Monday, February 27, 2012

Moms buying cosmetic surgery for 8 year daughter of and Teacher Caught in Bed with Student

Why-Calif. students, 10 and 11, expelled after attempted poisoning

Crazy-Ben & Jerry's serves up Lin-Sanity scoop dreams

Wow-Highest peak, shortest man

What-Teacher Caught In Bed with Teen Student

Surprise-Man Seeking Scent of a Woman Nabbed

Oscars’ biggest star? Jolie's leg (video)

What more-Moms buying her daughter £8,000 of cosmetic surgery vouchers for birthday

Why-Calif. students, 10 and 11, expelled after attempted poisoning

Three California elementary school students who attempted to poison their teacher with rat poison in December have been expelled and moved to other schools -- where teachers feel so threatened that no one wants them in their class.
The students, aged 10 and 11, put rat poison in their teacher's coffee and in the icing of a cupcake, local ABC affiliate KFSN reported. The poisoning attempt was foiled when one of the students had second thoughts and knocked the cup of coffee out of the teacher's hand as she tried to drink it. The attempted poisoning took place between Dec. 12 and 16, police said.
The three students were expelled from Balderas Elementary School in Fresno and have been transferred to other schools in the school board, KFSN reported Saturday.
Two of the students will be sent to the Phoenix Academy, a day program that enrolls expelled students from 67 elementary schools in the district.
It's not clear which school the third student was transferred to.
David Coss, a teacher at the academy school, says the students should face harsher punishment instead of simply being transferred to a new school where they're someone else's concern.

Crazy-Ben & Jerry's serves up Lin-Sanity scoop dreams

The Linsanity bandwagon continues to roll.
Fanous ice cream makers Ben & Jerry’s has begun selling a limited-release new flavour called Taste The Lin-Sanity to honour Jeremy Lin, basketball’s sudden sensation.
The new frozen yogurt pints are only available at B&J's
Harvard Square
shop located in the historic heart of Harvard University in Boston. The 23-year-old point guard for the New York Knicks is a graduate of the Ivy League school.
The ingredients include vanilla frozen yogurt and lychee honey swirls, and come with a fresh waffle cookie on the side which can be dipped into the container or crushed on top, company officials said. Initially, Ben & Jerry's planned to include fortune cookie pieces in the mix, Ryan Midden, the company's general manager for Boston and Cambridge, told Friday.
"There seemed to be a bit of an initial backlash about it, but we obviously weren't looking to offend anybody and the majority of the feedback about it has been positive," he said.

Wow-Highest peak, shortest man

KATHMANDU - Home to Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak, the scenic country of Nepal on Sunday added another height-related superlative - of having the world’s shortest man.
A Guinness World Records team measured Chandra Bahadur Dangi at 54.60 centimetres (21.5 inches), declaring the 72-year-old even shorter the previous title holder, Junrey Balawing, from the Philippines, who stood at 23.5 inches at the age of 18 last year.
“The good news is that Chandra Bahadur Dangi is the world’s shortest living man,” Guiness Records Editor-in-Chief Craig Glenday told reporters after measurements were taken.
“If he is really 72 years old he is the oldest person to be awarded the shortest-man record,” Glenday said, adding Dangi was also the shortest person ever measured by the Guinness World Records.

Teaching-Female Teacher Caught In Bed with Teen Student

FEBRUARY 24--The latest school teacher to get arrested for having sex with one of her underage male students was nabbed after the boy’s younger brother discovered the educator in bed with his sibling, according to police. Kathryn Murray, 28, was arrested yesterday for sexual assault of a child and booked into the Harris County jail, where she is being held in lieu of $250,000 bond. Pictured in the mug shot at right, Murray taught eighth grade at Memorial Middle School before recently being fired. According to a probable cause affidavit filed yesterday in District Court, a 15-year-old student invited Murray to his home on February 11 while his parents were away. The teen asked his 12-year-old brother if it would be okay for “Mrs. Murray” to stop by after , investigators reported. Shortly before , the younger boy told cops, he went into his brother’s bedroom and “observed a tan bra and a used condom on the floor.” He also spotted his brother in bed “and the outline of another person under the covers and completely covered by the bedding.”At this point, the older boy decided to make some impromptu introductions, according to the affidavit. “Mrs. Murray, say hi to [younger brother’s name].” The woman replied “Hola,” recalled the boy, who told police that he recognized the woman’s voice as that of “Mrs. Murray, a Memorial Middle School Language Arts teacher.”
The younger brother said that when Murray left the residence at , she called out to him, “Adios.” When interviewed by investigators, the older boy said that he “was in love with the defendant and he had kissed her.” The boy admitted having sex with Murray in his bedroom on February 11, saying that he was “wearing his pajamas and…pulled up the skirt” that Murray was wearing. The teen’s family has secured a restraining order barring Murray from having any contact with the 15-year-old boy. She is also not allowed to go near Memorial Middle School, where she taught for three years. The above photo of Murray had been on the school’s web site prior to her dismissal. Over the past few months, Murray has started three blogs, two of which were related to class assignments. Her third blog, a personal account, only has a few posts and uses a Socrates quote ("I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance") as its title

Surprise-Man Seeking Scent of A Woman Nabbed

A Florida man is facing a solicitation rap after allegedly offering to pay $15 to enjoy the illicit scent of a woman. The woman in question was an undercover cop posing as a hooker on a Bradenton corner that is a “known location for prostitution,” according to a February 23 probable cause

affidavit. The john, cops allege, was Adrian Baltierra, 51, who “approached the undercover officer and began a conversation.”In short order, the pair struck an agreement that Baltierra “would receive ‘smell pussy’ in exchange for $15.00.” Baltierra, seen in the adjacent mug shot, was then arrested by a takedown team waiting nearby.As a result of Baltierra’s desire to “smell pussy,” he was busted Thursday night for solicitation of prostitution, a misdemeanor. He was released the following day from the Manatee County jail and is scheduled for a court appearance this morning.  A similarly unpleasant “smell pussy” episode has previously been aired in these pages.

See-Oscars’ biggest star? Jolie's leg (video)

  Sure, there were fine movies and great actors honored at the Academy Awards, but all anyone wants to talk about is Angelina Jolie’s leg and J-Lo’s chest. Willie Geist breaks it all down.

What more-Moms buying her daughter £8,000 of cosmetic surgery vouchers for her EIGHTH birthday

For their eighth birthday most little girls can expect a new doll, or a bike, some clothes or maybe a games console. Not Poppy Burge. When she wakes up to her special day next month, her mum Sarah will hand her £8,000 of vouchers... to spend on plastic surgery. And while Poppy is so young her two front teeth have yet to come through, Sarah believes it’s perfectly OK to introduce her daughter to the world of Botox, facelifts, nose-jobs and boob jobs. Sarah, 51, who has already spent more than £250,000 on her own cosmetic procedures over the last 20 years, insists that the best gift she can give Poppy is the chance to be just like her.” I’m investing in my child’s future,” she says. “I’m

giving Poppy the freedom to do what she wants. That’s what Poppy wants for her ­birthday.” I think she is beautiful and I don’t think anything needs to change. But the reality of life is people don’t think they look fine as they are.  “It’s ­empowering for her to be able to take charge of the way she wants to look. She’ll be able to use the ­vouchers when she reaches 18. I’m going to keep buying them for her for Christmas and birthdays until then so she’ll have about £120,000 worth. “People are jealous of my success because I’m creative and fun. The plastic surgery sends them into a wild frenzy.”

Former nurse Sarah has had more than 100 cosmetic procedures. She runs her own cosmetic surgery clinic and regularly holds Botox parties at home in St Neots, Cambridgshire.

Many will think her gift ­outrageous... and Poppy’s birthday ­celebrations ­promise to be just as ­bizarre. Sarah, who has three girls by three different fathers (“Men find it hard to keep up with me,” she says) is throwing a lavish party costing £25,000.
She and husband Anthony, 51, an ­aluminum dealer, have hired a huge 24m x 12m marquee for their garden, which will be decked out in barn-dance style. And before the party even begins, Poppy will be taken on a procession through the local village in a horse and carriage, while 100 guests await her arrival.She will walk in on a pink carpet in a new outfit that includes diamond-­encrusted red boots and a designer dress. After ­dancing and a lunch of sausage and beans, there’ll be entertainment from a singer who has been asked to write and perform a song dedicated to Poppy.

Megan Fox stars in the weirdest advert (video)

 Megan Fox is the new star of a Doritos ad airing in Turkey

So this is weird. Megan Fox is currently starring in a Turkish advert for Doritos Fritos Shots and it's the strangest thing we've seen in yonks. According to the ad, if you swallow a packet of Fritos Shots you'll turn into a sex kitten wearing a Jessica Rabbit-style dress. Obviously we can't understand most of what's being said - although Megan and a sweaty man we're guessing is meant to be her agent speak English - but we think the general gist is that a drag queen has hired Megan to make Doritos look sexy, but she turns up looking geeky. (She actually doesn't look geeky at all. She looks amazing.) Cue lots of angry shouting, she downs a packet of Fritos Shots, turns sexy, strides along the stage pouting, speaks a little Turkish and then does a weird dance. The end. We don't get it. Why would you want to advertise crisps by saying they'll make you sexy? Crisps are inherently un-sexy. There's nothing sexy about them. They get on your clothes, under your nails and all over your mouth. And why would you want to turn into a sex kitten while eating them? We usually eat crisps while watching daytime telly wearing our pants. If we suddenly turned into a growly minx we'd be furious. We'd miss Judge Judy!

Weird-Megan Fox stars in the weirdest advert (video)


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