Friday, May 13, 2011

Huge-I've got the Biggest Breasts in the world, and they're still growing (video)

Chelsea Charms and her staggering 164XXX breasts

Chelsea Charms proudly claims to have the world's biggest breasts - a staggering 164XXX cup - and she says they are still growing at a rate of one inch a month. At just 5ft 3, Chelsea Charms has earned thousands of dollars from performing as an exotic dancer.Appearing on ITV's This Morning Chelsea explained how she went from naturally being a D cup to her current gargantuan size. Her first operation was at 20 to a DD cup, the second operation was a year later and went up to a HH cup, and Chelsea's third op called Polypropylene String Breast Implants - has now been banned.
She said: 'It's basically a cord and it pumps fluid in the breast pocket. The string implants irritate the breast pocket which, in turn, promotes the production of fluid.' The fluid is absorbed by the implant, resulting in continuous, gradual growth of the breasts.

Strange-Porn star Sexy Cora's gravestone 'too sexy', say cemetery officials

Sexy Cora porn star gravestone marble angel
The 23-year-old deceased star of German Big Brother - whose real name is Carolin Wosnitza - was buried in Hamburg's Ohlsdorf Cemetery following her untimely death in January when she slipped into a coma after complications during a breast op.Her angel-shaped £15,000 gravestone is no ordinary fare, with flowers and photos - including one or two of the more raunchy variety - adorning her last resting place, along with the distinctive statue. However, it has upset cemetery officials who claim it 'breaches guidelines' and must be removed immediately.

Idiot-Man dials 911 for Beer

Out of beer? It may be an emergency for some, but don't dial 911.
A Bridgeport, Connecticut man learned the hard way after ringing the emergency line three times Sunday, and asking paramedics who responded to his home if they could buy him beer.Police charged Raymond Roberge, 65, with misuse of the emergency system. The Connecticut Post reported the man has called 911 with false alarms about 80 times.

Idea-Cost-cutting U.K. government to sell its best wines

Britain’s cost-cutting government plans to sell off some of its stock of fine wines to pay for cheaper bottles that will be offered to visiting dignitaries. The move would save the taxpayer nearly 500,000 pounds ($812,700) by 2015, the foreign office said, defending its decision to maintain a wine cellar in these straitened times. The wine in the cellar, located in the basement of the Lancaster House mansion in central London, has an estimated total value of around 2 million pounds

Wow-The world's most useless machine version 2.0

The world’s most useless machine, which is essentially a small electronic box that turns itself off whenever you try to turn it on, first made waves on the Internet a couple of years ago. It became so popular that companies began selling kits so the average person could enjoy all of the heart-pounding excitement at home.
Well, a hacker that goes by the name of Danukeru has created version 2.0, and it’s more useless than ever. The difference is that this box won’t endure your insolence forever.


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