Monday, February 13, 2012

Massage Parlours as Hidden Escorts and Vote for Pleasure Party

Why-No Lingerie Football League franchise for Calgary this year

Why-Mom Busted For Hitting Son in Anger Class

Surprise-74-year-old Arrested For Offering Sex to Pair of Undercover Cops

Idea-Database helps Iceland residents avoid incest

Where-Now massage parlours as hidden escorts

Wow-Pleasure Party and other quirky liven up French presidential race

Why-Mom Busted For Hitting Son in Anger Class

FEBRUARY 10--While meeting with an anger management counselor, a Kentucky woman was seen punching her 10-year-old son in the face, according to cops who later arrested her on an assault charge. A counselor spotted Misty Lawson, 30, striking the child last Saturday and contacted child welfare officials. Pictured in the below mug shots, Lawson was arrested yesterday afternoon by Louisville Metropolitan Police Department officers on a misdemeanor count. The boy, cops noted, had a bruise on his cheek and “redness to eye.” As a result of her bust, Lawson’s children have been removed from her custody and placed in foster care, according to court records An arrest warrant alleges that Lawson hit the child “several times in the face and body area. This incident occurred during [Lawson’s] anger management session and was witnessed by counselor.” The counselor took the boy to a police station and reported the incident to Child Protective Services officials.Lawson, who has been released from custody on her own recognizance, is scheduled to appear for arraignment Tuesday in Jefferson County District Court.

Surprise-74-year-old Arrested For Offering Sex to Pair of Undercover Cops

A 74-year-old South Carolina man was arrested early yesterday for prostitution after he allegedly offered to perform sexual acts on a pair of undercover cops. According to a police report, Thomas Mills flashed his car’s headlights to get the attention of Myrtle Beach Police Department officers at around . He then “asked about the size of the U/C officers genitals, asking to see them,” police reported. Mills then allegedly went on to say that “he wanted to give and receive oral sex from both officers,” adding that he “had another friend that would join them in the sexual acts.” Officers then arrested the retired Mills for first-offense prostitution, a misdemeanor.

Idea-Database helps Iceland residents avoid incest

Confirm your new Icelandic sweetie's not your cousin. In an isolated country where there's only a population of about 300,000, it seems necessary to have a database to make sure a love interest isn't of any family relation. Íslendingabók, known as the Book of Icelanders, is an online database that contains more than 1,200 years of genealogical data about the inhabitants of Iceland.
Users are able to search their name and their potential mate's name to see if they're distant cousins or not. The website is open to the country's citizens and legal residents who have an Icelandic ID number, according to the website. "The project's goal is to trace all known family connections between Icelanders from the time of the settlement of Iceland to present times and register the genealogical information in a database," it reads.

Why-No Lingerie Football League franchise for Calgary this year

Fans of football and scantily clad women in Calgary will have to wait at least another year before they’ll see the two merge. The city isn’t getting a Lingerie Football League franchise with Canada’s inaugural season, it was decided this week.

The business model with the Saddledome wasn’t very competitive, said league founder and Chairman Mitchell Mortaza. “Being that it’s a first year, we have to make wise business decisions, and that’s honestly what’s gotten us to the point we have here in the States,” said Mortaza.

Where-Now massage parlours as hidden escorts

MONTREAL - The exploding array of sexual services in Quebec massage parlours is transforming the sex trade, and traditional masseuses say they are being squeezed out by escorts offering "extras." QMI Agency has learned that more than half of listed erotic massage parlours offer the same services as escort agencies. One employee, who gave his name as Dave, says competition between salons is fierce and has led owners to push staffers towards prostitution.

"I can confirm to you that (women) are offering full services in the salons, and it's often at the urging of the bosses," said Dave. "It's not difficult to understand -- the competition is so strong between the salons that girls must do more to keep their customers." He said the only difference between escort agencies and the debauched massage parlours is that intercourse and oral sex are extra at the parlours.  A former salon worker, who gave her name as Cyndi, said women like herself who refused to perform sex acts found themselves at a disadvantage.
"Those ... who don't offer complete (services) or who don't give a little more won't make money," she said. "Massages are another form of prostitution. It's become hidden escorts ... it's discouraging." A QMI journalist visited eight erotic massage parlours in the Montreal area, and just two said sex acts were barred. Several of the salons had entrances in the rear of buildings or in parking garages. Those with street-level signs billed themselves as "heath for men" or "health care" salons. The average charge for nude massages and masturbation was $90 an hour, with full sex acts billed as "extras." Three police officers told QMI that the parlours are registered and regulated and are unlikely to attract the same attention from detectives as bawdy houses run by organized crime.

Wow-Pleasure Party and other quirky liven up French presidential race

PARIS - From a peroxide-blonde stripper who wants to get bankers meditating to a Rastafarian advocating tantrism as a national religion, a string of colourful outsiders are vying for a place in France’s 2012 presidential election. One wants to bring back the monarchy, another says leaders should be picked by lottery and a third is a clown who doesn’t actually have any campaign proposals. None are likely to drum up the 500 mayoral signatures required to run in the April-May

election, but they all hope to strike a chord with voters fed up with mainstream politics.
At the other end of the scale, Cindy Lee, a dancer and stripper, is running for a third time as head of her Pleasure Party, promising to defend liberty and tolerance and send “a wind of hedonism across France.” Frequently seen campaigning in various states of undress, and recently urging greater transparency outside ratings agency Standard & Poor’s in a see-through shirt, her manifesto is a

surprisingly strait-laced mix of economic and social strategies. She does however; advocate compulsory seduction classes in schools, free nudist camps and has plumped for hour-long relaxation sessions for bankers in order to keep the country angst-free.


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