Lazy-Man saws off foot to avoid work
Mistake-Prince Harry's face printed on William and Kate royal wedding souvenir mug
Why-Woman kills self during Facebook chats
Doctor accused of a string of sexual encounters as therapy at his surgery
A nurse failed to recognise a patient was dead and left other with her breasts exposed
Mistake-Prince Harry's face printed on William and Kate royal wedding souvenir mug
If you thought some of the royal souvenirs doing the rounds last year were tacky then take a look at this embarrassing design fail depicted on fine bone English china.
They are one of the most recognisable couples in the world but that didn't stop one company placing a picture of Prince Harry next to his brother's wife Kate Middleton by mistake on the commemorative mugs. The mug, produced in China , includes the hopeful message: ‘The body of a man, the beauty of a woman, may they produce children.’
They are being sold for £10.99 online with a sycophantic accompanying sales pitch.'Please join with us in celebrating the greatest wedding the world has ever witnessed, when Lady Kate, beautiful and gracious in her glorious dress, bejewelled and lovely, took the hand of her William Windsor, recorded on television for future generations, for all eternity,' it reads.
The wedding was one of the most popular TV events last year being watched by 24.5million people around the UK .
Pictures of the mug have gone viral on micro-blogging site Twitter, with one user commenting: 'I've found my birthday present! Beautiful Royal anniversary mug - great pics, wise words, and just one brilliant error.'
Lazy-Man saws off foot to avoid work
Wow-China's pandas brew over $200 a cup

An Yanshi, an entrepreneur in southwest China , grows the tea in mountainous Ya’an in Sichuan province using tonnes of excrement from panda bears living at nearby breeding centres.
The first batch of panda dung tea will be sold in lots of 50 grams that will cost some 22,000 yuan ($3,500) each, a price An said makes it the world’s most expensive tea. Most people use about 3 grams of tea per cup. An defended the steep price, saying he would channel profits from the initial batches into an environmental fund. Future batches would be cheaper, he added.

I thank heaven and earth for blessing us with this environmental panda tea,” the 41-year-old former teacher and journalist said at a weekend event to promote the tea.
I just want to convey to the people of the world the message of turning waste into something useful, and the culture of recycling and using organic fertilisers.”
Dressed in a panda suit to promote his tea, An invited a dozen or so guests to help hand-pick the first batch of tea at his plantation at the weekend.
The fertilizer made the tea a health boon, An said, because pandas only eat wild bamboo and absorb only a fraction of the nutrients in their food.
And pandas make plenty of fertilizer.
Why-Woman kills self during Facebook chats
A Taiwanese woman killed herself while talking to friends on Facebook and police say none of her friends called the cops, even though they all knew what she was doing.
Claire Lin, 31, told friends her room was filling with fumes, suffocating her, the Daily Mail newspaper reports.
"Too late. My room is filled with fumes. I just posted another picture. Even while I'm dying, I still want FB (Facebook). Must be FB poison. Haha," she wrote in her last post of the 67-minute conversation. The paper reported Lin was upset because her boyfriend didn't come home for her birthday. Her boyfriend found Lin's body the next morning.
Police said they discovered Lin had been talking to nine friends on March 18, her birthday, but none of them called police when she posted a photo of a burning charcoal barbecue.
One friend wrote to her, "Be calm, open the window, put out the charcoal fire, please, I beg you."
Strange-A nurse failed to recognise a patient was dead and left other with her breasts exposed
A nurse failed to recognise a patient was dead and left another patient sitting with her breasts exposed, a hearing has heard. Jean Ndubeze is accused of making numerous blunders while working as a nurse at Hackney's Hometown Hospital in east London . She allegedly said that a pain relief drug was 'very addictive' and failed to notice or respond when ventilator and monitor alarms were activated, the Nursing and Midwifery Council panel was told. Ndubeze, who worked at the hospital between March 2007 and July 2008, is also charged with making mistakes in clinical practice, including problems inserting catheters and repeated failures to carry out blood pressure checks before administering drugs. Describing the incident involving the dead patient on May 18, 2007 , Sister Verl Vine told the panel: ‘How much poorer can a nurse’s observational skills be?‘I was very shocked she was unable to detect that this patient was in fact dead.’Alex Mills, for the NMC, asked Ms Vine how Ndubeze reacted when she was told the patient was dead.
Ms Vine replied: "She, Ndubeze, said 'nobody tells me anything so how am I supposed to know this?’” ‘She unfortunately wasn’t very pleased with me. I had that glaring look off her which suggested she wasn’t very happy.’Ms Verl said in ITU there were obvious signs to indicate a patient had died, including a sheet covering them from head to toe and the absence of a nurse.
Monitors were switched off, added Ms Verl, and the curtains often drawn. Alex Mills, for the NMC, asked: ‘If a patient is in ITU and alive, would you ever cover their head?’
‘No,’ replied Ms Vine. He continued: ‘If a patient was being treated in ITU and they were alive, would they ever have no monitors at all?’
How-Doctor accused of a string of sexual encounters as therapy at his surgery
A family doctor had illicit sex sessions with a troubled patient saying it was 'therapy' for her to deal with a childhood sexual abuse ordeal, a medical tribunal heard today.
Dr Kenneth Thompson, 68, had intercourse with the married mother during a string of sexual encounters at his surgery - claiming it would 'save her marriage', it was claimed.
The GP had earlier said he had studied to be a counsellor and a psychiatrist after the patient confided to him that she had been raped by various members of her family when she was a child.
But it was alleged Thompson then began molesting the woman during intimate examinations then had intercourse with her over a table - claiming it was a 'demonstration' of how she should have sex with her husband. The doctor also encouraged her to walk about the house naked and to bathe in front of her children and asked her to visit him wearing a white tennis skirt she had told him about, it was said.A General Medical council hearing in Manchester was told the woman known as EC was one of three patients who made complaints about Thompson's conduct at the surgery in Belfast between July 2003 and December 2005. EC said she initially went to see the GP in October 2003 because of pains in her stomach but during a subsequent consultation she told him of sexual abuse she suffered between the age of six and 15. She told him she was having trouble sleeping and had nightmares about the abuse she suffered. The patient also mentioned she had a very poor appetite.
Giving evidence via video link she told the hearing: 'It came up in a conversation between Dr Thompson about counselling and Dr Thompson claimed he had been a counsellor and he would counsel me for free to try and get over the stress of it. 'I told him about me being raped by my father, uncle, grandfather and when I was 12 and abused by my father’s friends as well.
'I couldn't perform with my husband in bed properly, I couldn't speak to him about it. I was very withdrawn with my husband and the thought of oral sex terrified me and still does.
'I think I had gone to talk to the doctor about my childhood. I can't remember why and he suggested counselling, private counselling on a Monday at in the surgery.
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