Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Anti-prostitution link brings to porn site, Banned PETA advertisement and Protesters tear off clothes

Anti-prostitution link brings to porn site, Banned PETA advertisement and Protesters tear off clothes

Here are World top 5 weird, funny and sexy news of Today in reverse order....


Number 5 -Deer steals cigarettes from Texas men (interesting news)


Two men in Texas were attacked by a deer in their front yard before it stole their cigarettes. Joseph Rose and Cole Kellis were leaving their house in Whitehouse, Texas, on Friday when they noticed a deer in the yard, KETK-TV reported. The deer seemed friendly but charged when one of the men approached, KETK reported. The pair ran to Rose's pickup truck to escape the buck, but one of the men was forced to jump into the truck bed to avoid the raging animal. With the driver-side door left open, the deer climbed in and took a pack of cigarettes from the centre console and started to eat them, KETK reported. Rose told KETK he tried to get the smokes back, but the deer got even more aggressive. Police had to hit the buck with a stun gun. Rose said it still took more than five men to restrain it before it was freed.

Number 4- Couple 'shocked' after python found on toilet seat (New Guest in home)


An elderly couple were left "shocked" after they found a snake wrapped around a toilet seat in their home in Paisley. The couple discovered the young royal python in the bathroom of their flat on Storie Street on 17 November. They contacted the Scottish SPCA, which rescued the snake and named her Lulu.

Number 3- Protesters unhappy with new law tear off clothes in city hall


City chiefs have angered nudists by narrowly approving a ban on public nakedness in San Francisco despite concerns that it would undermine the city's reputation as a sanctuary for free expression. The city's Board of Supervisors voted 6-5 in favour of a public safety order that bans exposed genitals in most public places, including streets, pavements and public transport.The law still must pass a final vote and secure mayor Edwin Lee's signature to take effect early next year. Supervisor Scott Wiener introduced the ban in response to growing complaints about a group of men whose bodies are on display almost daily in the city's predominantly gay Castro District.
The Castro, and San Francisco in general, is a place of freedom, expression and acceptance. But freedom, expression and acceptance does not mean anything goes under any circumstances," Mr Wiener said. "Our public spaces are for everyone, and as a result it's appropriate to have some minimal standards of behaviour."Mr Weiner's opponents on the board said a city-wide ban was unnecessary and would draw police attention away from bigger problems while undermining San Francisco values like tolerance and appreciation for the offbeat. "I'm concerned about civil liberties, about free speech, about changing San Francisco's style and how we are as a city," Supervisor John Avalos said. "I cannot and will not bite this apple and I refuse to put on this fig leaf."To make his point Mr Avalos showed his colleagues a clip from the 1970 movie version of Joseph Heller's Catch-22. In it, Orson Welles pins a medal on a naked soldier.
"I get emails all the time about people who are upset there are homeless people, and I would be the last person to legislate a solution for people who do not want homeless people in their neighbourhood," Supervisor Christina Olague said.Mr Wiener countered that it was inappropriate for hardcore nudists to wrap themselves in the mantle of personal liberty.

Number 2- Anti-prostitution link brings people to porn site (Hot surprise)


SUDBURY, Ont. -- Officials behind an anti-prostitution campaign are scrambling to fix an Internet link that takes people to a porn site. As of late Tuesday, the link featured on the Real Men Don't Buy Girls billboard was redirecting visitors to a website featuring pornography, including live amateur webcams. The link is supposed to direct people to the website of the Greater Sudbury Coalition to End Violence Against Women. Marlene Gorman, executive director of YWCA Sudbury, which supported the billboard initiative, said the redirection occurred because the domain had not been registered. As a result, someone calling themselves Robert O'Reilly took the initiative to register it, then created the redirection to the porn site.
"It wasn't hacked," Gorman said Tuesday. "That web domain was no longer registered. (O'Reilly) registered it ... (He) should redirect his energies." Gorman said the redirection issue is being addressed through a new link - - which will bring people to the right web site. Gorman said what O'Reilly did was just wrong. "I think that for someone to redirect the site to pornography is just another example of the devalue we place on women and the work people involved in our community do to bring an end to that violence," she said.
The billboard was put up last week in effort to discourage prostitution in that part of the city. It will be up for a month.

Number 1- Banned PETA advertisement raises eyebrows (why they ban this video)


A new PETA advertisement that has been banned from NBC, is asking people to go vegan for Thanksgiving. The ad shows a girl saying grace before Thanksgiving dinner and she tells it like it is for turkeys


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