Thursday, January 19, 2012

New urinal game makes a splash and Legal Ritz-Carlton of Whorehouses

Stupid-Caught on video: Mailman tosses antique clock (video)

Good-Where to get Tax-Free Breast Implants

New-Mustang Ranch Brothel Seeks To Become 'Ritz-Carlton of Whorehouses' (Video)

Raunchy-Now a new urinal game makes a splash (video)

Why-Gingrich wanted 'open marriage': ex-wife

Why-Teacher limits kids' bathroom trips: 3 per week

Why-Gingrich wanted 'open marriage': ex-wife

Forget the attack ads up to this point. The GOP nomination race is about to get messy.
Newt Gingrich's second wife, Marianne Ginther, was scheduled to expose details of the couple's 1999 divorce in an interview with Nightline on ABC Thursday night.
In a preview of the interview on ABC's website, Ginther says Gingrich wanted an "open marriage." This was at the same time he was carrying on his second extramarital affair at the time with his current wife, Callista Bisek. "I said to him, 'We've been married a long time.' And he said, 'Yes, but you want me all to yourself, Callista doesn't care what I do,'" she tells the interviewer. "He was asking to have an open marriage and I refused." "He wanted an open marriage," ABC's Brian Ross said. "Yeah, that I accept the fact that he has somebody else in his life," Ginther said.
  "And you said," Ross asked. "No," she said. "That is not a marriage."
Gingrich and Ginther began their relationship while Gingrich was married to his first wife Jackie Battley. He divorced her in 1980 while she was fighting cancer, and married Marianne a year later.
Then in the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with Bisek, a Congressional staffer 23 years his junior. Gingrich continued his affair with Bisek through the 1990s, all the while Gingrich was leading the charge to impeach then president Bill Clinton for having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky. Gingrich and Bisek married in 2000. In 2007, Gingrich became a Catholic.

Ginther has revealed details of their divorce before, most recently in an Esquire article last fall. She reportedly wanted to set the record straight again as Gingrich is fighting to be the Republican nominee to take on President Barack Obama in November's election. On Thursday, Gingrich said in a television interview his divorce is a personal matter and ABC should not show the interview. He also said his two daughters have written ABC asking it to cancel the broadcast Thursday night.

Good-Where to get Tax-Free Breast Implants

Starting in July of 2013, New Jersey residents getting botox injections, breast implants, and other various nips and tucks will be able to get the procedures tax-free thanks to a bill signed today by Governor Chris Christie, New Jersey On-Line reports.The bill will gradually phase out the "cosmetic medical procedures gross receipt tax," a state tax imposed in 2004 requiring clinics to collect taxes on their procedures.The bill defines cosmetic surgery as "any medical procedure performed on an individual which is directed at improving the procedure subject’s appearance and which does not meaningfully promote the proper function of the body or prevent or treat illness or disease."

New-Mustang Ranch Brothel Seeks To Become 'Ritz-Carlton of Whorehouses' (VIDEO)

If you build it, they will come.We're not talking about a baseball diamond in the middle of an Iowa cornfield, we're talking about a legal brothel near Reno, Nev., that's taking the world's oldest profession into the modern age of luxury recreation, featuring a cabaret with live entertainment, a fully equipped spa, and 10 deluxe suites. "We see this as the Ritz-Carlton of brothels," Lance Gilman, co-owner of the Mustang Ranch Resort, told HuffPost Weird News.
The Mustang takes its name from Nevada's first licensed brothel, and is built on the very site where the historic whorehouse once stood. But unlike the original Mustang -- or any other legal brothel -- this new establishment seeks to earn 40 percent of its revenue from goods and services unrelated to private time with the ladies."We're selling luxury and fantasy, not just sex," Gilman said. Their business model is nontraditional -- both for the brothel business and the resort industry.
It costs nothing to stay at the resort. However, guests have to pay at least one of the women to accompany them around the Ranch at all times, even if the guest brings a significant other.
Bringing a date to a house of prostitution might seem absurd, but Gilman says it's quite common.
Gilman claims he was a customer at a brothel when he fell in love with one of the women working there. That woman is now both his life partner and his business partner, Susan Austin, the madam of the Mustang.Gilman and Austin said they were inspired by Walt Disney, who famously took his children to a shabby carnival and imagined building what would become the world's first theme park  Disneyland."Most brothels are basically trailer parks in isolated places and there's nothing to do once you get there other than have sex," Gilman said.
The idea of a brothel that is more like a luxury hotel than a trailer park appeals to porn star Amber Peach, who's worked in legal houses of ill repute.

Raunchy-Now a new urinal game makes a splash (video)

TOKYO – Three years ago the “Toylet“ was just a pipe-dream for developers at Japanese video game maker Sega, but now the urinal video game has been rolled out at pubs across the nation.
Users target their urine at a sensor inside the toilet which measures volume and speed, with software then matching that to progress in a selection of five video games in a console mounted at the top of the urinal. “At first, we thought it would really be only young people who would like this kind of game. But ... we’re seeing this phenomenon where people are enjoying playing with it, regardless of age,” said Hirotaka Machida, the console’s lead producer. At 150,000 yen ($2,000) for a single unit, Machida said the original plan had been to avoid the mass market, but tests in pubs and restaurants showed it had broad appeal. An infra-red device cuts off play if gamers stray too far from the urinal, reducing the amount of mess, according to Sega, making it a hit with pub managers as well.
Toilet humour and raunchy gags are a staple of far from high-brow variety shows in Japan where Toylets were rolled out on general release.
Sega now has its sights on a global expansion plan later in the year.

Why-Teacher limits kids' bathroom trips: 3 per week

NEW YORK -- Parents at a Brooklyn elementary school are furious over a fifth-grade teacher’s bathroom policy that prohibits students from jetting to the john more than three times a week.
The stringent policy is limited to the Coney Island classroom of PS 90 teacher Stephanie Warner and is not schoolwide, reports The New York Post.
However, the teacher’s in-depth e-mail explanation of the program to school principal Greta Hawkins earlier this month did not appear to meet with any resistance on the part of the school administrator, according to the paper. Under Warner’s potty policy, students are given three vouchers a week that entitle them to bathroom visits. A poster hanging on her classroom wall outlines the bathroom rules and explains that students who do not use all three of the vouchers may hand in leftover ones at the end of the week in exchange for tickets they can redeem for small prizes

Wow-Thai fighter kicks tree to smithereens in under a minute (video)

A YouTube video of a Muay Thai practitioner currently doing the internet rounds demonstrates a very different branch of working out – as the fighter kicks a tree to smithereens in under a minute.
The bizarre video, apparently filmed in Thailand, shows the martial artist destroying the tropical tree with a series of twenty one kicks.
Splintered after three kicks, the Muay Thai guy shows his fighting superiority over the inanimate object with foot and shin strikes, alternating between legs.

Stupid-Caught on video: Mailman tosses antique clock

Security camera captures a mailman in Hollywood, California throwing a package containing a 1938 cuckoo clock over the homeowner's fence.



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