Video-Nude Woman, Leads Police on Slow-Speed Chase
Why-Man jailed for sending estranged wife Valentine's Day flowers
Video-Naked bondage role-playing lands two in jail
Why-Lesbians sabotage 'win a divorce' radio contest
Bad idea- Ohio high school paying kids to show up, do work
What- Giant coffins burning issue for German crematoriums
Bad idea- Ohio high school paying kids to show up, do work

CLEVELAND -- An urban charter high school in Cincinnati, Ohio plans to pay students to show up, behave and do their course work — basics for most students — to increase the chances they will stay in school and graduate.The Dohn Community High School plans to pay seniors $25 per week and underclassman $10 week under the program that starts this week at the school where a large percentage of the students live in poverty and single-parent households.
“The target is graduation,” Kenneth Furrier, the school’s chief administrative officer, said in an interview. “We do almost everything we can to get the kids to there.”
Furrier said the school will not use any operating funds for the program. It has raised $40,000 from charitable programs and two private donors and is looking for more, he said.
The payments may not sound like much, but administrators think they will provide good incentives.
About 90 percent of Dohn students qualify for free or reduced-price lunches, a figure used to gauge poverty, and fewer than 20 percent are in two-adult households, Furrier said. Some students are the only ones in the home working, he said. “We tell our kids that they should treat school like it’s their job and then they say they don’t get paid,” Furrier said in an interview. “Now they can get paid.”
What- Giant coffins burning issue for German crematoriums

The Schweinfurt crematorium in Bavaria had to widen the doors by 30 cm to handle larger bodies, which burn longer and hotter and now arrive around once a week, its manager said.
“We burn particularly large coffins on Monday mornings when the ovens are cold,” Helmuth Schlereth said by telephone from the southern region. “There is more body fat that spreads out and has to be burned.”Other crematoriums in the country also report an increase in the number of XXL-coffins, as Germany grapples with the growing obesity affecting many developed and emerging economies.The trend has been fuelled in part by a high-fat national cuisine known for its sausages, pork and beer, as well as a decrease in exercise among the population, which over the years has translated into bigger corpses.“The problem is that the deceased are getting heavier, and so the burning takes longer,” said Silke Meboldt at the Albstadt-Ebingen crematorium in the neighbouring state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. It’s becoming a bigger problem.“Crematorium ovens normally operate at 800-1000 degrees Celsius but the burning process for obese bodies is hotter and takes longer than normal.
Video-Naked bondage role-playing lands two in jail
At least nine police cars responded Tuesday to reports of a bound and naked woman with duct tape over her mouth in the backseat of a man’s car in a busy Portland parking lot. The incident turned out to be a Valentine’s Day role-playing game, and the couple was arrested for disorderly conduct in the second degree. KGW-TV’s Reggie Aqui reports.
Why-Man jailed for sending wife Valentine's Day flowers

Sending flowers to your sweetheart for Valentine’s Day usually usually earns you brownie points. In the case of a 23-year-old Sheboygan man, it earned him a date with police.
Zachary S. Zelko is facing a felony bail jumping charge after he was accused of violating a restraining order by sending his estranged wife flowers for Valentine’s, the Sheboygan Press reported.According to a criminal complaint cited by the newspaper, Zelko sent the flowers, along with a card stating, “Happy Valentine’s Day, enjoy the chocolates,” to her workplace just before noon Monday.
Why-Lesbians sabotage 'win a divorce' radio contest

A lesbian couple sabotaged a controversial radio contest in New Zealand that planned to air a marriage breakup on Valentine's Day.
Last week, a listener identified as Sam won the "win a divorce" contest. The winner would get to ask for a split from their partner live on The Rock radio station and the station would pay the legal costs of the divorce."I've been married to Andy for four years and lately things have not been good," Sam said on the air Tuesday.
But the contest backfired, and Sam turned out to be a lesbian who called her partner and they told off the hosts for holding the contest.
"No it's not Andy and it's never gonna be Andy and it wasn't Andy to start with you f---ing idiots," said the woman on the other end who identified herself as Sam's wife Amber.
"We sabotaged you, you d---heads," she told the hosts, Robert and Jono.
After some confusion, Sam said, "I can't believe you were going to let me do that. Just to be honest, I am appalled by this competition. It is disrespectful to women and all of your listeners."
The hosts were surprised by the hoax. "I feel like I'm in an episode of Scooby-Doo and we're finally figuring out how you guys caught us out and we would have got away with it if it were not for you dastardly lesbians," Jono said.
Video-Nude Woman, Leads Police on Slow-Speed Chase

An 18-year-old woman is accused of leading police on a slow-speed car chase while wearing nothing but cowboy boots.
Police in Corpus Christi , Texas , say they found Taylor Burnham in her birthday suit and boots standing between a fence and a Jeep, according to KRIS TV.
After seeing the cops, police say Burnham jumped in her Jeep and took off at a whopping 30 miles per hour.
The Houston Press reports that the chase lasted for 1.5 miles before Burnham drove onto a sidewalk. A female officer helped her put clothes on before Burnham was arrested and charged with evading arrest and driving while intoxicated.
The Smoking Gun notes that "a police report offers no insight as to why she was driving while naked."
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