Funny-Our new mascot isn't Pedobear: Nestle
Why-Man's head set on fire at bar (video)
Who-Three-Breasted Actress Sparks Internet Frenzy
What-Intruders cut off man's penis
Lesson-Teen Sentenced For Killing by Text
Why-Man's head set on fire at bar (video)

A Georgia man was taken to hospital in critical condition Thursday after he allegedly encouraged his friends to set his head on fire at a bar by dousing him with 100-proof booze, police said. The 36-year-old man had originally phoned police to report several attackers had lit his head on fire, but police later learned otherwise by watching surveillance video captured at Allie Katz Bar in Augusta, the Richmond County Sheriff's Office said.
Funny-Our new mascot isn't Pedobear: Nestle

Nestle has issued a statement to clarify that its new mascot isn't Pedobear — the Internet symbol of pedophile behaviour — after publishing an image that resembles the notorious cartoon. The move comes after the food company posted a photo to Instagram,

a popular picture-sharing application, of a man in a bear costume drumming with two Kit-Kat bars. Before long, folks were drawing comparisons between the costume and Pedobear, a cartoon image used to mock people who display a sexual interest in minors online. "We produced this photo — of a real guy in a bear suit — to launch Instagram through our Facebook community," a spokeswoman for the company told The Age newspaper.
a popular picture-sharing application, of a man in a bear costume drumming with two Kit-Kat bars. Before long, folks were drawing comparisons between the costume and Pedobear, a cartoon image used to mock people who display a sexual interest in minors online. "We produced this photo — of a real guy in a bear suit — to launch Instagram through our Facebook community," a spokeswoman for the company told The Age newspaper.
What-Intruders cut off man's penis

Police are looking for the married lovers of suspected Chinese romeo Fei Lin, 41, after four masked men burst into his flat and cut off his penis at Niqiao village near Wenling city, in east China’s Zhejiang province. He told cops he had been asleep and it was around 4am when the men burst into the room and put a bag over his head. He said: "They put something over my head and pulled down my trousers and then they ran off. I was so shocked I didn't feel a thing - then I saw I was bleeding and my penis was gone."
Who-Three-Breasted Actress Sparks Internet Frenzy

The red carpet is no stranger to off-the-wall celebrity attire, but one might think that actress Kaitlyn Leeb would have known that sporting an extra appendage at Comic-Con 2012 would create quite a While the 24-year-old actress displayed three breasts at the convention promoting her role as a three-breasted prostitute in the upcoming remake of

Total Recall, Leeb did not expect that her chest would go viral and that people would believe the breasts are real. There were a bunch of people at Comic-Con asking if I had surgery for the third one,” Leeb told the Calgary Herald, as picked up by Yahoo. "Others thought that the two on the side were real. I guess that’s the one thing that bothers me the most is that they think I’m out there prancing around Comic-Con with my breasts out. They really are not mine.”According to Yahoo, “kaitlyn leeb” has been trending on their search engine since July 15, making the top 6,000 searches with 77 percent of the interest coming from men.
Total Recall, Leeb did not expect that her chest would go viral and that people would believe the breasts are real. There were a bunch of people at Comic-Con asking if I had surgery for the third one,” Leeb told the Calgary Herald, as picked up by Yahoo. "Others thought that the two on the side were real. I guess that’s the one thing that bothers me the most is that they think I’m out there prancing around Comic-Con with my breasts out. They really are not mine.”According to Yahoo, “kaitlyn leeb” has been trending on their search engine since July 15, making the top 6,000 searches with 77 percent of the interest coming from men.
Lesson-Teen Sentenced For Killing By Text

A Massachusetts teenager on Wednesday became the first person in that state to be convicted of causing a fatal traffic accident while texting, and a judge sentenced him to one year in jail. Aaron Deveau of Haverhill, Mass. was sentenced to 2 1/2 years behind bars with a year to serve and the remainder suspended for the February 2011 crash that took the life of Donald Bowley Jr., 55, of Danville, N.H., and seriously injured Bowley's girlfriend. prosecutors say the then 17-year-old high school student sent 193 text messages the day of the crash, including some just a minute or so before impact and dozens more after it. Deveau testified Tuesday, saying he was not sending or receiving text messages in the moments before the collision. He said he put his phone on the passenger seat and was distracted and thinking about his homework when the crash occurred. He told police after the crash that he swerved to avoid another vehicle in front of him that suddenly hit its brakes. Prosecutors knew that the teen had been texting even though the accused had tried to delete some texts from his phone after the accident. An analysis of Deveau's phone records, obtained during the investigation, revealed his texting pattern and the court did not believe texting did not contribute to the fatal accident
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