Wow- Chicken lays really jumbo egg in Colombia
Why-American makes costly wrong turn into Canada
Now Credit-crunching 7p Valentine's card
What -Kindergarten Sex Games: New York School Parents of Five-Year-Olds Outraged (VIDEO)
New- Bull testicles pie to give couples the horn on Valentine's Day
New- Bull testicles pie to give couples the horn on Valentine's Day
Charlie Bigham is promoting his cock and bull pie as an alternative to asparagus and oysters and other traditional romantic food. 'Ever since 1996 I've been making my delicious food with all the care that you would if you had the time. After all, there's (almost) no better way to get together than over a delicious, freshly prepared meal,' Mr Bigham said. The cooking instructions for the pie encourage people to 'turn off the phone, light those candles [and] slip into something more comfortable'.'Tonight is for lovers, and Charlie's smoothed the way with this very special aphrodisiac pie that will get you in the mood this Valentine's,' the pie's maker claims. 'So relax and let nature take its course.'Bull testicles are said to be full of 'sexually stimulating ingredients' and have a long history of being used in Chinese traditional medicine for that purpose.The pie, which also contains ginseng and Mama Juana liquor, is being sold by from Saturday, although the online retailer has already warned of 'very limited availability'.
What -Kindergarten Sex Games: New York School Parents of Five-Year-Olds Outraged (VIDEO)

Parents of a two kindergarteners at PS 189 in New York, N. Y. say a group of students 'explored their private parts' by taking off their clothes, and allegedly engaging in oral sex-like activities while the teacher was present, WPIX-TV reports. While educator Dulaina Almonte told the station that teachers can't always see everything that's going on in the classroom, one parent told them they she doesn't believe the games could have gone unnoticed. "They were exposing themselves and showing their body parts to each other. They were kissing and touching," the parent told WPIX-TV. "The

teacher had her back to the children. She must have had her back turned away for a very long time for them to do the things that they did."Despite complaints from parents, the inappropriate behavior continued for months the New York Post reports. One mother, who has since transfered her daughter to a school inNew Jersey , told the Post that school officials tried to place the blame on the students."They were trying to say that my daughter was inviting these children to do this to her," she told the paper. "Where were the adults?"She and the parent of another kindergartener have filed notices of claim against the city following the events, each for $5 million in damages.The school's principal as well as the New York Department of Eduction have declined to comment, the report states. The "sex games" in the classroom come in the wake of similar outrage at Washington Elementary School in New Ulm, Minn., after nearly tw dozen 5th grade students were caught playing a game called "rape tag."In the game, the students "tagged" each other by grabbing each other's private parts.After a parent reported the game to the school principal Bill Sprung, he immediately took action by contacting all the teachers and recess supervisors.
teacher had her back to the children. She must have had her back turned away for a very long time for them to do the things that they did."Despite complaints from parents, the inappropriate behavior continued for months the New York Post reports. One mother, who has since transfered her daughter to a school in
Now Credit-crunching 7p Valentine's card

Cash-strapped lovers might be better off sending this super-budget card anonymously this Valentine’s Day... or they may find themselves spending the rest of the year single!The cost-cutting card is selling for just 7p at supermarket chain Asda.Alternatively, the economy brand card could be seen as the perfect purchase for those wanting to hedge their bets and send them out to a multitude of lovers. For just £1, a thrifty card-giver could buy one each for 14 different valentines’s - and still have 2p change rattling in their pocket.The supermarket chain even throws in a red envelope.Featuring the supermarket’s “smart price” logo, the recession-busting card contains the cheeky message: “My love for you is priceless.”But whether recipients will get the joke is another matter.The cheapo Valentine's Day option has however been given the thumbs up by some internet forum users.One commented: "Thanks for making me laugh so much. Think it should come with a warning on the packet - GUARANTEED TO GET YOU A QUICKIE DIVORCE.
"Would definitely send one of these to someone I didn't like!"
Why-American makes costly wrong turn into Canada

SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. -- An American substitute teacher learned a hard — and costly — lesson when she took a wrong turn in the Michigan Sault and ended up at the Canadian border.Shelly Hamlin was charged with impaired driving Saturday afternoon after she pulled up to Canada Customs at the International Bridge.
The 47-year-old woman from Pellston , Mich. , was then transported to the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service building for a breath test, which she refused to take.
On Monday, after spending two nights in custody, she was in a local courtroom where she pleaded guilty to impaired driving and failing to provide a breath sample.
Hamlin was fined $1,000 (the mandatory minimum) on each count and was prohibited from driving in Canada for a year.
Ontario Court Justice Kristine Bignell told her that Ontario and Michigan likely have reciprocal agreements about driving prohibitions.
"Chances are Michigan will also prohibit you from driving under the reciprocal agreement, but that's up to Michigan ," she said.
The court heard a Border Services officer spoke to Hamlin at on Saturday.
She was unsteady on her feet when she was escorted inside a building and had a strong odour of alcohol on her breath, prosecutor Dana Peterson said.
Wow- Chicken lays really jumbo egg in Colombia
The farmer's daughter got a real surprise recently when she found the egg weighing 8.6 ounces, or about four times the normal weight of an egg.
The farmer, Hernando Niño, from the Cudinmarca region north of Bogatam, says he plans to contact Guinness World Records as he's never seen in his 20 years of farming anything like what his 5-year-old hen, named Franciscana, laid."The egg will stay in a glass case for people to see and so it is preserved," Niño said.
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