Monday, January 30, 2012

Woman slept with more than 1,000 and how to deal with loud neighbors having sex

What-Sex with students costs teacher her licence

Crazy-Caregiver Performed Sex Act on Unconscious Man Brought To Hospital by Cops

Why- Student suspended for growing hair to donate

Nice-How do you guys deal with loud neighbors having sex (video)

Interesting-Woman reveals she has slept with more than 1,000 men

What-Sex with students costs teacher her licence

OTTAWA - An award-winning Ottawa high school teacher accused of inappropriate sexual relationships with several students lost her teaching licence. Joanne Marie Sylvie Leger-Legault, who taught in the Ottawa Carleton District School Board, pleaded no contest to allegations of “professional misconduct” involving four male students during proceedings in the spring and fall of 2011. Her licence was revoked after the fall hearing, but the details are only coming to light now.

The documents regarding this case are among those now made more accessible to the public since new procedures went into force for the Ontario College of Teachers on Jan. 1. The conduct involved four different students during the period of 2001 to 2005. Leger-Legault violated boundaries, the discipline committee of the Ontario College of Teachers heard, by engaging in inappropriate conduct that included kissing one of the students on the lips and having an intimate sexual relationship with two of the students. Leger-Legault also transported students in her car, met with students outside school, discussed personal issues and exchanged text messages.  Ottawa Police said Monday they have no record of any criminal charges being laid in these incidents.

Crazy-Caregiver Performed Sex Act on Unconscious Man Brought To Hospital

A hospital caregiver in Utah is facing a sodomy charge after police discovered him performing a sex act on an unconscious patient who had been transported to the facility by cops after he was found intoxicated at a residence.The January 21 incident at Logan Regional Hospital resulted in the arrest of Hal Weston, 46, for forcible sodomy. Weston is pictured at right in a mug shot taken at the Cache County jail.According to police, the male victim was brought to the hospital after officers were unable to rouse him after he passed out in a police cruiser. At the hospital, the unconscious man (who was to be charged with public intoxication, trespass, and public urination) was put into an exam room, which was concealed behind a curtain.
Cops noted that an officer, who had been writing a police report, went into the exam room to check up on the unconscious man. That’s when patrolman James Gale spotted Weston performing oral sex on the patient around 2 AM.The hospital worker was then arrested and transported to the county lockup. He bailed out of custody later that day.Weston was named in a felony criminal information filed Tuesday in Cache County District Court. He has been fired from his job at the hospital.

Why- Student suspended for growing hair to donate

A student who's growing his locks for what he believes is a great cause has had his ambition cut short.

J.T. Gaskins, a 17-year-old leukemia survivor, told the Detroit News that he had decided over the holidays to grow his hair and donate it to Locks of Love after learning that the sister of a family friend had cancer.
Locks of Love describes itself as a "a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis."
But, Madison Academy in Burton ruled last week that Gaskins' hairstyle is violating school policy and suspended him. According to the school, boys' hair must be "clean, neat, free of unnatural or distracting colors, off the collar, off the ears and out of the eyes.""I fought cancer my entire life. I'm going to keep fighting this," Gaskin told the Times. "I'm not going to not give back just because my school says no."Gaskins' mother, Christa Plante, says she supports her son's effort "100%" and launched a petition on asking the school to amend its hair policy for boys to allow them to grow it for charity donation. By Friday, more than 1,000 people had signed it.

Nice-How do you guys deal with loud neighbors having sex (video)

This guy may not be in New York City—we aren't the only city with thin-walled residences—but he is over on YouTube showing the world how he deals with thin walls and loud neighbors. Particularly, how he deals when said neighbors are doin' it. You know, sex. Our protagonist sets up challenges for himself, called "Thin Wall Challenges," that he needs to finish before the couple... finishes. In this one, titled "Two Neighbors One Cup," he starts out asking: "What has four arms and four legs and is currently gettin' it on next door? It's my neighbors." He then introduces his task for the day, and if he doesn't complete his task, he tases himself (though punishments change with each different challenge).

Interesting-Woman reveals she has slept with more than 1,000 men

Self-confessed sex addict Crystal Warren has slept with over 1,000 men
A 42-year-old woman has notched up more than 1,000 lovers, and had already chalked up 40 by the time she was just 17.
Crystal Warren, a retail manager from Brighton puts her sex addiction down to witnessing the painful breakdown of her parents marriage when she was five-years-old.

Addiction: Warren knows people call her 'easy', and assume she's a slut but they are unaware it's something she cannot control
'People don’t usually associate sex addiction with women,' Crystal told the Daily Mirror. 'We’re normally the ones accused of making excuses before the lights go off but with me it’s different. I think about sex all day.' At the weekend she says she often leaves the house in the middle of the day to find men at pubs or coffee shops to pick up and take home.

Crystal Warren is unable to have children but always makes sure she practices safe sex to avoid STIs
On a bad day she has admitted to having sex with seven different men in 24 hours, sometimes a few at a time.

With such a high number in just one day she confessed it was difficult to fit it all in, and would sleep with a man in the morning, one at lunch and then as many as possible in the evening. Miss Warren lost her virginity when she was 15 and believes she became a sex addict almost instantaneously. The feeling of being wanted by her first lover drove her on for more and more sexual experiences and shortly after her first time she was having sex with new man every other month.
By the time she was 17 she had slept with 40 people. Crystal Warren, a retail manager from Brighton puts her sex addiction down to witnessing the painful breakdown of her parents marriage when she was five-years-old.
'People don’t usually associate sex addiction with women,' Crystal told the Daily Mirror. 'We’re normally the ones accused of making excuses before the lights go off but with me it’s different. I think about sex all day.' At the weekend she says she often leaves the house in the middle of the day to find men at pubs or coffee shops to pick up and take home.
On a bad day she has admitted to having sex with seven different men in 24 hours, sometimes a few at a time.
With such a high number in just one day she confessed it was difficult to fit it all in, and would sleep with a man in the morning, one at lunch and then as many as possible in the evening.


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