Friday, March 23, 2012

Teen and hot Star Prom Date and Now pot vending machine

How-Woman's Crazy Jury Duty Scheme Goes Bust

MARCH 22--A Colorado woman who schemed to get out of jury duty and then called into a talk radio program to brag about it is now behind bars after the judge whom she pulled the ruse on turned out to be listening to her on the show. According to an arrest warrant affidavit filed in Denver County Court, Judge Anne Mansfield was listening to a discussion of avoiding jury duty on the “Dave Logan Show” when a woman identifying herself as “Char from Denver” called in and told her story--one that clients of her hair styling business found so amusing that they “would cry we would laugh so hard.” The judge recalled a similar incident earlier in the year of a woman claiming mental illness and getting out of serving on a jury.

“Char from Denver” turned out to be Susan Cole, who said she was scheduled to serve jury duty in district court in June 2011 but felt “emotionally overcome” after falsely believing her roommate was in a motorcycle accident the day before and that she “had too many other activities coming up that she did not want to be involved in jury service.”

Interesting-Woman caught with record-breaking 180 packs of heroin in stomach

A woman has set a new drug-smuggling record after swallowing 180 pellets filled with heroin.
Bola Adebisi, 52, downed almost 5lbs of the killer drug before trying to get into the United States, authorities say.
Suspicions were aroused when she told airport staff that she had flown in to visit her brother but could not describe him or give his address.
A routine pat-down by customs officials at Dulles International Airport in Washington then found her stomach to be abnormally rigid and an X-ray is said to have revealed the stash, estimated to be worth £100,000.
It’s reported the Nigerian was taken to hospital and kept there until doctors confirmed she had passed all of the thumb-sized packs.
Christopher Hess, director of Customs and Border Patrol for Washington DC, said: “The amount of pellets and heroin this woman allegedly ingested is incredible, a serious health risk and very troubling if these numbers become the new norm.”
Adebisi had arrived on a flight from Ethiopia which also stopped in Rome.
Dulles’ previous record for heroin ­swallowed was 100 pellets, about 4lbs, by another Nigerian, a 46-year-old man who was caught last year.
Adebisi has been charged with drug-smuggling.

Why-School denies teen porn-star date for prom

An 18-year-old high school student from Minnesota who thought he had two porn actresses agree to go to his prom won't get to have his dream dates after all.

School officials have said the women would be denied entry to the school-sanctioned event because their appearances wouldn't be in the best interest of the school or its students.
And one of the actresses, Emy Reyes, said she thought the invitation was a joke.
On March 15 and 16, Mike Stone tweeted Reyes and a number of other porn stars hoping to find a date to his prom.
"I have my high school prom on May 12 and I


want to ask u to be my date," Stone tweeted at Reyes.
"I would love too," Reyes responded, but on Wednesday, said she didn't think the teen was serious.
  "To all of you that keep asking me about the prom thing, stop it. It's so stupid and annoying I'm no (sic) going anywhere with anybody," Reyes wrote. "I took it as a simple joke don't understand why people are making a big deal out of it." But another porn star, Megan Piper, is keen to go.
"If you can get me there, then yes," she responded to Stone.
When she heard she wouldn't be allowed into the prom, Piper started a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #Porn4Prom.
"Why shouldn't I be allowed to go again? How would me going not be in the school's best interest?" she asked.
On Thursday, Stone said he knows Piper can't attend the prom because "the school won't let her in the dance."
But he also added he's "already making a Plan B" for the big night.

Wow-Now Club installs pot vending machine

A New Zealand cannabis club has installed a vending machine to dispense pot in hopes members won't be charged with dealing drugs.
The owner of the Daktory, 61-year-old Dakta Green, is currently in prison for drug offences, but the club re-opened after his sentencing last June, the website reports.
The vending machine has been a hit with patrons.

"What (a) bloody good idea. Let's see them take that to court," one person wrote on the club's Facebook wall.
"At first I thought it was fake cannabis in the machine, but guess what? It's the real deal. So how the hell do they get away with this? Doesn't matter. They need to make more places like this. So sick of scoring off gang bangers," another person wrote. Patrons said the club is mostly considered a legal bring-your-own-pot place to smoke up.
 Bad-Girlfriend killed for becoming pregnant

A British man has been sentenced to life in prison for killing his girlfriend, a mother of nine, because she was pregnant again.

The body of Shauna Lee, 36, has never been found. Court was told she was carrying twins at the time of her murder, the Coventry Telegraph reported.
West Midlands Police said Karl Burman, 24, was dating Lee when she went missing on Nov. 9, 2010. Her family reported her missing in December.
In May 2011, Burman called police and confessed to killing Lee. He said he hit her with a hammer, then dismembered her using large pruning shears.
He disposed of the body in a bin, which court heard was likely set on fire. In his trial, though, he pleaded not guilty. rors took just two hours to reach a verdict, the newspaper reported. Burman won't be able to apply for parole for 19 years.
Lee's family released a statement following Thursday's sentencing, saying she was "loving, caring and kind." "Not knowing what happened to Shauna or being able to say goodbye and lay her to rest has added to the painful torment and caused a lot of distress to her friends and family as we have not been able to grieve for Shauna," the statement said. "We are pleased that the person responsible for Shauna's death has been found guilty."


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