Friday, July 13, 2012

Begging for boobs, Mom trade Newborn Son for Truck and Squirting sauce for Reading Fifty Shades

Mom trade Newborn Son for Truck

Wow-Begging for boobs

Dog wedding sets new world record

What-Man Squirts Sauce in Girlfriend's Face for Reading "Fifty Shades of Grey

Why-Judge Overturns Town's Fortunetelling Ban

Amazing-Dog wedding sets new world record
Dog wedding is expensive than human being. A wedding between two dogs has set a new world record for the most expensive pet wedding. The New York City nuptials between Baby Hope Diamond and Chilly Pasternak had a price tag of $158,000, but was

also a fundraiser for the Humane Society of New York. Chilly won a contest to find Baby Hope's groom. Baby Hope, a Coton Du Tulear, wore a dress by designers Henry and Michelle Roth. The reception included jazz music and a sushi buffet. Representatives from Guinness World Records were also on hand for the event. Baby Hope's owner, Wendy Diamond, said the event was to commemorate another dog she had named Lucky, which died recently, and to raise awareness of canine cancer, as well as animal rescue and welfare. The Fairytail Wedding of the Century cost $250 per person to attend.

Crazy-Kentucky Mom Accused of Trading Newborn Son for Truck

A Kentucky mother traded her newborn son for a truck, according to the Laurel County Sheriff's Office, WKYT -TV reported. Heather Kaminskey, 30, handed her baby to Jamie and Jeremy Brown in January and then sold the truck for $800 plus some meth, according to police. Police said they discovered the scheme when Kaminskey tried sell the vehicle. They arrested the Browns and charged them with human trafficking. The baby boy appeared to be well taken care of, investigators said.  Kaminskey, police said, might be in Florida and they are hoping to obtain warrants for her arrest. She apparently called neighbors of the Browns on Thursday and told them that she’s distraught over what happened and that she wants to return to Kentucky, WKYT reported. In other baby-for-sale news, a Philadelphia dad said to be desperate for some quick cash to buy drugs tried to sell his baby girl on Friday, police sources and neighbors told NBC Philadelphia. A couple he approached called police and another neighbor pretended he was going to buy the 6-month old baby until police arrived to arrest the man, NBC Philadelphia reported. The baby was taken to a hospital to be checked out.
Why-Judge Overturns Town's Fortunetelling Ban

A federal judge struck down a central Louisiana ordinance banning fortunetelling, palm reading, astrology and similar activities in the city of Alexandria. U.S. District Judge Dee Drell's ruling Wednesday concurred with a magistrate's conclusion that the ordinance is unconstitutional. Rachel Adams is a fortune-teller who says she accepts donations but doesn't charge for her services. She sued the city after a police officer issued her a court summons in 2011 for violating the ordinance. A violation can result in daily penalties of up to $500. The city argued the business of fortunetelling is a fraud and inherently deceptive, but U.S. Magistrate James Kirk concluded that fortunetelling is free speech protected by the First Amendment. Adams told The Town Talk newspaper last year that she is a fifth-generation psychic.

What-Man Squirts Sauce in Girlfriend's Face for Reading "Fifty Shades of Grey

A British man was arrested for squirting brown sauce in his girlfriend’s face in retaliation for reading the saucy tome, “Fifty Shades of Grey. Raymond Hodgson, 31, also allegedly slapped Emma McCormick, his girlfriend of five years, after discovering she had been reading the novel he called “pornographic” and “distasteful,” according to the Carlisle

News & Star.  The couple had been arguing for two days via text message until Hodgson arrived to McCormick’s home when she refused to put down the erotica, a prosecutor said in court, according to the News & Star. McCormick then called the police, who arrested Hodgson. He denied slapping her, but pleaded guilty to common assault for which he was ordered to pay a fine. He was also appointed a 6-week nightly curfew, the paper reported.  "Fifty Shades of Grey" is the year’s best-selling novel. Commonly referred to as “mommy porn,” the first novel in the Fifty Shades trilogy set a record as the fastest-selling paperback of all time, according to the Guardian.
Wow-who is Begging for boobs

An Ohio woman is begging on the streets but she’s not homeless or desperately hungry - she wants bigger breasts. Much to the dismay of fellow beggars who desperately need money for food or a roof over their heads, the bikini-clad woman has been making money and turning heads with her plea for plastic surgery. Holding a sign that reads ‘Not

homeless. Need boobs’ the woman, who only identifies herself as Chrissy, 37, has been standing on a busy street corner in Akron, Ohio. Chrissy, from Rittman, Ohio, has been standing on the corner of Manchester Road and Carnegie Avenue in Akron near a blue motorbike with her sign and bodyguard. She said: ‘I see people panhandling (begging) everyday, so why not panhandle for boobs. It's original. I've never seen anybody else do it.’

Chrissy believes her ‘original’ idea is proving successful after she made $46 in just two hours standing on the curb. She plans to continue begging on the intersection until she reaches $5,058.The university student and single mother says the money she earns as a bartender covers her bills and education costs but it’s not enough money for breast implants.Chrissy said: ‘Everyone that knows me, knows that I am a wild one.’There to be her bodyguard is friend Steve Bernabe, 57, of Akron, working free of charge, who says

she’s not begging but being honest.He said: ‘She's just trying to move on in her life and build herself up.’ She’s attracted the attention of many motorists with some honking their horns and others requesting pictures. Tyesha Hercegovac, 27, of Ellet, took a picture of Chrissy for her husband before heading home. She said: ‘I think it's kind of ridiculous, but kind of funny in a way. ‘She wants her boobs. She's keeping it real.One woman was less than impressed, giving Chrissy the evil eye and a few stern words. Chrissy said: ‘He's (Mr Bernabe) just making sure I'm OK because there is some negativity out there


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