Nice- Scientists grow 'highless' marijuana
What-July 4 fireworks fail in San Diego (video)
What-July 4 fireworks fail in San Diego (video)
Strange-Air conditioner Freon stolen
Woo-Hot cop' charged with theft
Lucky-No jail for forking 'cheating' lover
What-Mother urged 14-Year-Old daughter To Get Breast Implants
Lucky-No jail for forking 'cheating' lover
WINNIPEG -- A young Manitoba man who flew into a rage and jammed a fork into the rectum of his sleeping lover after catching him with his pants down in a bed full of other people won't see any jail time. Instead, the 24-year-old has been granted a suspended sentence and will serve 18 months of supervised probation after pleading guilty to assault with a weapon, uttering threats and a handful of bail breaches. The man was kicked out of his longtime lover's North End home early July 23, 2011 after showing up drunk and high to a party and becoming disruptive, Judge Wanda Garreck was told. The gathering -- which went on into the daylight hours -- ended with many people passing out in various places of the house. The victim told cops he fell asleep fully clothed on his crowded bed around 6 a.m. and briefly awoke a while later to find he and another person naked from the waist down amongst the others. He went back to sleep. He got a rude awakening about 10:30 a.m., however, when the accused returned and surveyed the bedroom scene, slapped his beau in the face and walked out. . "Likely he attended to the kitchen because he comes back with a fork in his hand and immediately proceeded to the bed and forced it into (the victim's) rectum," the Crown told Garreck. "I'm gonna kill you, you cheating son of a bitch," a witness reported the attacker as saying.
What-July 4 fireworks fail in San Diego (video)

San Diego's Fourth of July fire works were more of a bust than a boom. Due to technical difficulties, the pyrotechnics went off all at once from several locations at the San Diego Bay Wednesday night, and disappointed many of the half a million Californians who lined the shores for an 18-minute show. The fiery display fizzled after about 15 seconds. "I waited 3hrs in the cold and payd $12 for parking & got one little explosion? (sic)" said @aj521z on Twitter. Not everyone was disappointed with the Big Bay Boom fireworks though.
Strange-Air conditioner Freon stolen

ST. CATHARINES, Ont. — A Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., business owner is baffled by a chemical theft so rare, Niagara police and a technician say they’ve not heard of any recent similar incidents. On June 27, a surveillance camera caught a middle-aged man apparently siphoning Freon from an outside air conditioner at the Bartlett House of Antiques. In the motion-sensor video, the man can be seen riding up on a scooter at about 8:15 p.m. He removes a chemical container, is seen walking towards the Freon gas supply, jumps into an enclosure, and then motors off with what appears to be a filled container. Bartlett owner Natasha Jodoin-Davies said she knew something was wrong the next day when she discovered that the unit, which cools the back of the store, was pumping out warm air. Jodoin-Davies speculated the thief must be someone who knows the system and is in the business. Since the theft, a man claiming to have been the one to have stolen the coolant called the store owner to offer partial compensation.
Nice- Scientists grow 'highless' marijuana

SAFED, ISRAEL - They grow in a secret location in northern Israel. A tall fence, security cameras and an armed guard protect them from criminals. A hint of their sweet-scented blossom carries in the air: rows and rows of cannabis plants, as far as the eye can see. It is here, at a medical marijuana plantation atop the hills of the Galilee, where researchers say they have developed marijuana that can be used to ease the symptoms of some ailments without getting patients high. "Sometimes the high is not always what they

need. Sometimes it is an unwanted side effect. For some of the people it's not even pleasant," said Zack Klein, head of development at Tikun Olam, the company that developed the plant. Cannabis has more than 60 constituents called cannabinoids. THC is perhaps the best known of those, less so for its medical benefits and more for its psychoactive properties that give people a "high" feeling. But cannabis also contains Cannabidiol, or CBD, a substance that some researchers say has anti-inflammatory benefits. Unlike THC, it hardly binds to the brain's receptors and can therefore work without getting patients stoned. "CBD plants are available in different forms all over the world," said Klein, adding that the company's plant is free of THC and very high in CBD. Tikun Olam began its research on CBD enhanced cannabis in 2009 and about six months ago they came up with Avidekel, Klein said, a cannabis strain that contains 15.8 percent CBD and only traces of THC, less than one percent.
need. Sometimes it is an unwanted side effect. For some of the people it's not even pleasant," said Zack Klein, head of development at Tikun Olam, the company that developed the plant. Cannabis has more than 60 constituents called cannabinoids. THC is perhaps the best known of those, less so for its medical benefits and more for its psychoactive properties that give people a "high" feeling. But cannabis also contains Cannabidiol, or CBD, a substance that some researchers say has anti-inflammatory benefits. Unlike THC, it hardly binds to the brain's receptors and can therefore work without getting patients stoned. "CBD plants are available in different forms all over the world," said Klein, adding that the company's plant is free of THC and very high in CBD. Tikun Olam began its research on CBD enhanced cannabis in 2009 and about six months ago they came up with Avidekel, Klein said, a cannabis strain that contains 15.8 percent CBD and only traces of THC, less than one percent.
Marijuana is an illegal drug in Israel. Medicinal use of it was first permitted in 1993, according to the health ministry. Today cannabis is used in Israel to treat 9,000 people suffering from illnesses such as cancer, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, Cohn’s disease and post-traumatic stress disorder, according to Israel's health ministry.
Why-Hot cop' charged with theft

WASAGA BEACH, Ont. — An Ontario cop who recently starred as ‘Hot Cop’ on a episode of TVtropolis’s Wipeout Canada is facing criminal charges. Const. Kara Darnley, 27, a five-year veteran with the Ontario Provincial Police, assigned to the Huronia West detachment near Wasaga Beach, has been with obstructing justice, theft under $5,000, possession under $5,000, and three counts of criminal breach of trust. Darnley appeared last spring on Wipeout Canada, a reality show that puts contestants through a series of obstacles. She was eliminated in the second round. Darnley has been suspended from duty as is scheduled to appear in a Collingwood, Ont., court on Sept. 11.
What-Mother urged 14-Year-Old daughter To Get Breast Implants

Bras, braces, makeup are all rites of passage for many teen girls. But if you're a member of the Marshall family, so are boob jobs. Britney Marshall, a 14-year-old from Nottinghamshire, England, is the youngest girl of the Marshall family and the only one without breast implants. Her mother, Chantal Marshall, told the Sun, "Britney is going through a funny phase at the moment and saying she doesn’t want to get her boobs done."

And Marshall really wishes she would, telling the Sun:"At the moment she doesn’t really have what I would say are boobs -- but I’d like her to follow in her sisters’ footsteps... I really love the fake look of my girls and I know Britney will go that way when she’s a bit older. “Chantal and her four other daughters collectively own £50,000 worth of fake breasts, with sizes ranging from 32DD (21-year-old Ripley) to 34HH (27-year-old Terri). But Britney's au naturel... for now. The "brainy" one of the family, Britney told the Sun, "

Maybe I’ll decide to get them too and start saving in a few years. But for now I want to focus on my school work. “That crazy girl. For what it's worth, it seems Britney's brothers provide an alternative perspective on the matter. According to the Daily Mail, Chantal Marshall admitted, "Some of my sons think we’re crazy... They keep telling Britney she should be different. “The desire for breast implants isn't a new or surprising phenomenon, particularly in England. Last summer, a poll of 8,000 American and British women found that 35 percent of American women "loved their boobs" while only 20 percent of U.K. respondents felt the same way. But a mom encouraging her uninterested daughter to get breast implants? We've got to imagine (and hope?) that's a rarer occurrence.
Maybe I’ll decide to get them too and start saving in a few years. But for now I want to focus on my school work. “That crazy girl. For what it's worth, it seems Britney's brothers provide an alternative perspective on the matter. According to the Daily Mail, Chantal Marshall admitted, "Some of my sons think we’re crazy... They keep telling Britney she should be different. “The desire for breast implants isn't a new or surprising phenomenon, particularly in England. Last summer, a poll of 8,000 American and British women found that 35 percent of American women "loved their boobs" while only 20 percent of U.K. respondents felt the same way. But a mom encouraging her uninterested daughter to get breast implants? We've got to imagine (and hope?) that's a rarer occurrence.
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