Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kazakhs mistake Ricky Martin song for national anthem and Bikini parade world record (video)

Anger-Man Attacked Mom for Using His Taco Sauce and

See-Kazakhs mistake Ricky Martin song for national anthem

Idea-Town wants to grow pot to pay debt

Video-Bikini parade sets world record

Lesson-Man Facing Real Indecent Exposure Charges for His Fake Genitalia

Very Funny-Wedding march fails

Anger-Man Attacked Mom for Using His Taco Sauce

MARCH 7--Angered that his mother used his “salsa and taco sauce” without permission, a 23-year-old man allegedly assaulted the woman during a confrontation Monday night in their Florida residence, police allege. Christopher Phillips got into an argument with his mother Rebecca, 55, “because Rebecca used Christopher’s salsa and taco sauce on her dinner,” according to a Manatee County Sheriff’s Office report. After Phillips got in his mother’s face “screaming and yelling,” he allegedly “grabbed Rebecca in a head lock causing pain to her neck and breaking her eye glasses,” noted investigators. Phillips is pictured in the above mug shot.

Idea-Town wants to grow pot to pay debt

RASQUERA, Spain - A small town in north-eastern Spain, believes it has found a novel way to pay of its debt: cultivating cannabis. Tucked in the hills of one of Spain’s most picturesque regions, the Catalonian village of Rasquera has agreed to rent out land to grow marijuana, an enterprise the local authorities say will allow them to pay off their 1.3 million euro debt in two years. Local authorities are keeping the location of the site top secret while Spain’s attorney general investigates the legality of the project. The Catalan regional government has also asked the village for further information about the plan.

Spanish towns are swamped in debt after a decade-long construction boom that imploded in 2008. Almost one in four Spanish workers is jobless and many cities are months behind in salaries for street cleaners and other municipal employees. Spain’s central government is now forcing local authorities to tighten their belts even further as a euro zone debt crisis drags on, forcing greater fiscal austerity onto most countries using the single European currency.
The mayor of Rasquera, with 900 inhabitants, said the project will not only benefit locals, but also eliminate organised crime and the tax evasion associated with the cannabis industry thanks to government supervision.

See-Kazakhs mistake Ricky Martin song for national anthem

A KAZAKH public event descended into farce when organisers confused the national anthem for the Ricky Martin pop song "Livin' la Vida Loca."

Dignitaries were stood in solemn silence, hand on heart, awaiting a stirring rendition of Menin Qazaqstanim - My Kazakhstan - at the opening of a skiing event.

Very Funny-Wedding march fails

A bride loses her dress while walking up the isle

Here comes the bride… And there she goes again.
As far as embarrassing wedding moments go, this has to rate as infinitely more cringeworthy than a sloshed best man’s indiscreet speech or a mild seating etiquette faux pas.

A bride loses her dress while walking up the isle
With her bum on display as she scarpers away from this immense wedding foul up, this can hardly have been the bride’s plan for including something ‘blue’ in her wedding ceremony…
Making her way down the carpeted walkway to ‘Bittersweet Symphony’, the undated video above shows what is purported to be a soon-to-be blushing bride having every moment of her big day recorded by a group of photographers

Video-Bikini parade sets world record

Why-Man Facing Real Indecent Exposure Charges For Showing Women His Fake Genitalia

The 28-year-old Maryland resident is facing five criminal charges for exposing himself to several women around the campus of Anne Arundel Community College, according to police.
And by “himself,” cops are referring to the set of fake genitalia that Bovia allegedly showed female victims while he was seated in his Honda Accord. Police reported that when they collared Bovia--who was “acting suspicious” in a school parking lot--he “was in possession of fake genitalia.”During questioning last Friday, Bovia reportedly told cops that he flashed the phony junk on “several occasions” during the past few weeks. He was subsequently charged with two counts of disorderly conduct and three counts of indecent exposure (for the simulated act).

Video-Miss Seattle tweets she 'can't stand' her city


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