Performance artist gives birth in NYC art gallery
How-Bees shut down highway
Wow-Couple marries in middle of dust storm (video)
Why-Woman allegedly keeps dead husband in house for months (video)
Who-'Hot Chicks' of Occupy Wall Street Controversy (video)
(EndPlay Staff Reports) - What would Mom say about her daughter being featured in a documentary titled "Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street"?For one parent, it's a cause for pride.
"… I have to say I am very thankful that this is respectful," said the mother, who did not provide her name in a posting on the filmmaker's Tumblr page. "These young women of whom I am so proud, are voicing the movement as this is their future. What is striking to me is the title and then the resulting seriousness and complexity of the protesters. Anyone watching does not doubt for a minute that these people are intelligent, thoughtful and powerful."
On Oct. 7, filmmaker Steven Greenstreet posted the artsy, four-minute video of interviews with various and diverse women at the
Occupy Wall Street demonstration at Zuccotti Park in New York City . View the video. The video, shot by Greenstreet and Brandon Bloch, has generated more than 500,000 plays, according to its Vimeo statistics.
Occupy Wall Street
An accompanying Tumblr page has since been created , featuring photos of women protesting, the video that launched the controversy, and comments. (myfox)
How-Bees shut down highway

A Florida woman is accused of keeping her husband's death a secret while cashing Social Security checks.(MSNBC)
Real-Performance artist gives birth in NYC art gallery
The 36-year-old artist had set up a home-birth center at the gallery, turning the space into a brightly decorated bedroom with ocean blue walls and photo-imprinted pillows (AP)
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