Nude and full moon grape harvesting, broken penis injury and teenager put up for sale for £2.50 Job
Here is Top 5 Weird, Funny & sexy News of Dec 19, 2012 in reverse order.......
Top 5-Woman's Dead Husband Divorced Her 8 Years Ago -- And She Had No Idea
It's hard when you lose your spouse after more than 30 years of marriage. For New York City woman Vivian Pitt Dowers, however, that marriage was a lot shorter than she realized. Eight years shorter. Because her husband had divorced her in 2002, and she had

no idea when this happen. What's worse, the divorce was going to cut her out of his $44,000 life-insurance payout and his pension. Seventy-five-year-old Vivian Dowers had to get a lawyer to help her fight David's older children to keep the estate of her late supposed-husband. But how could she be divorced and not even know it?
no idea when this happen. What's worse, the divorce was going to cut her out of his $44,000 life-insurance payout and his pension. Seventy-five-year-old Vivian Dowers had to get a lawyer to help her fight David's older children to keep the estate of her late supposed-husband. But how could she be divorced and not even know it?
Video appears to show eagle snatching kid in Montreal –Very nice shot
MONTREAL - Did an eagle really lift a toddler off the ground on Montreal's Mount Royal? That's what a YouTube video, uploaded Tuesday evening, and appears to show. The large bird is seen hovering in the sky over Montreal for a few seconds before it swoops down on the child while a man stands nearby.
Dance the night away in a LED remote skirt-very nice and hot skirt
Dance the night away in a LED skirt Shine on the Dance Floor with Remote-Controlled LED Club Clothes.
Job-hunting teenager put up for sale for £2.50
A teen jobseeker is so desperate for work he has advertised himself in the For Sale column of a newspaper. Jack Hill has given himself the bargain price tag of £2.50 for any employer willing to give him an unpaid trial. The 18-year-old said he took the drastic step after applying for more than 10 jobs a week and getting nowhere. Taking out the free ad in local paper the Evening Gazette, he told would-be employers: “Apprentice mechanic, young, keen and reliable 18-year-old with full-time welding experience. "Currently studying motor vehicle maintenance and repair. Looking for apprenticeship or training. Willing to do free trial.” It was published alongside the usual ads for toys, prams, cots, keep-fit equipment and second-hand bikes.
Jack lives in Middlesbrough, which has the third highest unemployment rate in the country. And he said: “It is very hard to get a job at present in this region with unemployment being so high. “I have had a welding apprenticeship and am a fully qualified welder. But I really want to be a car mechanic. “I have been trying everything to get an apprenticeship as a motor vehicle technician, making at least 10 applications a week. “So I thought why not advertise myself and put myself out there?”Jack is studying vehicle maintenance and repairs at college part-time while looking for work as far afield as Newcastle and York.
Broken penis: MMA fighter Ray Elbe discusses "most unimaginable" injury ever
Mixed martial arts fighters are used to dealing with pain, but for former Ultimate Fighter hopeful Ray Elbe, he had no choice but to tap out to the most painful experience of his life after breaking his penis. Elbe had previously come close to making a name for himself in the UFC's reality TV show, The Ultimate Fighter, but lost out in the preliminary bouts to decide the season's housemates in 2009. Unfortunately for him, Elbe has now hit the headlines for rather less pleasant reasons, after sustaining a broken penis while having sex with his girlfriend while in Malaysia on December 3. Incredibly, Elbe has not only gone public with the painful and harrowing story, he's taken to YouTube to give a first-hand account of his injury. In a self-posted video that is not recommended for those with a delicate disposition, Elbe explained - in surprisingly matter-of-fact tone - what happened. “I was having intercourse with my girlfriend... and ended up breaking - fracturing - my penis bone. It's actually possible guys." He revealed the injury caused intense bleeding and led to him passing out from the pain. He was rushed to hospital for emergency surgery which, thankfully for Elbe, was declared a success. “The doctor expects a full recovery... keeping it safe doesn't mean just wearing a condom! “On his personal blog, Elbe also explained why he went public with his injury. “The biggest problem people suffering from this medical emergency encounter are not immediately seeking medical attention, usually due to the same emotions I initially felt about the accident," Elbe explained.
Nude and full moon grape harvesting-Nice tradition
ECCENTRIC Queensland winemaker Mike Hayes will harvest some of his grapes in the nude during a full moon to revive an ancient winemaking ritual. Mr. Hayes, 48, from Symphony Hill Wines on the Granite Belt, said he was studying 4000-year-old winemaking techniques as part of a Churchill Fellowship. He said the first records of
naked harvesting and naked crushing of the fruit with bare feet came from Georgia, an independent state of the former Soviet Union and the birthplace of winemaking. "I don't know if it will work, but I'm certainly going to give it a shot," he said. "The ancients believed the moon drew energy from the grapes and goodness from the soil - just as the moon pulls the tides." However, many cultures study the lunar cycles and engage in all kinds of mystical rites before harvest. Hayes says there is certain logic to bare-cheek winemaking. "Clothing made from animal hides would no doubt contain bacteria that would taint the winemaking process. “He said the bible also records Noah running naked through a vineyard. Hayes will begin by harvesting gewürztraminer, an aromatic white variety in March, and follow up in April with a nude harvest of his nebbiolo, the Italian red blockbuster.
naked harvesting and naked crushing of the fruit with bare feet came from Georgia, an independent state of the former Soviet Union and the birthplace of winemaking. "I don't know if it will work, but I'm certainly going to give it a shot," he said. "The ancients believed the moon drew energy from the grapes and goodness from the soil - just as the moon pulls the tides." However, many cultures study the lunar cycles and engage in all kinds of mystical rites before harvest. Hayes says there is certain logic to bare-cheek winemaking. "Clothing made from animal hides would no doubt contain bacteria that would taint the winemaking process. “He said the bible also records Noah running naked through a vineyard. Hayes will begin by harvesting gewürztraminer, an aromatic white variety in March, and follow up in April with a nude harvest of his nebbiolo, the Italian red blockbuster.