Thursday, November 8, 2012

Dead candidates win elections, 3 Women stole Sex Toy and Man stabbed by prostitute for not paying

Here are the top 5 weird and funny news of today


Top 1-New-Fast-moving thieves rob ATMs of $700,000

TORONTO - More than $700,000 has been ripped out of cash machines by a pair of fast-moving bandits during a 15-month rampage throughout the GTA and parts of Quebec, police said Monday. “Experts in the ATM industry have never seen anything like this before, especially the volume,” said Halton Regional Police Det. Bob Lester. Based on surveillance videos that investigators have examined, Lester said one of the dedicated pair uses a crowbar to jimmy doors at bingo halls, flea markets, arenas, retail shops and grocery stores. His partner then lights up a portable oxyacetylene torch and cuts into cash dispensers — usually clearing out in 60 seconds. Both wear masks, gloves and have been careful to avoid leaving any evidence behind, Lester said. They’re very well-travelled,” and from scanty witness information and surveillance images, regularly change mini-vans and SUVs, which he said prompted police to contact car rental agencies. 

 In case the bandits visited targeted sites earlier, to “case” the layout, investigators are also asking victims to view the videos, hoping they might recognize the two men’s builds and body-language. There is no evidence they are from the GTA, Lester added. He said the cutting torch duo have targeted more than 50 sites in Toronto, Peel, York, Durham, Niagara, Waterloo, Ottawa and in Quebec. They’re also suspected of carrying out 12 break-ins in Halton and two more in Hamilton.

Top 2-Wow-Dead candidates win elections in Florida, Alabama

Florida Democrat Earl K. Wood and Alabama Republican Charles Beasley won their respective elections but they will not take office. Both men died weeks before the Nov. 6 election yet managed to beat their very much alive opponents by comfortable margins. Wood died on Oct. 15 from natural causes at age 96, during his campaign for a 12th term as Orange County Tax Collector in Orlando, Florida. Criticized for rarely coming into the office while collecting a $150,000 salary and $90,000 pension, Wood initially announced he would step down, only to change his mind when a longtime political foe made plans to seek the seat. Wood’s wide name recognition after almost half a century in office scared off several serious contenders. His name remained on the ballot and he took 56% of the votes to 44% for a Republican who promised to eliminate the office altogether if elected. Beasley, 77, died on Oct. 12, possibly due to an aneurysm, while trying to reclaim his old seat on the Bibb County Commission in central Alabama.

Top 3-Interesting-Dallas Cops Hunt Female Trio in Theft of Sex Toy

Texas cops are on the lookout for a trio of women who last night stole a $72.99 sex toy from a Dallas store. According to a Dallas Police Department report, the suspects swiped a "10 Function Love Rider" from a Condom to go store on LBJ Freeway. A store worker told cops that one woman placed the sex toy in her pants, while a cohort sought to create a diversion.
After boosting the merch, the trio fled together in an auto around 8:30 PM. The manufacturer of the "Love Rider" describes the product as a "complete strap-on system" that features "unscented Silicone probes with reverberating vibrations throughout the shaft that flexes with you."Before using the sex toy, the thieving trio will need to purchase two AA batteries.

Top 4-Cool-Watch Axe-Wielding Thieves on Motorbikes Rob A Jewelry Store In A London


Closed circuit TV) footage from the Brent Cross shopping centre in north London shows a six-strong gang of jewellery thieves arriving on motorbikes to raid a Fraser Hart store. Three of the robbers are seen entering the jewellery store while three other wield axes and bats guarding the entrance.


Top 5-Lesson-Man stabbed by prostitute after refusal to pay for sex


MANATEE COUNTY, Fla. - A man was treated in a hospital after he says a prostitute stabbed him in Manatee Thursday morning. The attack happened just before 2:20 a.m. at the victim’s home, located at 3116 11 th St. Ct. E.  According to the victim, he picked up the prostitute and took her to his home. After the two had sex, the victim says he wouldn’t pay her, so the prostitute stabbed him in the shoulder and fled. The man sustained a small puncture wound which wasn’t life threatening. He was taken to the hospital for treatment


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