Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dad plays Porn instead of 'Smurfs' and new controversial PETA Ad

Wish you all a Happy Valentine to all readers of my blog.

Today weird and funny blog has Happy Valentine theme

Kissing-Lovers battle in Valentine's Day ordeal

PATTAYA, THAILAND - Lips locked at all times — including for bathroom breaks and meals — is the less than romantic challenge facing Thai couples trying for the kiss to blow away all kisses at a Valentine’s Day marathon. Seven couples have brought their lips together in the Thai beach resort of Pattaya, some 100 km southeast of Bangkok, hoping to break the world record for longest continuous kiss, which currently stands at nearly two days.
The marathon kicked off on Sunday and will go through Valentine’s Day, with prizes and glory for the pair that manages to hold out longer than 46 hours, 24 minutes and nine seconds.
That record was set in 2011 by Lakkana Tiranarat, 31, and her husband, both back this year for another go. “We’ll try to do better than last year but maybe just for a little longer. We’ll see how tough the other competitors are but we’ll do our best,” Lakkana said.
Each couple has a space of 1 square-metre to prove their affection for each other.

Food and drink must be taken through a straw. Teeth brushing would also risk breaking the locked lips and result in disqualification.

The toilet is off-limits for the first three hours of the contest. After that, lips still together, they must be accompanied by a referee for any later bathroom break.

Nice-My smelly valentine: Sewage treatment plant offers tours

If you really want to show that special someone how much your care about her this Valentine’s Day, take her to see some sewage. On this Valentine’s Day, one of the more unorthodox activities available to lovebirds is the ability to take that special someone for a tour of the Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn. New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection is offering a tour of the sewage treatment facility that lasts just under two hours and culminates in an expansive view of the Manhattan skyline and the 53-acre Newtown plant from 130 feet up.

Video-Charter plane offers high flying 'romance

An Ohio couple owns a charter plane that caters to couples looking to enter the 'mile high club' or 'a romantic airplane ride.' WLWT's Laura Borchers reports.

Nice-Six-year-old girl with cancer gets date with Justin Bieber

Battling a rare form of cancer, Avalanna Routh scored the most coveted Valentine’s Day date in the world this year. Affectionately known as “Mrs. Bieber’’ by her famous “husband,’’ the 6-year-old Boston girl got to spend the day in New York with Justin Bieber on Monday after an online campaign and a report by NBC Boston affiliate WHDH caught the eye of the pop star. He flew Routh and her family to Manhattan for a special date.

Video-What about PETA ad featuring a young, pantsless women

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is known for its provocative ads--many of them featuring women in various states of undress--that aim to draw attention (however indirectly) to animal rights. But their latest ad, a Valentine's Day video that warns women about the "dangers" of their boyfriends' burgeoning veganism, may have crossed a line.
The ad, released online Monday, shows a limping, pantsless woman sporting a neckbrace, struggling to carry a bag of vegetables home from the store. (Unsurprisingly, we'll warn that this ad, embedded below, may be a bit too racy for the eyes of younger viewers.)
"This is Jessica," the narrator, Kevin Nealon, says. "She suffers from 'BWVAKTBOOM,' 'Boyfriend Went Vegan and Knocked the Bottom Out of Me,' a painful condition that occurs when boyfriends go vegan and can suddenly bring it like a tantric porn star."

What-Dad plays Porn instead of 'Smurfs' at kid's party

TREMONTON — Police aren't filing charges against a father who briefly played a pornographic video instead of "The Smurfs" at his child's birthday party.Tremonton Police Chief Dave Nance tells the Standard-Examiner of the man had rented a copy of "The Smurfs" from a Redbox kiosk and loaded the disc into his laptop. But when he turned the projector on for the children, pornographic images flashed on the screen. Authorities got involved when the father complained somebody had tampered with the DVD. Police found nothing wrong, saying the porn was probably on the laptop.Nance says officials aren't pursuing charges because the incident was apparently an accident."The Smurfs" was released in 2011 and features animated blue creatures that are chased into New York City by an evil wizard.


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