The gruesome groom, 36, was then told: ‘You may eat the bride.’ Guests wore creepy costumes for the ceremony in Worcester , which included the couples' six-year-old son William, who was dressed up as a zombie best man. Mrs Monaghan, 29, said: I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it’s our fairytale wedding.
Khalid's father Juma -- who lives in the city of Homs, some 100 miles north of Damascus -- told the paper that his son asked for his fellow kindergartner's hand in marriage "of his own free will," after a brief holiday romance. Both families are now reportedly preparing for the ceremony, which will take place in a decade, when Khalid is 15 and Hala 13. Such a ceremony would still be against Syrian law, which states the minimum age for marriage is 17 for women and 18 for men. The young couple apparently first met while their families were vacationing in the port city of Latakia . "He was so love-sick after parting from his young girlfriend that he refused to go back to his nursery unless little Hala came too," Juma said. When his wife contacted Hala's family, she was surprised to discover that their little girl was "developing similar symptoms of loneliness, and the family would be happy to see them engaged." Whether the kids willingly committed to each other for life -- or even understood the concept of marriage -- is doubtful. And the timing of the announcement conveniently chimes with a pledge Juma made during his wife's "complicated pregnancy" with their only child. "I vowed to have my child engaged at the age of 5 if he was a boy and to marry him to women of his choice at the age of 15," he said, adding that he has agreed to pay for Hala's education.
Mozilla generously rewarded 12 years old with a check for $3,000
Alex, who's 12 and lives in San Jose , Calif. , spent 15 hours over the course of 10 days searching for a security flaw in the newest version of Firefox. And, he found it. In return, Mozilla generously rewarded him with a check for $3,000. Do you have any idea how many Silly Bandz you can buy with $3,000 or girls you can take to a Justin Bieber concert? Or other stuff that 12-year-olds are into these days? Insanity.That means Alex earned $200 per hour for this endeavor. Now if you'll excuse us, we're going to go cry into our Apple Jacks. Like a real 12-year-old would.