Why-10-year-old pulls 9mm gun after candy theft joke (video)
Smart-Thieves swipe sandwich, leave cellphone
How-Man's pained face shows up in ultrasound scan of testicle
Why-Lingerie store workers' bra sizes on display
Lucky-Real-life Slumdog Millionaire wins $1M
Why-Man smeared girls' bums with hand sanitizer
Surprise- Cops led to backyard grave a month ago

PASADENA, Texas -- A married Pasadena man told police his ex-lover got revenge by mailing nude photos of him to his wife and neighbors while the affair was still going on, Local 2 Investigates reported on Tuesday.Several female neighbors called police when the envelopes showed up in their mailboxes off Scott Street in Pasadena.According to a police report, the letters were addressed to "Ms." and then listed neighbors' addresses with a Pasadena return address.The letters were actually postmarked near San Antonio , where the man who is pictured in the photos, was working on a pipeline job."I think she wanted to get me somehow," said the man, who asked to remain anonymous. "I want her to leave my family alone and my kids."In the photos mailed to his neighbors and his wife, he is smiling toward the camera while exposing himself.Each picture had a vulgar phrase printed on the back as if it was a sexually suggestive caption for anyone who received the photo.
"It's cruel," said one neighbor who received a copy of the picture. "It's definitely embarrassing, so I feel bad for the guy. Nothing should go that far."Other women who received the photos said they were shocked and even afraid at the sexually charged photos, unsettled over children possibly seeing the photos or thoughts of being violated while they're home alone.
When police approached the man, he admitted it was him in the photos and he said his ex-lover was responsible.
He told Local 2 Investigates that police contacted the woman by phone in Camzo Springs , Texas and she agreed not to send any more pictures.Officers said no crime was committed, so no charges are expected.Police took the copies of the pictures as evidence.
"I just don't want any trouble," the man said.His wife, who wiped away tears as a reporter spoke to her husband, is standing by her man. The two have reconciled, according to the police report.He said the ex-lover's revenge did not stop with the photos they took while their affair was going on. He told police she started calling his employer after the breakup and he was quickly fired.
"I lost my job for her," he said, adding she told his boss he was stealing from a jobsite.
The man denies ever stealing anything and said he is now searching for a lawyer to file a lawsuit against the woman. (click2houston)
Why-Lingerie store workers' bra sizes on display employee name tags

Easy way to check the size…
Staff at a chain of lingerie shops in Sweden is up in arms over employee name tags that display their bust sizes.
Workers at Change say they are forced to wear the tags and get demerit points if they don't, reports Sweden 's The Local.
But company CEO Susann Haglund insists the tags are voluntary and are intended to show customers what size might be right for what body shape."We have dirty old men coming into the shop looking at my cup size," one anonymous employee told the union paper Handelsnytt.The Commercial Employees' Union says the tags are discriminatory, and their use violates the workers' collective agreement and might even be in breach of Swedish law.The union has been negotiating for the company to scrap the name tags and now plans to sue, according to The Local.
Lucky-Real-life Slumdog Millionaire wins $1M

In a case of life mirroring art, a poor IT worker who came to own a TV set only last year has won $1 million on an Indian game show.Sushil Kumar, 27, from a village in the eastern state of Bihar, became the first contestant to win the top prize in five seasons of India's version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, reports the Times of India. It's the exact plot of the 2008 Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire.Newlywed Sushil told the Times he plans to use the money to repay the mortgage owed on his family's ancestral home, which is currently in the hands of the moneylender. He also wants to buy a plot of land to build "a comfortable house" for his parents and four brothers and take the preparatory course for India 's civil service exam.
Smart-Thieves swipe sandwich, leave cellphone

Two men have been charged in Philadelphia after allegedly robbing a 13-year-old boy of his meatball sub — but not the cellphone he used to call police.Just before 7 p.m. Saturday, the boy was walking home after buying a sandwich when two men got out of a black Ford Expedition and approached him.One of the men, brandishing a revolver, told the boy, “Whatever you do, don’t move,” according to a police criminal complaint.The second suspect searched the boy’s pockets. When the two suspects determined the boy had nothing of value, they swiped his meatball sub and ran to the waiting car.The boy promptly called police to report the theft, and police officers found two men matching the suspects’ descriptions in an SUV along with two other men.
All four men have been charged.(QMI)
Why-Man smeared girls' bums with hand sanitizer

The assaults occurred in various locations including malls and schools. A pre-sentencing report said Germain is afflicted with paraphilia, which is characterized by deviant sexual behaviour often targeting people against their will. Crown prosecutor Rachel Gagnon said a sex therapist should assess Germain to determine his exact problem and help to determine an appropriate sentence.
The defence contested the motion, saying the evaluation was "the single most intrusive, extreme (measure affecting) an individual's privacy." (QMI)
Surprise- Cops led to backyard grave a month ago

Why-10-year-old pulls 9mm gun after candy theft joke (video)
How-Man's pained face shows up in ultrasound scan of testicle

What a ballache!Images of the face of Jesus turning up in toast – and even in a Kit Kat – have cropped up several times over the years. Susan Boyle's face even turned up in a Yorkshire pudding.Frequently, such strange appearances been claimed as evidence of the son of God’s wondrous powers (Jesus, not Susan Boyle) even if that evidence has made itself present in rather unconventional foodstuffs.But the apparent image of this man’s face is even more surprising – because it turned up in an ultrasound scan of a TESTICLE. (mirror.co.uk)
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