Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Husband Uses GPS to Find Teacher Having Sex with Student, Meth Helps Fight the Flu, and Woman runs down husband for not voting

Husband Uses GPS to Find Teacher Having Sex with Student, Meth Helps Fight the Flu, and Woman runs down husband for not voting

Here are top 5 weird and Funny news of today

Top 5 weird-Woman runs down husband with car for not voting (why)

PHOENIX - An Arizona woman, in despair at the re-election of Democratic President Barack Obama, ran down her husband with the family car in suburban Phoenix on Saturday because he failed to vote in the election, police said on Monday. Holly Solomon, 28, was arrested after running over husband Daniel Solomon following a wild chase that left him pinned underneath the vehicle. Daniel Solomon, 36, was in critical condition at a local hospital, but is expected to survive, Gilbert police spokesman Sergeant Jesse Sanger said. Police said Daniel Solomon told them his wife became angry over his “lack of voter participation” in last Tuesday’s presidential election and believed her family would face hardship as a result of Obama winning another term.

Top 4 weird-Meth Helps Fight the Flu, Study Suggests

A study conducted by researchers in Taiwan found that methamphetamine may possess flu-fighting properties, Medical Daily reported. The study, published Tuesday in PLoS One, exposed human lung cells to varying quantities meth, then infected them with Influenza A (H1N1) viruses, a common subtype of human influenza. After only 24 hours after infection, the control group of cells, which had not been treated with meth, contained the same concentrations of the virus as did the meth-treated cells.However, 30 hours after infection, the meth-treated cells possessed significantly lower concentrations of the virus than the control group did. After 48 hours, the difference was even more pronounced.
Researchers also determined that meth's apparent anti-viral effect most likely occurs during the viral replication that takes place after infection, according to the study.Don't go becoming a real-life Walter White just yet, however. Meth's negative effects -- including brain damage, psychosis, heart disease and severe weight loss - far outweigh whatever anti-flu properties it may have.However, scientists hope to now search for safer, structurally similar compounds that could be used to fight the flu.

Top 3 weird-Teen steps into rattlesnake nest, survives


A teenage California girl searching for a cell phone signal to call her mother in a rural area outside San Diego inadvertently stepped into a nest of rattlesnakes and was bitten six times, but survived. The 16-year-old, Vera Oliphant, spent four days in the intensive care unit of Sharp Grossmont Hospital, and doctors gave her 24 vials of antivenom after she was bitten by an adult rattlesnake and five young rattlers outside her uncle's home. "I was trying to find a signal to call my mom and text my boyfriend," Oliphant said on Friday, a day after she was released from the hospital following the Oct. 27 incident. "I didn't see them until I already stepped on their nest and I felt them biting me."
"My vision started to go right away. First it looked like the snakes blended into the leaves and then I started seeing black spots around the edges and I started blacking out." She returned to her uncle's home in Jamul, outside San Diego, and he immediately packed her into the car and rushed her to the emergency room, she said. On the way, she talked to her mom and her boyfriend, who told her to stay calm so the venom wouldn't spread. "I told my mom and my boyfriend I love them in case I don't get to see them again," she said.

Top 2 weird-Homeowner tased by Police While Attempting to Save Home from Fire


PINELLAS PARK — The fire was all around Dan Jensen. He could see it. He could smell it. He could hear it.It was close enough to touch. It was burning down his neighbor's house. It was creeping toward Jensen's own fence 10 feet away, and he started spraying the fire with his hose. Police ordered Jensen to get back, and he complied. But after a few minutes passed without firefighters arriving, a frustrated Jensen stepped forward and leaned down to grab the skinny gray garden hose once again. That's when he heard the order.  "Hit 'em! Take him down! Tase him! “Within moments, Jensen was on the ground. He felt electric. "It was all over me," Jensen said. "Crawling all over me."
The 42-year-old commercial fisherman is still struggling to comprehend exactly how things deteriorated so quickly Thursday. He said he doesn't understand why police shot him with a Taser that night as he tried to battle a house fire at 3420 Beechwood Ter. N. Jensen’s family, friends and neighbors has been quick to defend him and accuse police of crossing a line. "It was wrong," he said. "There's no way around it. … I was fighting a fire. I wasn't fighting police. I thought they were here to help me. Instead, they hurt me."Police said they can sympathize with the stress Jensen was under. But they said he put himself and officers in danger when he refused to back down from fighting the fire. Pinellas Park Capt. Sanfield Forseth told the Tampa Bay Times authorities could have even charged Jensen with obstruction, but decided against it.


Top 1 weird-Husband Uses GPS to Find Teacher Having Sex with Student


A suspicious husband used the GPS capability on his wife’s cellphone to find the 38-year-old teacher having sex with a 16-year-old boy. Amie Neely now faces a felony sexual assault charge after being arrested by Port St. Lucie, Fla. police early Sunday morning, according to TC Palm.
WPBF reports that the boy was an exchange student living with Neely and her husband at the time of the alleged assault. There is also another exchange student still taking up residence there, according to the station.
There is no indication that Neely, who teaches at Community Christian Academy, ever taught the student she's accused of assaulting.The boy told cops he drove Neely to an area near St. Lucie West Centennial High School. He said he got in the back seat with Neely and, as the two were having sex, the teacher's husband walked up to the car and discovered them. Neely allegedly blamed "midlife crisis" feelings for her behavior when questioned by police, according to TC Palm. She also said the boy kept asking for sex and she hoped he would stop asking if she went along with his requests, according to police. The boy told cops he and Neely had sex on multiple occasions, including inside the teacher's home.Community Christian Academy told WPBF they are cooperating with authorities and have no further comment at this time. Neely was released on $15,000 bail.


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