Thursday, November 22, 2012

Woman tried to kill boyfriend with DD breasts, Highway built around house and School hires proofreaders for TEACHERS spelling

Woman tried to kill boyfriend with DD breasts, Highway built around house and School hires proofreaders for TEACHERS spelling

Here are World top 5 weird, funny and sexy news of Today in reverse order....

Number 5a-Turkey stolen from garage freezer-(wish you all a Happy Turkey day)


OCALA, Fla., Nov. 21 (UPI) -- A Florida woman said her Thanksgiving turkey is being carefully guarded after the first turkey she got was stolen from the freezer in her garage.Joyce Romer of Marion County told Marion County Sheriff's deputies she obtained the first 12.5 pound turkey Friday and she and her husband discovered Monday morning it had been stolen from their garage freezer, The (Ocala, Fla.) Star-Banner reported Wednesday. “I asked (my husband) to go get the turkey so we could start thawing it out," Romer said. "He was gone for the longest time and finally he came in and asked, 'Where'd you put the thing?'"

"I guess somebody was hungry," Romer said. "The odd thing is, they didn't take any of the beer that was out there.”Romer said she bought a fresh turkey to serve Thursday and she is keeping a close eye on the bird until Thanksgiving dinner.

Number 5b-School hires proofreaders to check spelling of its TEACHERS (Nice move)


A school has hired proofreaders to check the spelling and grammar.. of the teachers. The 1,720-pupil high school has hired “copy editors” to correct mistakes in pupils’ school reports’ job advert wanted people to “check and amend the electronic reports to ensure that they are well written before being released to parents”. The school hopes to stop “spelling mistakes, poor or missing punctuation, incorrect capitalization [sic] and word spacing”.

They will be paid £14.02 an hour to work up to 20 days a year. Proofreaders will also advise staff how to improve their use of English. Matthew Sinclair, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “It’s an insult to the teachers’ intelligence that the county council employs proofreaders. “If, on the other hand, the teachers can’t spell and produce good written English, then why are they being employed? “But David Hutton, head of Northgate High School in Ipswich, said the school’s excellent exam results proved they had great staff.

Number 5-Number Grandfather Hits the big time after modelling women's clothes online –wow very funny


When Chinese grandfather Liu Xianping was jokingly asked to wear outfits designed by his granddaughter, Lv Ting, for a fashion shoot, he thought he was doing nothing more than helping her store. Little did the 72-year-old realise that photos of him in women’s clothing would go viral overnight. It may have begun as a joke, but the publicity caused a fivefold increase in sales of her Yuekou label. Nothing seems to faze him as he strikes poses wearing miniskirts, tights, lace, capes and scarves.
Countering criticism, Mr Liu said: ‘Why is it unacceptable for someone like me to wear women’s clothes? 'Modelling for the store is helping my granddaughter and I have nothing to lose. We were very happy on the day of the shooting. I’m very old and all that I care about is to be happy.’Miss Ting said: ‘We thought it was fun so we started shooting.’ Weighing just 50kg (7st 12lb), Mr Lui’s slender figure and long legs certainly do justice to his granddaughter’s designs.

Number 4-Teen bandit sentenced to house chores –nice lesson


For admitting his involvement in two robberies, a British teen was sentenced not to prison time but to helping out with chores around the house.  Jamie Froom, 18, committed the robberies in April with two juveniles, U.K. newspaper the Mirror reported, but in passing sentence Tuesday Judge David Ticehurst told Froom that he could avoid jail if he tidied up. "You can make your bed every day, do the washing up and respect your mum and dad," the Mirror quoted Ticehurst as saying.
Froom, who lives with his parents near Bristol, was also sentenced to 120 hours of unpaid community work and six months of drug rehabilitation, the Mirror reported. Although his mother was appreciative of the judge's sentence, Froom himself thought it was a bit harsh. "I think he was a bit strict saying I have to tidy my room or go to prison," Froom told the Mirror. "I'm going to try though."

Number 3-Highway built around house-Very nice view and more noise

Construction workers in the country's Zhejiang province were forced to work around the stubborn family as they built the road to a new train station. Resident Zhang Ling and his wife refused to sign an agreement to move out of the property, along with another couple, to make way for the four-lane highway. They argued the compensation package they were offered was not enough to cover their rebuilding costs and so instead decided on a life in the fast lane.

Mr. Zhang explained: 'they didn't offer us enough compensation to leave so we're staying.’ It could be a good opportunity for us,' he told the Mirror. 'We could open up a drive through shop on the ground floor.’ The house is the only property remaining on the stretch of road built that will soon have thousands of cars whizzing past everyday

Number 2-Man Busted for Battering Ex-Girlfriend after she told his Manhood is small


A Florida man is facing a domestic battery count after he allegedly slapped and bit his girlfriend after she told him, post breakup, “Your penis is small. Tyler Marshall, 20, was arrested yesterday and charged with a felony in connection with the confrontation last week with Brittany Siler, 19. Marshall, seen in the adjacent mug shot, is locked up in the Manatee County jail. According to a probable cause affidavit, Siler told sheriff’s deputies that she had been living with Marshall, but that they were evicted “because of their arguments.” Soon thereafter, Siler reported, Marshall broke up with her.
Siler “stated that [Marshall] was being verbally abusive to her,” so she told him, “Your penis is small.” Her ex allegedly responded to that cutting assessment by slapping Siler’s face and biting the tip of her nose.

Number 1-Woman 'tried to kill boyfriend with DD breasts (make your death as pleasurable as possible)



Franziska Hansen, 33, is reportedly charged with “attempted murder with a weapon” after her lawyer boyfriend claimed she tried to smother him while pretending it was a sex game. A busty woman is accused of trying to kill her boyfriend by suffocating him with her double-D breasts.Nine-stone Franziska, from Germany, denies the allegations, saying it was a sex game and he knew what it was about, according to the Daily Mail.But boyfriend Tim Schmidt claims she admitted trying to kill him on the phone, saying she smothered him because she “wanted to make your death as pleasurable as possible”.He told a court in Germany that the couple had been having sex in May this year when Ms Hansen suddenly grabbed his head and pushed it between her breasts with all her force.
Claims: The German lawyer (pictured) has accused his girlfriend of trying to smother him to death with her breasts

He is quoted as saying: “I couldn't breathe any more, I must have turned blue. I couldn't tear myself free and I thought I was going to die.”Mr Schmidt, who weighs 13 stone, claims he managed to wriggle free and fled naked to a neighbour, who raised the alarm.He told the court that the couple’s four-year relationship had been strained after they moved to the town of Unna, where his career as a lawyer took off and she struggled to hold a job.Mr Schmidt said his girlfriend tried to kill him after she discovered he was planning to leave her.He reportedly told the court: “It is clear she wanted to kill me. She even admitted it to me on the telephone.
Woman tried to kill boyfriend with DD breasts, Highway built around house and School hires proofreaders for TEACHERS spelling


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