Friday, November 16, 2012

Mom alleges porn at McDonald, Naked flasher ruining wedding and Bird retrieves lost camera from lake

Mom alleges porn at McDonald, Naked flasher ruining wedding and Bird retrieves lost camera from lake

Here are World top 5 weird, funny and sexy news of Today in reverse order....


Number 5 Weird and Funny News-Bird retrieves lost camera from lake –Very nice act from a bird


CALGARY - A Saskatchewan fisherman found the camera he dropped in a lake several months ago thanks to a water bird and one woman's curiosity. Karen Gwillim could see cars dodging something on a bridge up ahead as she drove through the village of Craven, Sask., on a September day. As she approached what she thought might be roadkill, Gwillim, 36, was surprised to see a cormorant — a type of water bird — standing on the bridge, exhausted from hauling around some peculiar luggage. "It had

something silver on its back," said Gwillim, a Saskatoon-based sound technician and singing teacher who also works in software development. "I pulled over and walked back toward it. I could see it was a camera." Sure enough, the bird was carrying a camera, the strap looped around its neck. Gwillim expected the bird to flee as she approached, but it didn't. "It let me grab it," she said. She unhooked the camera and carried the cormorant off the bridge to safety, adding it seemed to be in good health. "The camera was very watered down and the batteries were gone, but when I opened it, the card was still in it," she said.

Number 4 Weird and Funny News -One year old Romeo parody is YouTube video viral monster-Nice one


IT'S one of the biggest viral YouTube hits of the year - the baby that you don't want to cross. Over 15 million people worldwide have watched one-year old Romeo Elvis Bulte flip, scissor-kick and roundhouse the dragon in his dad's back garden with the help of special effects, The Sun reported. It's a spoof of Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill movies. Romeo sizes up the toy animal before taking it on in a mock battle and literally knocking the stuffing out of it.

Number 3 Weird and Funny News- India textbook says meat-eaters lie and commit sex crimes-controversial


Meat-eaters "easily cheat, lie, forget promises and commit sex crimes", according to a controversial school textbook available in India.New Healthway, a book on hygiene and health aimed at 11 and 12 year-olds, is printed by one of India's leading publishers.Academics have urged the government to exercise greater control.But the authorities say schools should monitor content as they are responsible for the choice of textbooks.

Number 2 Weird and Funny News- Video of Naked flasher ruining wedding- Crazy man

A BRIDE and groom had their big day ruined when a flasher burst into the church during their marriage vows and gave them an eyeful of his wedding tackle
The unlucky couple were standing in front of the vicar when the shutters above the altar suddenly opened to reveal the naked stranger with his arms aloft. Video of the incident , somewhere in the US, was uploaded on to video-sharing sites earlier this week, but the couple’s identity is unknown. The bride can be heard whispering: “Oh my god. Get him out. Turn around. Please get him out. “The man then closes the shutters, before re-appearing in all his glory as the shocked congregation gasps.

Number 1 Weird and Funny News -Mom alleges porn at McDonald's –What happen?


TORONTO - Jill-Anne Hopkins always considered McDonald's a family restaurant. That changed Sunday when she had to shield her eight-year-olds ears from loud, explicit pornography in the next booth over. Hopkins was enjoying cheeseburgers with her ex-husband and their son, Grant, in a Keswick, Ont., McDonald's around 6 p.m. when they heard a woman's voice say sultrily, "I want you to come over here and f--- me." Startled, she looked over and noticed a man on his laptop chatting to a topless woman on a webcam sex site. "My son's head popped right up and said, 'Who said that?'" she said. "I said, 'Someone with a bad potty mouth who doesn't realize there are children at McDonald's.' "And then the talk continued. I don't know if he was touching himself under the table." 
 As Hopkins, 43, moved her family over to another spot across the virtually deserted fast-food joint on Woodbine Ave., she heard the woman on the computer hiss, "By the way, tell that broad to go f--- herself. Did she hear me or should I say it louder?" The family finished their meal and while Grant was in the play area, Hopkins approached the manager and told her about the man, who appeared to be in his mid-20s, on the sex chat. The manager spoke to the man, but he didn't leave for another 20 minutes. She doesn't know whether he shut down the website. Hopkins said because the restaurant chain provides free wireless Internet to customers, the company should be responsible for making sure inappropriate material can't be accessed at their locations. "They didn't even come over and apologize that my son had to see that," she said, adding a customer representative was rude to her when she called to complain the next day. "I would like an apology. Who watches porn with children around?" McDonald's Canada said it's impossible to tell whether the man in question was accessing the Internet through their free Wi-Fi or through another network or wireless stick. Customers accessing the Wi-Fi must agree to their terms and conditions, which include not viewing pornography, McDonald's spokesman Stephanie Sorensen said. There are also filters switched on preventing offensive material.


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