LOL-Terrible holiday gift ideas (video)
Scary-Girlfriend 'Tasered then buried alive'
Why-women offered free contraception pill at Christmas
New-Fungi having sex
Rolemodel-MP to face drunken driving charges
LOL-Terrible holiday gift ideas (video)
“The Pillow Tie”? Willie Geist makes your holiday shopping easy by rounding up the worst actual items he can find..
Scary-Girlfriend 'Tasered then buried alive'

A terrified mother was buried alive in a cardboard box by the boyfriend who wanted rid of her, a court heard yesterday.Michelina Lewandowska, 27, was shot with a 300,000-volt Taser stun gun by Marcin Kasprzak, 25, who was allegedly bored with her and thought she was not pretty enough.She was bound and gagged with parcel tape and put in a box with two small air holes, a jury was told. She was put in the boot of a car, driven to a wooded area and buried in a ‘shallow grave’.
Kasprzak and a friend, Patryk Borys, 18, used shovels to pile soil on the box and then put a tree branch weighing more than six stone on top of it, Leeds Crown Court heard.
Fearing the consequences of crying out, Miss Lewandowska kept quiet throughout the ordeal and as far as the men were concerned she could have been unconscious, the jury was told.
They ‘simply left her there’ and drove to a supermarket cashpoint where they used her bank cards to withdraw £500 of her money.
Over the next hour their victim, ‘with great difficulty’, managed to get out of the box and escape from the makeshift grave.
She stumbled to a nearby road and raised the alarm by flagging down a motorist.
Why-women offered free contraception pill at Christmas

BRITISH women are being offered free supplies of the emergency "morning-after" contraceptive pill over the Christmas and New Year holidays, the country's leading abortion agency said today.
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) said it saw more women with unplanned pregnancies in January than any other time, and hoped the project would reduce numbers.
In its online campaign, BPAS references increased festivity at this time of year as one cause, but also warns that pharmacy closures due to the holidays often made it harder to get hold of emergency contraception.The new service allows women to request the morning-after pill in advance and, following a 15-minute telephone consultation with a nurse, receive a pack that also includes condoms and "advice literature". We know women often do not take the morning-after pill after unprotected sex," said Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS."They may not think their risk of pregnancy is high and the cost, inconvenience or embarrassment of obtaining it may put them off."We hope being able to access it in advance over the phone for free will encourage more women to have one at home, just in case."
New-Fungi having sex

Voyeuristic scientists have caught yeast having sex, and lots of it, a finding that questions the assumed chastity of the microscopic fungi that cause yeast infections in humans.
Such sexual antics may explain how these yeast evolve into drug-resistant strains that are tricky to treat. Most of the 1,500 known species of yeast, such as those involved in making breads and wines, primarily reproduce asexually through budding. Sexual reproduction is known to occur, but it is rare. The more harmful infectious yeast species, however, were thought to be exclusively asexual … until now. Scientists at Brown University have discovered that Candida tropicalis, one of the multitudes of fungi living in and on the human body that can cause yeast infections, can mate selectively, creating new and potentially dangerous strains. The finding was reported on Dec. 5 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Graduate student Allison Porman discovered the yeast sex show during a rotation through the lab of Richard Bennett, an assistant professor of biology at Brown. Porman noticed that a white colony of C. tropicalis in a petri dish divided into lighter and darker regions, highlighting new combinations of genes, the telltale sign of mating. Asexual reproduction would have created genetic clones of the parents. Bennett speculates this behavior is likely an evolutionary mechanism to better ensure the survival of their prodigy. " Sex is really good for microbes when times are hard," he said. "That's the time when you need to adapt and try various combinations of your genes." The curious thing is, Bennett doesn't know what hard times trigger mating. Maybe it is heat, or maybe it is the scent of a particular pheromone released in response to stress. Bennett and his team now are attempting to uncover what gets yeast in the mood for mating to prove this theory of survival of the fittest.
More than a prurient pursuit, the research has important repercussions of understanding drug resistance. The yeast's adaptability by switching sexual reproduction on and off could mean that it can evolve faster than what scientists had thought and thus is more capable of developing increased virulence and drug-resistant strains.
Surprise-Man's shock when prostitute turns out to be his daughter

A man who ordered a prostitute to his hotel room collapsed when his daughter turned up at the door. Titus Ncube from Bulawayo , Zimbabwe , said the shock of seeing his 20-year-old daughter sent him to the ground. The unnamed woman reportedly fled the building.
According to the Zimbabwe News, Ncube ordered the prostitute as he was experiencing marital problems. “I am sorry for what I did,” he said. “I spoke to my wife and my daughter… I apologised for my actions because I just wanted my family back." Ncube said his daughter was no longer working as a prostitute and was planning to return to school. "My marital problems are not over, but we have a marriage counsellor who is helping us to get over this most difficult period in our marriage," he added. On hearing the news, his wife said: “If it were not for my children, I could have divorced him a long time ago.”
Rolemodel-MP to face drunken driving charges

Goldring, who has been an MP since 1997, has held the Edmonton East riding for 14 years.
In 2009, the Toronto-born MP publicly opposed legislation that would require roadside screening for all drivers, regardless of whether they were suspected of being impaired.
Lie-Woman told IRS she had" 20 kids on same day" to get tax break..

A Livermore woman has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for bilking the government out of $302,000 by filing tax returns for relatives and friends claiming deductions for 20 nonexistent children, who she said were born to her on the same day.
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