Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bra-size name tag outrage and a mouse running on McDonald's burger buns

All videos are under the post

Adult bar offers Casey Anthony career as a stripper (video)

Why-Bra-size name tag 'outrage' headed to court

Lucky- Woman finds stolen ring on Kijiji

Why-Senior fined $50 for pot

Oops: Man gets $44 million hospital bill

McDonald's employee films mouse running through bag of burger buns (video)

Wow-Actress Huong Hoang suing IMDb for revealing age identifies herself

Wow-Actress Huong Hoang suing IMDb for revealing age identifies herself

Junie Hoang

AN actress suing Amazon's Internet Movie Database (IMDb) website for revealing her age has identified herself in an amended complaint filed Friday.
Huong Hoang, of Texas, filed her suit in October as "Jane Doe," claiming that the only way IMDb could have found out her real age was if it had used her credit card details, obtained when she purchased an "industry insider" package from the website in the hope of gaining more work. The 40-year-old actress - who goes by the stage name Junie Hoang - claimed she has since lost out on work opportunities due to Hollywood's stigma against older actresses and is seeking more than $1 million in damages.The B-grade actress has appeared in TV shows 1000 Ways to Die and Operation Repo and in the movies Gingerbread Man 3 and Saturday Night Cleaver. She filed the suit anonymously because she feared blacklisting and retribution if her identity was known, according to The Hollywood Reporter.However, Judge Marsha Pechman ruled in December that Ms Hoang had to refile the lawsuit under her own name or the case would be dismissed.
"We are very disappointed that the judge required the plaintiff to identify herself by name," Ms Hoang's attorney John Dozier told entertainment news website on Friday.

Why-Bra-size name tag 'outrage' headed to court

A complaint from a former lingerie shop employee upset at being forced to wear a name tag displaying her bra size has prompted a Swedish union to file a discrimination lawsuit against the company that runs the store. In November last year, the shop assistant complained that she was uncomfortable displaying her bra size during her shifts at the Gothenburg outlet of Scandinavian-owned lingerie company ‘Change’.Following the complaint, the Commercial Employees' Union (Handelsanställdas förbund - Handels) announced on Tuesday it was filing a lawsuit demanding the company pay 300,000 kronor ($43,410) in compensation to the former employee.“We don’t feel that it’s any help to see the size of someone’s breasts. We don’t see the connection at all,” the union’s press secretary Kristina Jogestrand told The Local.“You can be a confident, secure woman without having to showing the size of your breasts for all to see.”
The lawsuit argues that requiring employees to display their bra sizes is a breach of discrimination laws and the union's collective wage agreement.“Our union member has experienced something offensive and discomforting in the wearing of such badges. For her, bust size is deeply personal,” union spokesperson Jannika Fahlander said in a statement.

In addition to compensation for the disgruntled employee, the union is also seeking 100,000 kronor from the company for what the union argues is a breach of the collective agreement.
The bra-size name tags, which displayed both the employee’s bust circumference and cup size, had been introduced to the company three years ago to aid customers by showing them what size might be right for what body shape.

Why-Senior fined $50 for pot

SARNIA, Ont. -- A senior caught with a bit of marijuana outside a retirement home has been fined $50 in Sarnia court.
James Gordon Brown, 66, of Sarnia, pleaded guilty to the Sept. 26, 2011, offence and was fined Monday.
Sarnia police had been called to the home and Gordon was standing outside. 70Police reported Gordon had four grams of marijuana, but defence lawyer David Stoesser said Gordon believed it was closer to 1.5 grams. At the time, Gordon’s arrest was called unusual by police because most marijuana arrests involve teenagers or people outside bars, not retirement homes.
Justice Mark Hornblower said he overlooked as much of Brown’s criminal record as he could to impose the $50 fine.

Adult bar offers Casey Anthony career as a stripper (video)

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. - If Casey Anthony is looking for a gig, an offers on the table-- but she’d have to bare all to get it.Body Talk, a Port St. Lucie Adult entertainment bar, placed a sign up on its marquee that reads: “Casey, we are hiring”.Anthony, 25, was found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in 2008.

The manager confirmed that the offer is real and told reporters, “We are hiring dancers, and she seems to be qualified. ”

Bad-McDonald's employee films mouse running through bag of burger buns (video below)

In the stomach-churning clip, the rodent speeds around inside the clear plastic bag of buns, making contact with numerous pieces of bread.

Despite this unsanitary event, according to the former McDonald's employee, bosses at the West Oak Lane branch in Philadelphia ordered workers to brush off the droppings and serve the buns to unsuspecting customers.When Karruim Demaio saw the mouse scurrying around inside the bag, he whipped out his phone and caught the footage in order to expose his former employers.
He said: 'I was going back there to get something else and I heard some rustling, so I turned around, and I look, I seen a mouse inside the bread. Not on top of the package, but inside of the package.’that wasn't the first time. That was about the sixth or seventh time. That's what made me like, I got to get video of this.'

Lucky- Woman finds stolen ring on Kijiji

LONDON, Ont. - A former American college football star is grateful after a Internet-savvy good Samaritan here tracked down his stolen championship ring.
A London woman was scouring the online classified site Kijiji when she came across an usual item: a 2001 National Orange Bowl Florida State championship football ring.
Curious, she clicked on the link and saw the gold ring had "Womble #91" engraved on it. "I saw this ad for a national championship ring ... and I'm thinking, who is going to sell their ring?" said the woman, who didn't want to be identified. The ring was listed for $1,500. The tech-savvy woman did some online research and soon learned the ring belonged to Jeff Womble.
Womble, 30, played nosetackle for Florida State University from 1999 to 2003. Digging deeper, she found out the ring had been stolen.
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Womble and his mother returned to their Atlanta, Ga., home on Nov. 26 and discovered their home had been burglarized. Thieves made off with electronics, as well as Womble's national championship ring and three Atlantic Coast Conference rings.

Oops: Man gets $44 million hospital bill

NEW YORK — Patients don't normally get sick once they've returned home from the hospital, but one New York resident said he almost became ill when he received a whopping $44.8 million bill from the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center. I almost had an asthma attack,” Alexis Rodriguez, 28, told The New York Daily News.
Rodriguez, a doorman who is currently unemployed, is one of several hundred patients getting billed for tens of millions of dollars because of a computer error at the New York City hospital.
He told The Daily News that initially, he thought the bill was legitimate because he had received a large bill last spring when he was hospitalized for pneumonia for three weeks — although that bill was in the tens of thousands of dollars, not millions.This hospital visit, again for pneumonia, was for outpatient services, reported The Daily News. The $44,776,587 bill should have amounted to no more than $300.


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