Strange-Man Busted for Licking Stranger’s Scraped Knee
What-Woman attacks husband with cupcakes
Wow-Woman gets $4 compensation for war killing
Why-Man dedicates body for mummification
Danger-Iphone leads to Divorce
Why-Teen girl forced to wear armor, fight stepfather with wooden sword (video)
How-Lesbian couple want to help boy to become girl
Strange-Man Busted for Licking Stranger’s Scraped Knee

What he was doing…?
OCTOBER 18--An Arizona construction worker is facing an assault charge after he allegedly licked the scraped knee of a woman who had fallen and injured herself as she walked to her car in a Chandler parking lot.The bizarre incident began Thursday afternoon when the victim, having just finished work, tripped and fell to the ground, scraping her left knee in the process. While on the ground, three men drove up in a golf cart to see if she needed assistance (the men were working at an adjacent construction site).
After one of the workers helped the woman to her feet, she continued walking to her vehicle. The victim told police that “two of the subjects drove back towards the construction site, but a third one did not,” according to a Chandler Police Department report.
That man, identified by cops at Martin Soto, approached the woman as she sat in her car with the driver’s side door open. Soto, 43, “asked to see her knee and if she needed medical help.” The woman, whose name cops redacted from police reports, said that, “not thinking about it,” she “rolled up her jeans exposing the scrape on her knee.”
As soon as she did this, Soto “bent over and licked her scrape.” The woman, describing herself as “freaked out,” quickly pushed her pant leg down. As she was doing this, Soto, who was wearing a reflective vest, allegedly began to hug her (one of his hands was under the woman’s shirt). He also “licked the left side of her face several times” before the woman pushed him away and shut her car door.In short order; investigators identified Soto, who was working for a steel subcontractor, as the suspected licker. When confronted Friday by police, Soto “admitted to licking” the woman’s knee. He was then arrested and booked for assault. (
Danger-Iphone leads to Divorce

Careful-somebody is watching you…
The new iPhone 4S has proven to be a private detective tool of sorts after a New York City man apparently caught his wife having an affair. A new app called Find My Friends, that can track friends' whereabouts, helped a man confirm his infidelity suspicions when his partner lied about her location, Thomas Metz vented Saturday on
"I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up find my friends without her knowing. She told me she was at her friends house in the east village. I've had suspicions about her meeting this guy who live uptown. Lo and behold, Find my Friends has her right there (sic)," he posted on on the website. Now the man said he wants a divorce. "I just texted her asking where she was and the dumb b!otch said she was on
10th Street !! Thank you Apple, thank you App Store, thank you all," he said. Nearly 200 comments follow the popular thread, with some sympathizing and others questioning its legitimacy. "These beautiful treasure trove of screen shots going to play well when I meet her a$$ at the lawyer's office in a few weeks (sic)," he said.
10th Street
"Thankfully, she's the rich one." (QMI)
Why-Teen girl forced to wear armor, fight stepfather with wooden sword (video)
Video is below…
Bad-Driver boots mom, crying baby off bus (video)
Why is so angery..?
Video is below…
Why-Man dedicates body for mummification

Good idea to do reseach…
A British man has donated his body to be mummified, and the process will be shown in a television documentary.
Alan Billis, of Devon , is thought to be the first man in 3,000 years to be preserved in the style of ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
The 61-year-old former taxi driver was terminally ill with lung cancer when he read about the project and volunteered for the procedure, with the full support of his family, said a news release about the documentary.
"People have been leaving their bodies to science for years, and if people don't volunteer for anything nothing gets found out," Billis said.Scientist Stephen Buckley, of Britain's York University, has spent 19 years studying mummified bodies in an effort to replicate the process, according to the release.After Billis died in January, Buckley and archaeologist Jo Fletcher spent three months mummifying him in the traditional ancient Egyptian way. His body was coated with protective oils and placed in a salt bath. Then some of his internal organs were removed and his body was wrapped with linen bandages.
Billis' wife Jan is happy with the process. (QMI)
Wow-Woman gets $4 compensation for war killing

That is too much…
A South Korean woman has been offered a little over $4 in government compensation for the death of her brother during the 1950-53 Korean War, embarrassing officials who say they were bound by an out-dated law.The woman was two years old when her brother was killed in combat in 1950, but never knew of his existence until told of his death by a neighbor, local media reported, adding the children's mother has suffered from dementia.The family had not received any compensation until April when the soldier's sister was awarded 5,000 won ($4.33) under a law in effect during the war.The presidential Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission has called the decision "incomprehensible" and urged the government to review it.
"We hope that this case will lead to forming a system of adequately compensating the families of Korean War veterans who continue to live with deep pain," the commission said. (Reuters)
What-Woman attacks husband with cupcakes

What a way to attack…
A food fight led to domestic battery charges for a woman on Chicago 's Southwest Side. Late Saturday night, a man called police to his home on the 4700 block of
South Western Avenue because his wife was hurling cupcakes at him, Chicago police said. When officers arrived at the home in the Brighton Park neighborhood, they said the man was covered in frosting and crumbs.
South Western Avenue
He told officers he feared for his safety. The police report states the woman was verbally aggressive with officers.
On Sunday, a Cook County judge ordered electronic monitoring for the woman and a $10,000 bond. The woman was also charged with a misdemeanor count of domestic battery. (msnbc)
How-Lesbian couple want to help boy to become girl

A LESBIAN couple in California who say their 11-year-old son Tommy wants to be a girl named Tammy are giving their child hormone blockers that delay the onset of puberty, so that he can have more time to decide if he wants to change his gender.
The couple's supporters say the Hormone Blocking Therapy has only minor side effects and is appropriate for a child who is unsure of his gender."This is definitely a changing landscape for transgender youth," said Joel Baum, director of education and training for Gender Spectrum, a California-based non-profit group. "This is about giving kids and their families the opportunity to make the right decision."But critics of the treatment say 11-year-olds are not old enough to make life-altering decisions about changing their gender, and parents should not be encouraging them."This is child abuse. It's like performing liposuction on an anorexic child," said Dr Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University ."It is a disorder of the mind. Not a disorder of the body. Dealing with it in this way is not dealing with the problem that truly exists. We shouldn't be mucking around with nature. We can't assume what the outcome will be," Professor McHugh said. (
Why-Teen girl forced to wear armor, fight stepfather with wooden sword (video)
Bad-Driver boots mom, crying baby off bus (video)
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