thieves are getting themselves in hot water – by relaxing in the jacuzzi when they are burgling people’s homes.They even left behind an unusual clue after one cheeky raid: two pairs of wet underpants.The gang bathed under the moonlight in an outdoor jacuzzi during their latest burglary when they swiped £3,500 worth of property from a home including a 42in TV.Victims Ashley and Cherie Deakin and their son, Nathaniel, 16, were asleep upstairs when the hot tub gang broke in.Cherie, 40, from Oswaldtwistle, Lancs, said: “We have been shocked at how cheeky it is. It’s bizarre.
“Maybe these people think it is the only way they can get their kicks. Some people go sky diving while others break into back gardens to use other people’s hot tubs.
“Luckily we had moved the Christmas presents and put them away in a safe place but we are really shaken up.”
It is thought to be the gang’s third burglary and Lancs police said an investigation was under way.
Strong women-71-year-old woman knocked a man who attacked her unconscious with her frying pan
More weird news Woman, 71, beats down attacker with frying pan Cops: Stolen booty under security firm owner's tree Police say man's car was bar on wheels Baby preacher is Web sensation On Facebook, headlines we can't run here, and more Funderburk was jailed on $55,200 bond on suspicion of attempted rape, aggravated battery, criminal restraint and criminal damage to property. He was wearing a neck brace when he made his first appearance Tuesday in court.The Hutchinson News reported that the woman was injured, but Moore did not release how serious her injuries were.