Wow-One-letter typo leads to election of wrong candidate
Bad-Child-porn hoarder 'doesn't get it,' judge says
Hoax-More victims of butt implants (super glue” and flat-tire repair materials)
Fun- Nude jogger sought
What-Who stole your sperm?
Who is a provocative sprout tester?
Nice idea-Giant 30mph sign leaves drivers in no doubt
Fun- Nude jogger sought

LONDON, ON - It's getting a little chilly for early morning runs, but apparently not too brisk for a man spotted jogging in the buff in southern Ontario this week.Provincial police are looking for a naked jogger with a beer belly after he was spotted by a female runner Tuesday at about 5 a.m. in Innerkip.The runner is described as a balding white man in his fifties, six-feet tall, with a moustache.
This isn't the first time the nude jogger has been seen in the area, said police.
Innerkip is about 130 km southwest of Toronto .
Hoax-Better buttocks with cement and glue (Video-super glue” and flat-tire repair materials)

Oneal Ron Morris, 30, was arrested by Miami Gardens police Friday in Fort Lauderdale and charged with causing bodily injury and practicing healthcare without a license. Police referred to Morris as a man though he had the appearance of a woman in the arrest photo released by police.
According to the charge, Morris, acting without a required medical practitioner’s license and starting in May 2010, injected substances into the buttocks of a woman client to improve their “shape and cosmetic appearance.” Morris was allegedly paid $700 for this.
“Initial laboratory analysis conducted by medical personnel determined the foreign substances injected into the victim consisted of a host of household and automotive products including superglue, mineral oil and “Fix-a-Flat” (a tire repair material),” Jennifer Hirst, deputy press secretary of Florida’s Department of Health, said in an email. (Reuters)
Bad-Child-porn hoarder 'doesn't get it,' judge says

WINNIPEG -- A wheelchair-bound Winnipeg man arrested in possession of a massive child pornography collection has been sentenced to 20 months time served and three years supervised probation.Ken Kreton, 61, pleaded guilty last September to two counts of possessing child pornography, one count of distributing child pornography and one count of breaching a court order he not access the Internet.Kreton received credit of 1 1/2 days for each day he served in custody for a paper sentence of 30 months.
When arrested, Kreton accused police of "wrecking (his) life" and asked "who's hurting if I'm looking at pictures?"
"He doesn't get it," said Judge Mary Curtis.Court previously heard Kreton had not stepped outside of his house in four years prior to his fall 2009 arrest and spent up to 15 hours a day on his computer.Kreton suffers from cerebral palsy and a host of other ailments. He claimed he couldn't leave the house because he was busy monitoring security alarms for his now-defunct alarm company. (QMI)
Wow-One-letter typo leads to election of wrong candidate

You wouldn't think a one-letter typo would make a huge difference, but in an election it apparently does.In Derby , James J. Butler received 1,526 votes in the race for the Board of Apportionment and Taxation Nov. 8. In fact, he got more votes than anyone else running for election to the 10-member board.The problem? James J. Butler wasn't running, but his father, James R. Butler, who campaigned for the position. But because of a typo on the ballot, it's the younger Butler who was officially elected to the office.The Democratic Town Committee nominated James R. Butler, and its members are now trying to figure out what to do, with the Dec. 3 swearing-in ceremony quickly approaching.
"I was the one they nominated. My son wants nothing to do with this," James R. Butler told the Connecticut Post Tuesday. The older Butler noticed the error on the ballot when he voted, the paper reported.To add to the confusion, both father and son live on Prindle Avenue
, and both share the same birthday.A spokesperson for the Secretary of State's Office, which oversees elections in Connecticut , said no one in the office has ever heard of an error like this ever happening. But Av Harris said the voters elected James J. Butler, and it will be up to the Democratic Town Committee to sort out the problem. (Msnbc)
Who is a provocative sprout tester?

She might be a far cry from the man from Del Monte, but a-peeling Yasmin's provocative poses have certainly got her some attention after her unveiling as an official tester of the vegetable in the run-up to Christmas.

The Yorkshire lass will be a key component in making sure her dad's festive crop hits the spot this winter - traditionally the busiest time for a Brussels business. The farm, near Beverley, is renowned for its produce, which accounts for around five per cent of all Brussel sprouts sold in the UK in the build-up to the holiday season. (
What-Who stole your sperm?
A Texas man claims his girlfriend stole his sperm, and he is suing the fertility clinic that helped get her pregnant.
Joe Pressil, 36, said he found out about the plan when he got a receipt from Advanced Fertility listing him as the patient, reports KPRC-TV Houston.Pressil was surprised when his girlfriend got pregnant three months after they broke up. He said she always claimed she couldn't have children due to a medical condition."That's a violation of myself, to what I believe in, to my religion, and just to my manhood," he told the channel.His girlfriend gave birth to twins and sued him for child support, which he had to pay when blood tests confirmed he was the father.
He said his now-ex would always insist on discarding their condoms after sex.
The lawyer for Advanced Fertility and Omni-Med Laboratories said proper procedures were followed.
"We do know that we do have his blood work, we do know that his insurance was billed for it, and we do know that his credit card was used to pay for [some of] the visits," Danny Sheena told KPRC. (QMI)
Nice idea-Giant 30mph sign leaves drivers in no doubt

The father of three was concerned about the high volume of cars speeding by his home, so after the council failed to take action the 47-year-old took matters into his own hands.Mr Backhouse spent four hours painting the 30mph sign using specialist ladders and red and white emulsion paint. The end result was a speed-limit sign that's about as obvious as any we've ever seen.
After constant rejections from highway officials, the painting of the sign cost Mr Backhouse a relatively paltry £100. 'I know it might seem like a bit of a drastic measure but I'm sick and tired of motorists, lorries in particular, speeding through,' he said.
'There is no speed camera in the village so no incentive for people to abide by the law. (
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