Friday, February 3, 2012

Videos of Real catwomen and Amazing table tennis baby

What-Cops Bust Naked Burglar Covered In Chocolate, Peanut Butter

Wow-New record set at Wing Bowl XX

U.S. inmates hide pig in official police car decal

Bad-Bestiality brothels spur call for animal sex ban

Real-Tub of lard found fit to eat after 64 years

Amazing table tennis baby (video)

Catwoman' involved in real-life Hollywood brawl (video)

New - doll that cries when injected

What-Cops Bust Naked Burglar Covered In Chocolate, Peanut Butter

FEBRUARY 3--A naked burglar covered in chocolate and peanut butter was arrested early Tuesday after workers found him inside a Kentucky supermarket. Andrew Toothman, 22, was collared by State Police troopers who responded to a 911 call from the Food World IGA market in the city of Neon (pop. 770). Pictured in the above mug shot, Toothman was charged with burglary, criminal mischief, and indecent exposure.
A court citation filed yesterday notes that Toothman--who was only wearing a pair of black boots--had “peanut butter and chocolate smeared all over person.” Troopers noted that the store’s front door was “busted out,” and that several fire extinguishers had been discharged. Peanut butter and chocolate were also spread on the market's floor and in the manager’s office.
But the most bizarre bit of vandalism, investigators reported, involved NyQuil, the popular cold and flu remedy. “There was nyquil on the floor that spelled out sorry,” according to the February 2 citation.
Toothman admitted to breaking into the market, troopers noted. The Kentuckian is being held in the Letcher County jail in lieu of $25,000 bond

Wow-New record set at Wing Bowl XX

PHILADELPHIA - More than 17,000 mostly beer-fueled spectators packed a Philadelphia indoor arena on Friday for the city's annual early morning eating extravaganza in which competitors vie to eat the most chicken wings. Japanese champion Takeru Kobayashi, weighing just 127 pound (xx kilos) defeated his much larger opponents in the 20th annual Wing Bowl and walked away with a $20,000 prize after devouring a record-breaking 337 chicken wings during the 30-minute contest. He easily smashed the previous record of 255 wings set by Jonathan "Super Squibb" Squibb, who had won the celebration of gluttony the previous three years, and defeated local favorite Bill "El Wingador" Simmons, a five-times champion who weighs 330 pounds. For Gary Gladwell, 53, of Bucks County in Pennsylvania, the important event for competitive eaters was part of his birthday celebration.

U.S. inmates hide pig in official police car decal

Inmates working at a correctional unit’s print shop in Vermont sneaked a prank image of a pig into a state police crest that is emblazoned on police cars, and 30 cruisers sported the design for the last year, according to officials. The official crest depicts a spotted cow against a background of snowy mountains, but the inmates’ version featured one of the cow’s spots shaped like a pig in an apparent reference to the pejorative word for police, state police spokeswoman Stephanie Dasaro said. “It dishonors the memory of those past and present members, especially for those who have lost their lives in the line of duty,” Dasaro said.

Bad-Bestiality brothels spur call for animal sex ban

Animal sex abuse is on the rise in Germany, with bestiality brothels being set up across the country, according to a state animal protection officer demanding stronger laws to protect mankind's furry and feathered friends.Madeleine Martin, the animal protection official for Hessian state government, said the law needed to be changed to make sex abuse of animals – known as zoophilia – a crime.
“It is punishable to distribute animal pornography, but the act itself is not,” she told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily paper on Friday.
“There are even animal brothels in Germany,” she said. Sex with animals was being increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice, and thus more acceptable.
“The abuse seems to be increasingly rapidly, and the internet offers an additional distribution platform,” she said.
She said the justice authorities had found it exceptionally difficult to convict a man from Hesse, who had offered pictures and instructions for animal sex abuse over the internet.“Zoophilia must be completely banned in the reformed animal protection law,” said Martin, referring to the governments plan to rework that section of the law. Sex with animals was banned until 1969, when the animal protection law was introduced, but failed to include a specific ban on zoophilia, the Frankfurter Rundschau said. Martin said the current legal situation makes it too difficult for authorities to intervene – an animal has to be shown to have massive injuries before the animal protection laws prescribe action.

Real-Tub of lard found fit to eat after 64 years

A 64-year-old tub of American lard has been deemed fit for human consumption by food safety authorities in the eastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania..Millions of tins of “Swift’s Bland Lard” – a pig fat which was used as a spread similar to butter or as a cooking fat – were distributed by US soldiers to West Germans after World War II in care packages that included other essentials like powdered milk, cheese and sugar.
Some of those made their way to communist East Germany, including one to Hans Feldmeier, a pharmacist from the Baltic Sea town of Warnemünde who never opened the can.Worried that the lard had passed its expiration date, the 87-year-old recently decided to turn it over to the state for a comprehensive inspection.The response was surprisingly positive. “Overall, the product has a degree of freshness and material composition necessary to be assessed to be satisfactory after 64 years,” according to the State Office for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food Security.
The authorities did, however, find minor deficiencies in the lard’s smell and taste, discovering that it was slightly gritty and appeared old, meaning it could not compete with the quality of a fresh sample. Still, it appeared to be fit for human consumption, they said.
The office credited the air-tight US can and preservatives for maintaining the lard in such pristine condition over the years.Feldmeier promptly asked for his tin of lard back, calling it “beautiful” and saying he couldn't imagine parting with it.So the authorities sent it back to him – empty.

Amazing table tennis baby (video)

 Appearing in a video named 'Jamie playing multiball', wonderkid Jamie returns shot after shot while perched on the left hand side of the table.
He calmly swats the balls back at his dad and trainer, pausing only to regain his Zen-like composure.
On 44 seconds he displays a wholly unconventional backhand before gleefully launching into a series of powerful smashes aimed straight at his dad.

New - doll that cries when injected

A new baby doll toy named "Yume-chan" cries when it gets an injection

A Japanese toy-maker is set to cause a stir after creating a doll that cries when it is INJECTED.
Water ‘tears’ pour from baby doll Yume-chan’s eyes when she is given a needle in her arm.
The bizarre doll is the latest offering from toy manufacturer Tomy and was demonstrated at a toy exhibition in Tokyo yesterday.
Tomy plan to put the doll on the market in June.

Catwoman' involved in real-life Hollywood brawl (video)


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