Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Weird-After Baby Gaga Breast Milk Ice Cream, Now Human Breast Milk Cheese

New York artist Miriam Simun and here breast milk cheese
What-more-breast-milk-ice-cream-goes-on sale

The Lady Cheese Shop is a temporary installation by the New York University graduate and according to the artist is aimed at raising questions about the ethics of modern biotechnologies. Ms Simun said she found three women willing to volunteer their breast milk and after screening the milk for diseases and learning the basics of cheese making turned it into cheese.
The artist said she hoped her cheese would highlight the way the human body works and admitted people were split into two very distinctive camps over her installation. ‘Cheese is the conversation starter,’ she said. ‘Some people love it, and some people are gagging.’
Ms Simun’s art piece comes only weeks after an ice cream parlour in central London came under fire for selling breast milk ice cream.
US pop star Lady Gaga threatened to sue Icecreamists in Covent Garden after the Baby Gaga ice cream was confiscated by Westminster council over fears it could lead to viruses such as hepatitis being spread.

Curious-Teens ask: ‘Who is Osama bin Laden?’ Yahoo

Carolyn Clark, Yahoo spokeswoman.Teens who was tots during 9/11 wants to know: Who is this Osama bin Laden guy, anyway?
According to Yahoo, searches for “Osama bin Laden” spiked by nearly 100% on Sunday, with 25% of those searches coming from people under 24. The spike came after U.S. President Barack Obama announced that U.S. forces had killed the al-Qaida leader, who masterminded the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the U.S.The fifth most popular related search was “Who is Osama bin Laden?” Teens between 13 and 17 made up 66% of that search.The age statistics don’t reflect all searches, however. Carolyn Clark, Yahoo's consumer communications manager and search trends program lead explained how they came up with the numbers.

Wow-Woman calls police to fix her kettle

A WOMAN rang 999 to ask police to fix her KETTLE.She was one of 1,000 time-wasters who called operators in South Wales last year.
A police spokesman said: “We’ve had some daft calls but this takes the biscuit.” Others included people asking directions to the royal wedding and some inquiring if they were a missing person.

Why-Now a Nude Marathoner

Be advised that if you’re planning on running a marathon in Cincinnati in the nude, you’re going to be Tasered and arrested. That’s just how life works.Thirty-five-year-old Brett Henderson of St. Paris in western Ohio faces charges of public indecency and obstructing official business. Police tell media outlets he refused to stop running during Sunday morning’s Flying Pig Marathon, so they halted him with a stun gun.
Henderson’s mother Lee said Monday that he had borrowed a pair of running shorts from his father, but they kept slipping down as he ran. She says he kept running without shorts because he was determined to complete the race he had trained for.

Strange-Woman gives birth at DUI checkpoint (video)

LOL-Pippa Middleton's bum: Watch funny Royal Wedding music (video)

Pippa Middleton's bottom is set to become a massive YouTube hit after jokers posted this cheeky music mash-up on the internet. Set to the song Shake Ya Ass by Mystikal, the video highlight's Pippa's best bottom moments from the Royal Wedding.

Action-Kung fu air hostesses showcase deadly moves

Hong Kong Airline's flight staff learning Kung Fu (Picture: CEN)

The stewardesses are taking classes in deadly Wing Chun, which teaches students how to knock an aggressor out cold within seconds.
Airline bosses say their flight attendants have to deal with at least three cases a week where amorous drunks try to paw them.Instructor Sifu Lu Heng said: 'It is for their own safety and the safety of other passengers that they learn how to defend themselves. This kung fu works best at very close range so it is ideal for a plane.'New recruit Lumpy Tang, 22, said she never imagined it would be part of the job.
'We were surprised in the beginning, but after a few lessons we really liked wing chun,' Tang told the Sunday Morning Post.
Two weeks ago a crew member used her new-found fitness on a flight from Beijing to Hong Kong.


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