Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bad-Woman charged after daughter hit with car

A heated argument between a mother and her 19-year-old daughter in a Wal-Mart parking lot in Ohio ended with the younger woman being run over by a car, police say.Emily Touma, 19, and her mother Michelle, 41, were arguing in an SUV last week when, according to surveillance footage, the girl got out of the car and smacked the vehicle on the hood. That's when the mom appeared to accelerate forward and hit the teen with the side of the SUV, knocking her down and running over her foot. Police told Toledo ABC TV station the mother was trying to drive close enough to her daughter to hit her in the face with her hand, but got too close.The daughter was treated at hospital and released.
The mother has been charged with aggravated vehicular assault and domestic violence.

 Why-Lottery winner still collecting food stamps

Sad-Darwin pub thief turns himself in after seeing his bum crack on CCTV footage

bum crack robber NT

A MAN who broke into a Darwin pub handed himself into police after recognising his bum crack in security camera footage. Labourer Leslie Clarke, 29, did not remember breaking into the Hidden Valley Tavern during a drunken spree until he recognised himself walking around showing a generous "plumber's smile" in CCTV footage released to the media.Clarke cracked his own case when he sheepishly went to a police station and told them he thought he was in the footage.In Darwin Magistrates Court yesterday he pleaded guilty to breaking into the pub and stealing $240 worth of grog. Clarke's lawyer Michael Burrows said he was "ashamed and embarrassed," by his actions

LOL-Quebec police seize 3,000 counterfeit hubcaps

QUEBEC CITY -- Police in Quebec City have seized more than 3,000 counterfeit hubcaps.
The RCMP announced Wednesday officers searched an auto parts business and two warehouses to find the fake hubcaps, which had well-known trademarks on them such as Cadillac, Audi, BMW, Volkswagen and GM.
Four men were arrested and charges are pending, police sai

Wow-First driver’s license suspension in Venezuela

 CARACAS - Car-friendly Venezuela, where gasoline is almost free and troublesome highway rules rarely imposed, has suspended a bus driver from the roads for a year in the first case of a suspended license in the OPEC nation.
Police stopped Ramon Parra, 41, for driving at excessive speed in a large, overladen passenger bus that was missing one of its rear wheels. The bus was packed with more passengers than legally permitted and one of its six wheels was wedged in an aisle inside, national police Chief Luis Fernandez told reporters.

Nice-Scientists closer to inventing mind-reading machine

Brain 450 (Pic:RexFeatures)

SCIENTISTS are closer to inventing a “mind reading machine” after decoding the brain signals that make mental images in Glasgow.



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