Scary- Six-foot snake found in Street
Strange-Dive-bombing crows Stops Mail delivery
Crazy- Nurse fired after allowing senior to bathe in kitchen cleaner
Crazy- Nurse fired after allowing senior to bathe in kitchen cleaner
Wow-Naked photos Mark Jackson sent to stripper at core of criminal
Why he did- ice Hockey coach trips kid (video)
Google launches new sci-fi glasses with a camera and internet access (video)
Strange-Dive-bombing crows Stops Mail delivery

WINNIPEG - Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds, but crazed, dive-bombing crows will. Mail delivery has returned to a Transcona street after a family of angry crows appears to have taken its aggressive act elsewhere. After a stoppage in door-to-door drop-offs on a section of Ralph Avenue West in the Winnipeg suburb for at least a couple of days last week because of danger posed by the protective birds, Canada Post resumed deliveries this week using, temporarily, two staffers -- one to work the route, the other to keep watch for aerial attacks.

WINNIPEG - Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail shall keep the postmen from their appointed rounds, but crazed, dive-bombing crows will. Mail delivery has returned to a Transcona street after a family of angry crows appears to have taken its aggressive act elsewhere. After a stoppage in door-to-door drop-offs on a section of Ralph Avenue West in the Winnipeg suburb for at least a couple of days last week because of danger posed by the protective birds, Canada Post resumed deliveries this week using, temporarily, two staffers -- one to work the route, the other to keep watch for aerial attacks.
However, Canada Post spokesman Eugene Knapik said Wednesday that the crows have been far less visible and violent in the past few days -- good news for the route's mail carrier, and for homeowners near a tree where the birds had made a nest and guarded it ferociously. "We haven't been experiencing that this week. We've been able to deliver and that's our goal," Knapik said from Toronto. "We're hoping that the aggression from the birds is done with."Residents who say they had been targeted -- along with their pets -- by the crows for about three weeks, meanwhile, are also breathing easier. Some said on Wednesday that the cawing creatures appear to have moved in recent days, for the most part, to other nearby streets.
Scary- Six-foot snake found in Street

Police in Hamilton, Ont., are searching for the owner of a six-foot snake found slithering around on a city street Wednesday. The snake, found at about 4 p.m., is believed to be a Columbian red-tailed boa constrictor. Animal control collected the snake off the street. It's believed the snake is a pet and police are now searching for the owner. Columbian red-tail boa constrictors average in size from six to nine feet. They are considered tame and docile reptiles, and are not poisonous.
Crazy- Nurse fired after allowing senior to bathe in kitchen cleaner

MONTREAL - A suburban Montreal seniors' residence fired a nursing assistant who let a senior wash herself with a house-cleaning product last summer. The assistant received her termination letter stating a series of complaints concerning poor client care in June 2011.The woman unsuccessfully contested the termination decision. "On June 20, 2011, you refused to partially bathe [a client] even though your work plan requires you do this task. You told her that she was able to take care of her hygiene herself and the client, who has cognitive problems, washed herself with Hertel. The result was damaging to her skin," the woman's termination letter said. Other accusations included sleeping on the job, refusing to help a client get out of bed because it was too early and being snappy with clients. The assistant vigorously denied the allegations, saying she didn't know about the bottle of Hertel in the client's room, and swore she never fell asleep on the job.
Why he did- hockey coach trips opposing player in handshake lineup (video)
VANCOUVER - The RCMP said Wednesday it plans to recommend assault charges against a minor hockey coach who tripped a 13-year-old player following a game last weekend, causing the child to break his wrist. A hockey mom in the stands captured on video UBC Hornets coach Martin Tremblay tripping a Richmond Steel player during the post-game handshake, despite his team’s 5-4 victory Saturday at UBC’s Thunderbird Arena. Video footage shows the coach shake hands with the goalie of the opposing team. He then appears to purposefully march down the line of Richmond Steel players before sticking out his right foot to the side and trip the youth, causing another player to also fall. Tremblay then spins around, jabbing his finger toward the second player, who’d leapt back up to his feet to face the coach.
Amazing-Google launches new sci-fi glasses with a camera and internet access (video)

Google today unveiled its latest invention – a pair of high-tech glasses which can video everything you see. The computer giant introduced the device at a launch event showing

live feeds from the cameras on glasses worn by sky-divers. As the daredevils jumped out of a blimp flying above San Francisco, attendees at Google's I/O event watched the video footage from their perspective. They also watched the live stream from cyclists jumping over ramps then riding into the conference room
live feeds from the cameras on glasses worn by sky-divers. As the daredevils jumped out of a blimp flying above San Francisco, attendees at Google's I/O event watched the video footage from their perspective. They also watched the live stream from cyclists jumping over ramps then riding into the conference room
Wow-Naked photos Mark Jackson sent to stripper at core of criminal

JUNE 28--Former NBA star--and current Golden State Warriors head coach--Mark Jackson was the target of a recent extortion plot allegedly hatched by an ex-stripper with whom he carried on an extramarital affair and shared photos of his genitalia, The Smoking Gun has learned. The shakedown scheme, which was foiled by the FBI with Jackson’s cooperation, resulted this week in the arrest of Alexis Adams, the former dancer, and her

alleged coconspirator, ex-convict Marcus Shaw. Adams, 28, and Shaw, 40, have been named in felony criminal complaints filed under seal in U.S. District Court in Oakland, California. The duo, whose relationship is unclear, is accused of trying to extort a six-figure payment from Jackson in return for them not disseminating/selling the explicit photos to the “vultures of the media.”While the complaints refer only to the extortion victim as “V1”--a man the FBI describes as a “prominent member of the public who now works in Oakland, California”--a TSG source familiar with the federal investigation identified the 47-year-old Jackson as the shakedown subject.A business associate of Jackson told TSG that he spoke this morning with the coach, who confirmed his involvement in the FBI investigation, and that his family and Warriors brass were aware of the federal probe.
alleged coconspirator, ex-convict Marcus Shaw. Adams, 28, and Shaw, 40, have been named in felony criminal complaints filed under seal in U.S. District Court in Oakland, California. The duo, whose relationship is unclear, is accused of trying to extort a six-figure payment from Jackson in return for them not disseminating/selling the explicit photos to the “vultures of the media.”While the complaints refer only to the extortion victim as “V1”--a man the FBI describes as a “prominent member of the public who now works in Oakland, California”--a TSG source familiar with the federal investigation identified the 47-year-old Jackson as the shakedown subject.A business associate of Jackson told TSG that he spoke this morning with the coach, who confirmed his involvement in the FBI investigation, and that his family and Warriors brass were aware of the federal probe.
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