Man return home find NAKED woman in his shower, Man trying to eat dog and Bras can hold weapons
Controversial -Health unit's sex superheroes prowling bars
Unlucky-Father kills intruder, learns it's his son
Really-Bras can hold weapons, cop's trial told
Crazy-Man was trying to eat dog alive: Witnesses
Surprise-Man returning home find NAKED woman using his shower (video)
Controversial -Health unit's sex superheroes prowling bars
LONDON, Ont. - Sex superheroes Captain Condom and Wonder Vag, characters from a controversial online game created by an Ontario health unit, are now live action. And bar-hopping. The two main characters in the Middlesex London Health Unit’s online game, Adventures in Sex City, are now coming to life at downtown London, Ont., bars, handing out condoms, talking to patrons about preventing sexually transmitted infections and promoting safe sex. The pair started their prowls last weekend and were a hit, a health unit spokesperson said Friday.
Captain Condom and Wonder Vag are members of the Sex Squad, characters in the sexual health question and answer game aimed at young people. The game was designed by the Middlesex London Health Unit. Despite being banned from local Catholic school classrooms, the original Adventures in Sex City game garnered international attention when it was launched in 2010. A sequel was released this year.
Unlucky-Father kills intruder, learns it's his son
A 15-year-old Connecticut boy is dead after his father unknowingly shot him dead. At around 1 a.m. Thursday, a woman in New Fairfield, Conn., heard an intruder break into her home and called her brother, Jeffrey Giuliano, who lives next door, the Danbury News-Times newspaper reported. Giuliano arrived with a handgun and confronted the all-black-clad intruder who was wearing a ski mask, the newspaper reported. The
intruder lunged and Giuliano shot and killed him. Police say the intruder was holding a weapon. But after the intruder's ski mask was removed, Giuliano realized the intruder was his adopted son, Tyler Giuliano. Jeffrey Giuliano is a Grade 5 schoolteacher. New Fairfield First Selectman John Hodge told the News-Times the community hopes police can determine what happened. "Everybody is just shaking their heads over it," he said. "We're hoping the police can get to the bottom of it." New Fairfield is a town near the New York-Connecticut border about 97 km southwest of Hartford.
Really-Bras can hold weapons, cop's trial told
OTTAWA — Female prisoners can turn the underwire of their brassiere into a weapon or hide a knife, razor blade or crackpipe in the cups, a constable testified Friday at the trial of an Ottawa police officer. The fact the woman Sgt. Steven Desjourdy is accused of sexually assaulting started kicking an officer before her upper body was searched over her clothes, made him think she had something hidden there, Special Const. Michael Bednarek testified. "We've seen it before when someone becomes active resistant," he said. "They'll twist away, they'll turn, trying to get you to not search that area."
Desjourdy has pleaded not guilty to a charge of sexual assault after he allegedly cut the back of the woman's bra and shirt with scissors and left her topless in an Ottawa cell for hours in September 2008. But Bednarek said after the woman kicked a female special constable - who was too injured to continue the search - she was grounded facedown and had to be searched immediately. Officers are taught that people can suffocate while being held down, he said. The woman could not be safely placed in a cell without a search for potential weapons she could use to hurt herself or them, Bednarek said.
Crazy-Man was trying to eat dog alive: Witnesses
PEMBROKE, Ont. -- Witnesses allege the man who viciously attacked a dog on a downtown street early Wednesday was trying to eat the animal alive. Police confirmed Thursday that a young man has been apprehended, as details about the bizarre case began emerging some 24 hours after rumours of the heinous incident shocked the community. Police admitted the man, who was not identified, to the Pembroke Regional Hospital, under provisions of the Mental Health Act.
The dog, described as a female pit bill, suffered non-life-threatening injuries and remains in the care of animal control. While authorities are saying little, eyewitnesses are recounting a terrifying scene in the early morning hours of Wednesday at the intersection of Pembroke Street West and Christie Street. A woman living nearby said she and her husband were awakened by the mournful howls of an animal in distress. Looking out the front window, the couple saw a man wearing only a pair of boxer shorts and lying on top of a dog. She said she raced outside and saw the man biting the dog's back and head.
Surprise-Man returning home find NAKED woman using his shower
A man who returned home to find a naked woman greeting him at his front door says she was homeless and caught in the act of using his shower. Randy Kizer said he was walking up to his front steps in Sacramento, California on Tuesday when 24-year-old Jennifer Burgess exited his front door, hair wet and wearing his son's army green bathrobe.'She answers my front door and she goes, "I can explain,' Mr Kizer told Fox40. Mr Kizer said he didn't dare follow the woman inside his home when she asked to go

change - which he said he eagerly hoped she would do - instead fearing there could be more intruders inside.'I go, "Are you homeless?" and she goes, "Yeah,"' Mr Kizer mimicked the young woman with a hesitant voice.

change - which he said he eagerly hoped she would do - instead fearing there could be more intruders inside.'I go, "Are you homeless?" and she goes, "Yeah,"' Mr Kizer mimicked the young woman with a hesitant voice.
Later showing a CBS news reporter around the bathroom she used, including the camouflage-coloured bath robe and a bar of soap, he said: 'It was like I was intruding into her home, not the other way around.' After allowing the woman to return from dressing, Mr Kizer said he noticed she had pockets that appeared quite swollen on her.With police at the scene cuffing Burgees, they discovered she had planned to walk away with a bit more than some wet hair