- Wow-Caught on camera: Moose takes a dip (video)
- Teen Girl Says Porn Addiction Led To Burglary
- Strong-Woman runs marathon, gives birth same day
- What-Spicy food addict Rochelle Peachey named
's curry queenBritain
- Stupid-Robber orders pizza after stickup
- Big Ben is tilting
- LOL-Underwear theft leads to man's 100th arrest
- Why-Nude 'drunk' crashes car, spits on cop
Addiction is bad thing for everyone…
Amanda Owens, 18, was nabbed this week for allegedly squeezing through the doggy door to get into Darin Pake’s home in East Bethel . Pake told Anoka County Sheriff’s Office deputies that he set up a hidden camera after his home had been burglarized several times last week. On Monday, the camera recorded Owens slipping into Pake’s home around . “The defendant is seen walking throughout the house, rummaging through Mr. Pake’s things,” according to a probable cause statement. Owens pictured in the mug shot at right, previously worked for Pake as a babysitter. When questioned by investigators, Owens reportedly copped to entering Pake’s home on several occasions (via the doggy door) and stealing a jar of money and a camera, which she planned to pawn. The teenager, deputies noted, “stated she is addicted to pornography and purchased 20 to 30 DVD’s and owed money, that’s why she burglarized Mr. Pake’s home in attempt to get items to pawn for cash.”Charged with a felony burglary count, Owens faces a maximum of 10 years in prison if convicted. She was freed without bail following a court appearance Wednesday. (thesmokinggun.com)
Strong-Woman runs marathon, gives birth same day

What a Finish with a birth….?
Miller ran in marathons while pregnant with her son Caleb, but never close to 39 weeks pregnant, the spokeswoman said. Miller told reporters at Central DuPage Hospital that she did not plan to finish the race. I was kind of planning on running about half, and maybe skipping to the end and walking across the finish line,” Miller said in a video on the ABCNews website. She ended up alternating between runnings for two miles and walking for two miles throughout the race, Miller told the Chicago Tribune. (REUTERS)
What-Spicy food addict Rochelle Peachey named Britain 's curry queen

That is a strange addiction…
The 45-year-old developed her taste for the exotic as a teenager visiting
Brick Lane in east London and even adds spices to her breakfast and salads. She has been eating at curry houses three times a week since then and her devotion has led to Pataks naming her the nation’s biggest fan and giving her a year’s supply of their pickles, pastes and sauces. ‘I must have done something to my taste buds because I can’t eat a bland meal now – every dish I eat has to include a degree of heat,’ said the mother of one, from Gants Hill, Essex, who runs a transatlantic dating website.‘I add spice to most of my food now and go through a couple of bottles of spicy sauce a week – I sometimes put a bottle in my handbag if I’m going out so I can add it to food.
Brick Lane
‘One restaurant owner even challenged me to eat a whole chilli – he was so stunned when I did that I didn’t have to pay for my meal.‘I eat three curries a week and if I’ve got leftovers I’ll eat it for breakfast the next day.’ (metro.co.uk)
Stupid-Robber orders pizza after stickup

What was he thinking…?
Robbing banks can sure make a bandit hungry and thirsty.Shorlty after holding up a bank in Yuma , Ariz. , Saturday, a man decided to treat himself to pizza and a beer on the same street.Henry Elmer allegedly walked into a Yuma Wells Fargo Bank, pulled out a box-cutter knife and demanded money, the Yuma Sun reported.
After allegedly receiving an undisclosed amount of cash from a teller, Elmer left the bank and headed to the Village Inn Pizza Parlor, police told the paper."As he sat down, a cop walked in and saw the guy," an employee at the pizza store told the Yuma Sun. "Then the cop asked me if the guy had been here that long, and I told him 10 minutes tops. That's when the rest of the cops came in."
After being arrested, Elmer was identified by bank employees and security video footage, police said. He was booked into the Yuma County Detention Center on a range of robbery and theft related charges, the paper said. (QMI)
Why-Big Ben is tilting

Parliament Square
LOL-Underwear theft leads to man's 100th arrest

Unlucky 100 time….
PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. — A man accused of stealing socks and underwear led police on a foot chase before he was caught hiding behind a trash bin, then arrested for the 100th time. Joseph Wilson, who turned 50 this year, reached the dubious milestone Thursday in Port St. Lucie. According to an arrest affidavit, Wilson walked out of the Bealls department store at
10135 U.S. Highway 1 with the merchandise under his clothing. When a loss-prevention officer tried to confront Wilson , he jumped into a waiting minivan and ordered the driver to "take off," the report said. Wilson 's friend didn't take off, so the suspect hustled out of the other side of the vehicle and ran away, according to the affidavit. The officer lost him, but a witness called police a short time later to say Wilson was in the bushes in a Wendy's parking lot just down the road. (MSNBC)
10135 U.S. Highway
Why-Nude 'drunk' crashes car, spits on cop

NAKED alleged drunk driver crashed his car and then spat on a police officer while under arrest in Darwin .
The 34-year-old man had a 27-year-old woman passenger said to be possessing cannabis when they crashed in Tiwi at about 4.15am Friday, the NT News said.The woman was semi-clothed - wearing little more than a bra and knickers.A member of the public heard the Toyota HiLux screech and then heard a bang.
Police found the car and uninjured occupants in the middle of the road.The naughty nudist was aggressive toward police and ambulance staff and allegedly spat in an officer's face.The man was understood to be so aggressive that St John Ambulance staff could not get near him to assess for injuries.( couriermail.com.au)
Wow-Caught on camera: Moose takes a dip (video)

Moose is enjoying swimming…
Startled New Hampshire homeowner finds a moose in his swimming pool. (MSNBC)
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