'I made the kennel a bit bigger and put padding on the walls to keep out the cold but it's below freezing every night - she is trying to kill me off.’ But his wife Maria, 43, who still in the house with her two children said: ‘Fixing up the kennel is the first work he's done in 10 years – his boozing has made our family’s life a misery until now and it's about time he woke up and experienced some of the consequences
TAIPEI - A one-time military brothel on a former flashpoint island is set to welcome guests of a different kind after Taiwanese tourist bosses re-opened it as a museum.The brothel, which has been given the euphemistic name "Special Tea House Museum" by the organizers, was originally established to entertain officers and soldiers stationed on Kinmen, a fortified island just off the Chinese coastKinmen National Park told AFP. The museum features photos and posters from the brothel's busy heyday, and displays examples of the tickets the soldiers had to buy before queuing up to wait their turn. At the height of the Cold War in Asia , about 100,000 Taiwanese soldiers were stationed on Kinmen, with 11 officially sanctioned brothels catering for their needs.

Find your Web Address-100,000 Internet addresses tattooed on body
Over the next year, 29-year-old Montrealer Patrick Vaillancourt will have over 100,000 Internet addresses tattooed on his body. People who want their addresses included can go to www.back2thelight.com. (HO) Patrick Vaillancourt wanted to break a world record, but this one will stay with him forever. Over the next year, the 29-year-old from Montreal will have over 100,000 Internet addresses tattooed on his body. "I woke up one morning and just felt like taking up the challenge," Vaillancourt said. "I'm not an athlete and I can't run like a gazelle, but I do have the guts to get tattooed." Businesses are donating money to Vaillancourt to have their addresses included in the project, and all proceeds are being donated to CARE Canada, an international aid agency. "I want to break a Guinness World Record, but more importantly, I want to help others. And this is my way of doing so," he said. Twitter and Facebook page profiles are also eligible to
Man moves into egg home to save money on rent