Thursday, February 2, 2012

Man Gave semen Tainted Yogurt to Women and porn being shown on the state broadcaster

Bad-Sisters Charged For Sexually Assaulting Man with Pliers

FEBRUARY 1--Two Wisconsin sisters are facing criminal charges for allegedly sexually assaulting a man with a pair of pliers after having forced him to drink a glass of urine, police allege. A harrowing criminal complaint does not offer a motive for the attack, which occurred four months ago and resulted last Friday in the filing of felony and misdemeanor charges against Valerie Bartkey, 24, and Amanda Johnson, 17. Bartkey (left) and Johnson are pictured above in photos from their Facebook pages.

The victim, a high school student, told the St. Croix Sheriff’s Department that he was playing Xbox at home when Johnson called and invited him to hang out with her. He accepted her offer and subsequently ended up at the home of a mutual friend, a 16-year-old boy identified in the complaint by the initials “AJK.”While at AJK’s residence, the victim joked about punching the brother of Bartkey and Johnson. This, he said, prompted the sisters--who had been smoking pot--to assault him. Bartkey, the victim told investigators, stepped on his neck while he was on the ground, while Johnson stomped on his left arm.From there, the sisters allegedly placed one of teen’s sneakers in the toilet and urinated on it. The other sneaker was filled

with water in the sink.The teenager said that as he sat on the home’s porch, Bartkey came out “with a glass of a liquid substance that she told him was lemonade.” She told him that he had to drink “or else she would put his head back and force him to drink it,” the victim told sheriff’s deputies. The teen emptied the glass, which had ice cubes in it.

Why-Man arrested for retweeting

South Korean officials have arrested a man for re-posting the message "long live Kim Jong-il" from an official North Korean Twitter account, but he says he was just making fun of the autocratic regime. Park Jeonggeun, a 24-year-old Socialist Party activist, has been charged with violating the country's national security law, which forbids people from praising, sympathizing or co-operating with North Korea. He's been in custody since Jan. 11 and could face seven years behind bars. Amnesty International is calling for Joengeun's release, saying Park's retweets were "meant to ridicule North Korea's leaders rather than support them." Jeonggeun is a member of the Socialist Party in South Korea, which is highly critical of the North Korean regime. "My intention was to lampoon North Korea's leaders for a joke; I did it for fun," Jeonggeun told Amnesty International. "I also uploaded and changed North Korean propaganda posters on Twitter - I replaced a smiling North Korean soldier's face with a downcast version of my own face and the soldier's weapon with a bottle of whisky." Jeonggeun also lambasted South Korea's national security law, saying it's "used not to address threats to national security, but instead to intimidate people and limit their rights to free speech."
Why-porn being shown on the state broadcaster

OTTAWA - Heritage Minister James Moore won't stand for porn being shown on the state broadcaster after all.

"This programming cannot be defended," Minister Moore said after viewing the show Hard, which runs on the CBC French radio wing's special website platform called "Having now seen the show in question, it raises serious concerns about some programming decisions being made with taxpayers' dollars by CBC/Radio-Canada." The minister indicated the show will not be available for much longer.

"Today I contacted the CBC and asked them to review all of their online content to ensure offensive programming such as this is not repeated." Moore said in a statement. The prime minister's office also issued a statement. "This content is clearly adult in nature and should not be available to children," a PMO spokesman wrote in an e-mail. "While the government doesn't control CBC's content, we are confused by their decision to purchase sexually explicit content and make it available to children. The CBC's mandate is to deliver quality programming to the regions and rural areas, not this material." is a viewing platform supported by several French language channels, and Hard was acquired from France.

The cost is not being disclosed by CBC, citing the information as private due to competition. Initially, CBC said Hard was not pornographic, and was rated 16-plus. It has not yet responded to the minister's updated statement or the PMO's comments.

How-Brussels' 'peeing' statue shut off by deep freeze

BRUSSELS — The Manneken-Pis, a bronze statue of a young boy urinating that is a symbol of Brussels and a major tourist attraction, has had to stop peeing because of sub-zero temperatures gripping much of Europe. Officials turned off the flow of water through the statue, which has stood on a Brussels corner since the 1600s, out of concern the cold might damage its internal mechanism.Overnight temperatures in the Belgian capital have been in the teens, far below the average minimum for February, and the latest forecast projects that through at least Feb. 9.

Wow-Man Gave Tainted Yogurt to Several Women

FEBRUARY 2--The New Mexico supermarket worker who admitted putting his semen in yogurt ingested by a female shopper provided similarly tainted samples to at least four other women, according to prosecutors who have asked a judge to depart from federal guidelines so that the man can be sentenced to a lengthier prison term for his “perverted conduct.” In a motion filed last week in U.S. District Court, Department of Justice lawyers argued that Anthony Garcia would not be adequately punished if a judge followed federal sentencing guidelines. Garcia, 32, has a “low criminal history” score that that puts him in the “same category as first time offenders who have never had a single encounter with law enforcement authorities,” prosecutors reported. Garcia has pleaded guilty to adulterating the yogurt and making false statements to investigators. While facing up to three years in prison on the first count and five years on the second charge, federal guidelines call for him to receive significantly less than the statutory maximums.

“Such categorization does not fairly reflect the far more disturbing portrait” of Garcia, prosecutors wrote in their January 25 motion for an “upward departure.” Pictured above, Garcia is scheduled to be sentenced on March 1.In addition to the 29-year-old victim cited in Garcia’s indictment; at least four other women have told police that Garcia offered them suspect yogurt samples at the Sunflower Market in Albuquerque. Three of the women ingested the samples, which prosecutors believe were tainted with Garcia’s semen.One woman said the yogurt “tasted funny” so she did not finish the sample. Another victim reported that the yogurt she ate was “gross.” A third woman reported that the yogurt “did not taste good and wanted to spit it out, but she could not find a trash can to do so The fourth woman, who was approached by Garcia last January, told probers that he provided her with a yogurt sample and said she “had to try what was on the spoon first because that’s where the nutrients are.” But the woman declined to taste the sample after noticing that “the substance on the spoon was clear or white and the yogurt was pink.”

Referring to the woman referred to in Garcia’s indictment, prosecutors stated that he “tricked his victim into placing his semen into her mouth,” adding that the supermarket worker “wanted to be in a position to witness the victim consume his bodily fluid.”The “upward departure” motion also refers to a series of disturbing incidents in Garcia’s criminal past, including instances in which he exposed himself at a Walmart, flashed a female jogger, and was spotted masturbating in a car. He is also facing a state charge of having criminal sexual contact with a child under age 13.Federal prosecutors argue that Garcia has, to date, received such lenient punishment for his history of indecent exposure arrests that “the criminal justice system thus far has simply failed” to calibrate his “true dangerousness.” As a result, they added, an “upward departure” from federal sentencing guidelines would be an appropriate method to address his “deviant conduc


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