Thursday, February 23, 2012

Who is winner Naked Sledging World Cup and FM airwave turned blue by sex noises

Cash-Brits are selling their hair for just £60 a time to pay the bills

Winner-Sex stars freeze at the Naked Sledging World Cup

How-Fake ads directed men to ex's residence for sex

Real-Buy new George Washington McNugget

Why-Slovaks want to name bridge after Chuck Norris?

What-Jazz FM airwaves turned blue by 'sex noises' (video)

Cash-Brits are selling their hair for just £60 a time to pay the bills

Desperation: British women are selling their hair for up to £150 to pay debts

Desperate mums are cutting off and selling their own HAIR to make ends meet in hard-up Britain. The craze for extensions fuelled by Jordan and Britney Spears has led to dealers paying £150 a time for 20inch plaits of human hair.And women struggling to cope with rising prices and a lack of jobs are chopping off their own locks as they look at new ways of ­making money.
“We have been inundated with women wanting to sell their hair to make some extra cash in these tough times,” said Graham Wake, owner of Bloomsbury Wigs in Central London. “We are ­now sending out at least one cheque every day.”Until recently most human hair used in wigs and extensions was imported, often from India or Eastern Europe. Yet within a year there will be enough British hair to meet all the demand. Industry experts also expect the number of places buying hair to double from around a dozen to more than 20 by 2013.Single mother-of-two Hayley Harding, of Leeds, sold 14 ­inches of her brown hair last month for £70. “Losing my hair was tough but it freed up cash for my kids,” she said. “Having children can be very expensive and cutting my hair off has allowed me to buy them music books.“I’d much rather my kids get what they need than me walk around with long locks that could be worth money. It is about your priorities, I guess.”Rosemary Looker, 48, of Newark-on-Trent, Notts, sold 19in of her brunette hair for £60 after she was made ­redundant. “I’ve always had hair below my waist and when I lost my job friends suggested I make some money out of it,” she said. “It helped pay bills. Things are so tough, I might have to do it again.”

How-Fake ads directed men to ex's residence for sex

FEBRUARY 23--A jilted boyfriend is facing felony charges after he allegedly placed a series of phony Craig list ads directing men to the Oregon home of his pregnant ex-girlfriend for sexual encounters. According to investigators, Andre Jermaine Flom, 31, placed more than three dozen fake Craigslist ads in a bid to torment Catlin Moser, his former girlfriend.
Flom’s harassment campaign allegedly began in November, around the time he was convicted of strangling the 29-year-old Moser, who last year secured a restraining order against Flom (pictured in the mug shot at right).One Craigslist ad included Moser’s name, Portland address, and the claim that “I’m very real, looking for a sexy guy to come give me what I need, hit me up! I’m super horny.” Another ad claimed that the victim was “lookin for a guy, or guys to take turns givin it to me good!” A probable cause affidavit filed yesterday in Circuit Court notes that Moser told police that “after one of the ads she had about 15 men show up to her home asking for sex.” Other phony ads directed respondents to the victim’s home, where they could dig up a Japanese maple tree or take a children’s play structure in the yard.
In response to a subpoena secured by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office, Craigslist provided investigators with records showing that nearly all of the fake ads were posted from the same IP address. Comcast records showed that the IP address was registered to Flom’s next-door neighbor, who told deputies that his wireless router was not password protected.
Deputies raided Flom’s home Tuesday and seized a computer, cell phones, and a modem. Flom told investigators that he did not associate with neighbors, adding that they would not have “knowledge of his relationship with Ms. Moser.”Flom is being held in the county jail in lieu of $30,000 bond.

Winner-Sex stars freeze at the Naked Sledging World Cup

Sledgendary: One of the lewd lugers lines up at the start

Porn star Mia Magma was left with frozen assets as she seized glory at the Naked Sledging World

Cup.Organisers said the stunning 25-year-old was "too naked and too fast for everyone else" as she conquered the 291-foot course in temperatures just above zero. The lewd lugers were allowed only a helmet, shoes, gloves and tight underpants to conquer the bitter cold. Mia and Bernd Malyska took top honours from a field of 30, in front of 25,000 spectators in the winter sports resort of Braunlage, Germany.


What-Jazz FM airwaves turned blue by 'sex noises' (video)

Radio DJ

A radio station was forced to issue an apology today after listeners complained of hearing 'sex noises' live on air. Jazz FM's pre-recorded Funky Sensation show was interrupted for around five minutes on Saturday night. Stunned listeners took to Twitter to say they had heard 'sex noises' from an adult film being played.Iwan Williams tweeted: "The **** just happened on jazz fm?! Sounded like sex noises... This is turning into an awkward dinner." issued a statement today, saying: “Unfortunately we had an unauthorized access to the live feed this evening which resulted in a highly regrettable incident. Please accept our profound and sincere apologies for any offence that may have been caused.”
Mike Vitti, station programme director, told "There was unauthorized activity and behaviour in the studio which we take very seriously and we will be taking the appropriate disciplinary action against the individual concerned.” In addition I will apologies to the Jazz FM audience at the beginning of next weeks programme.”

Real-Buy new George Washington McNugget

An American woman is selling a chicken McNugget on eBay that she says looks like George Washington. The McNugget is three-years-old, the seller from Dakota City, N.E., said in the posting on the online auction site. She said she treated her children to a lunch at McDonald's when she discovered the nugget that looked like the first U.S. president.
"I noticed one particular nugget and began to laugh. I picked it up for a closer look, and sure enough it was in the likeness of president George Washington. I decided to take it home and show my husband this hysterical find," the seller wrote. When she showed her husband the McNugget, "he could not believe his eyes." The McNugget went in the freezer for safe keeping, and became a show-and-tell item when friends and family came to visit. "We have shared many laughs over this president George Washington Chicken McNugget, but now he has been called to a higher purpose," the seller said, noting the sale of the McNugget will go to help fund a church camp in Sioux City, Iowa. As of Thursday morning there were six bids. The highest bid was $179.49 US. The auction ends next week.

Why-Slovaks want to name bridge after Chuck Norris?

BRATISLAVA - Slovaks have been voting overwhelmingly in favour of naming a new pedestrian and cycling bridge near their capital for 1980s U.S. action film and TV star Chuck Norris. The two other top names in the running for the bridge, which will span the Morava river and cross the border to Austria, were Maria Theresa after an Austro-Hungarian empress and the Devinska cycling bridge in honour of the closest village. Norris, a martial arts expert-turned film star, is known for playing tough guy characters in such classic movies as “Lone Wolf McQuade”, “Missing in Action” and “The Delta Force”. The actor’s work has become a popular source of kitschy fun among Slovaks and a mainstay for local jokes about macho strength and invincibility.
The final decision will be up to a regional assembly. But regional Governor Pavol Freso has said it would follow the wishes of the people in the Internet ballot where Norris leads as the top choice for the bridge’s name.


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