Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Time lapse pregnancy video goes viral and Saturdays Band show saucy photo

How-Teen gets stuck in trash chute chasing cellphone 

ATLANTA - A suburban U.S. teenager had to be rescued from an apartment complex trash chute after accidentally throwing away her cellphone and getting stuck when she tried to retrieve it, police said.
The 19-year-old woman from Atlanta, Georgia had ordered food from a fast food restaurant early Sunday and mistakenly dropped her cellphone in the food bag, said Dunwoody, Georgia police spokesman Tim Fecht.After she threw the bag into the trash chute at the apartment complex she realized her phone was missing. She got stuck as she reached for the bag, Fecht said.
Her friends called police, and fire fighters dislodged her within 10 minutes by moving a dumpster at the end of the chute and pulling her out, said Fech.

Why Saturdays Band show off their saucy Sport Relief photo

The band are supporting Sainsbury's Sport Relief Mile which takes place later this month.
Organisers are hoping that the socks, which are red with a white Union Jack pattern, will be snapped up by people taking part in the event which takes place over the weekend of March 23-25.
It is hoped the socks, priced at £2.50, will also appeal to those who want to support the good causes without breaking in to a sweat. Frankie Sandford, Mollie King, Vanessa White and Rochelle Wiseman look glamorous as they pose behind shuttered doors similar to what you would find at a leisure centre.
The door also hides eight-months pregnant Una Healy's ever-increasing bump.

Why-Toilet paper crisis in New Jersey 

A budget battle in New Jersey's capital city has some extremely unpleasant fallout, including a toilet paper shortage at police headquarters, fire stations, senior centres and municipal offices.
"It's serious right now," Lauren Ira, spokeswoman for the city administration of Trenton, said on Tuesday.
Supplies have been dwindling down to almost nothing in the months since a spending fight broke out among the City Council in November over a $42,000 spending request for a year's supply of paper products, including toilet paper.
Detective George Dzurkoc painted a desperate picture of conditions at police headquarters, where he said the men's rooms are completely bare and just a few rolls are left in the women's rooms.

Why Time lapse pregnancy video goes viral 


 The time-lapse video, entitled 'our little 9 month project', was uploaded less than a week ago and captures the months leading up to the birth of baby girl Amelie Amaya.

It begins with Amelie's mother looking toned and slim at the start of the pregnancy as her partner kneels down to place a loving kiss on her stomach.


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