Good Idea-Homeowner sick of cold calls changes name to Tim P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Price
Lucky-Russian Millionaire Throws Cash Paper Airplanes to Crowd
Why-Man abandons daughter over bad grades
How-Zero grade teacher to fight suspension
Wow-Drug Dealer Accidentally Texted Cop
Crazy-Man Hid Camera To Film Breast Pumping
Bride-to-be auctions her wedding night to highest bidder and Man Hid Camera To Film Breast Pumping
How-Zero grade teacher to fight suspension
Why-Man abandons daughter over bad grades
Pennsylvania man pleaded guilty to abandoning his teenage daughter, reportedly because of a bad calculus grade. Cops were called to an intersection in Cheltenham, Pa., on Feb. 22 by people who said a child was asking strangers for a place to stay, the Ambler Gazette newspaper reported. Authorities said that, after an argument at home about the 16-year-old girl's grades, her father told her she had an hour to pack and that she couldn't live with her family anymore. Cops said dad Tuan Huynh drove her 20 km from home and let her out at a street corner near a mall with only her backpack and a small satchel, without provisions, money or a cellphone, the Ambler Gazette reported.
Lucky-Russian Millionaire Throws Cash Paper Airplanes to Crowd
27-year-old Russian social networking mogul threw paper airplanes made of money out of his St. Petersburg office window, stirring up a near-melee on the street below, according to reports.Pavel Durov, founder of VKontakte, threw 5,000-ruble notes (worth about $168) to a crowd that had
gathered beneath the office windows Sunday, the city's 309th birthday, The St. Petersburg Times reported. According to Durov's Twitter feed, the crowd apparently turned violent, each person vying for a share of the prize.Durov tweeted that he had wanted to create a “festive atmosphere” but he had to stop because "people started to behave like animals," the Times reported.Durov, whose wealth is estimated at $260 million dollars, according to RT News, reportedly threw about $2,000-worth of rubles into the crowd.
Wow-Drug Dealer Accidentally Texted Cop
Police say a drug dealer mistakenly sent messages to a California central coast police officer in an attempt to sell methamphetamines.The Santa Maria officer notified Santa Barbara County sheriff's detectives about the errant text messages early Tuesday. The officer and detectives then set up a meeting with the alleged drug dealer.Sheriff's spokesman Drew Sugars says they arrested 39-year-old Reymundo Carlos Escobedo and seized about 2 grams of methamphetamine.A news release says 37-year-old John Martin Silvera, who is Escobedo's suspected methamphetamine supplier, also arrived and was arrested with about 7 grams of methamphetamine.Escobedo and Silvera remain held on drug charges, including criminal conspiracy. Bail is set at $30,000 each.
Good Idea-Homeowner sick of cold calls changes name to Tim P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Price
The 49-year-old, from Leicester, hopes his name will make people think twice about contacting him.'It’s pronounced Tim Per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-per-rice,' he said. 'I like it. I did it to put them off, all these people who keep calling me trying to sell me things I don’t want. 'I must be on some kind of list. God knows how – I’m ex-directory. 'Anyway, my theory is that when these salesmen see my name on their list of names to call, they’ll think: "Blow that - I can’t even pronounce his name, so I won’t call ".' Tim, who lives in New Parks, Leicester, said he has no regrets over the name changes and will now refer to himself as Tim ‘10p’ Price. 'Most people I’ve told have had a real laugh about it,' he said. 'When I rang the woman at HSBC, my bank, she was wetting herself. 'I think it’s funny. One of my neighbours told in me great detail how much he hates it. He said I was a bloody idiot, but I told him where to get off.' Tim has spent a total of £100 changing his name via deed poll and his passport details. 'I’ve just got my driving licence and passport back. I’m looking forward to the next time I go abroad – it should raise a few eyebrows going through customs. 'It’s taken a long time to sort everything out, but I don’t regret it.
Crazy-Man Hid Camera To Film Breast Pumping
Indecent proposal: Bride-to-be auctions her wedding night to highest online bidder
A wedding night is usually one of the most special things a just-married couple can share with each other.But one bride-to-be has put hers up for auction online to be sold to the highest bidder.The bizarre sex sale is being offered by a vendor known as “NicoleBlow37”, believed to be German bride Sandra Meyer.The 38-year-old said it had long been a fantasy of hers to have a threesome on her wedding night and was delighted that her hubby-to-be agreed.Sandra posted her indecent proposal, along with a selection of saucy snaps, on website, where bids are currently up to 355
Euros.In her description, she wrote: “I want another man to make love to me in front of my husband on my wedding night.“We will meet in the bar and then move on to the honeymoon suite in the hotel. Once we have made ourselves comfortable my new husband will join us.“We will bring a copy of the wedding certificate for that day to the hotel to prove this is my wedding night."The couple from the German province of North Rhine Westphalia also specify that the winning bidder will be expected to pay for the honeymoon suite.Successful applicants are also required to be “well groomed and considerate” and should also “have respect for women”.Only those who have sent a photograph to the bride in advance are allowed to bid to be with her on her honeymoon night.The wedding night offer is the latest x-rated auction to be held on the internet.British student Rosie Reid put her
virginity up for sale on eBay in 2004 to pay for her university education.The 18-year-old claimed she would rather sleep with a stranger than face graduating with huge debts.The Bristol University student was reportedly paid £8,400 by a 44-year-old BT engineer.
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