Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Cow at a McDonald's drive thru and Girls Gone Wild contest get Capitol Hill internship

Why- Woman Arrested For Striking Cop in Forehead with Pink Sex Toy

Controversy-Girls Gone Wild contest concerns senator

How-Cow on the run as she turns up at a McDonald's drive thru (video)

How this is possible-Miss World Fiji not native enough

What -Egyptian women fight proposed 'farewell sex' laws

Weird-Man Ordered to Dance “Moonwalk” at Gunpoint

How this is possible-Miss World Fiji not native enough

There's an uproar in Fiji after at 16-year-old girl won the Miss World Fiji competition with some people saying she doesn't look native enough.
Some are blaming the judges, such as New Zealand-born model Rachel Hunter and other non-Fijian judges, for the girl's win.

The administrators of the Miss World Fiji Facebook page have been accused of deleting negative comments. "While we appreciate a healthy discussion/feedback on our page, violent or racist comments will not be tolerated and such comments will be deleted," the administrators wrote.
On Wednesday, another note asked people to support the winner, Torika Watters, who took the title on the weekend. Watters is of mixed European-Fijian heritage.
"In the last few days, there has been nothing but negative criticism and remarks from our own people," the message said. "Why not start supporting our ambassador, building her up, and praying that she impacts the world with her story. Fiji has received enough negative press already, shouldn't this be one for making up for lost ground? Our forefathers promoted unity and respect and sadly in our own society today, this is not evident with the many who call themselves proud Fijians."  Watters will compete in the Miss World competition on Aug. 18 in Ordos, Inner Mongolia.

What -Egyptian women fight proposed 'farewell sex' laws

Women in Egypt are fighting proposed laws that would permit men to have sex with their wives up to six hours after death. On Monday, Egypt's National Council for Women sent a letter to Egyptian People's Assembly Speaker Dr. Saad al-Katatni, asking parliament not to approve the controversial laws, the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram reported.
The council argued the new marriage rules, lowering the legal age to 14, and the "farewell sex" legislation are similar to traditions that have prevented women from working or being educated.
The idea that marriage remains valid, even after death, came from Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari, who spoke about it in May 2011. He also said women have the same right to have sex with their dead husbands.

Controversy-Girls Gone Wild contest concerns senator

A U.S. senator has asked the FBI to investigate after a Girls Gone Wild contest offered an internship in his office to the Hottest Girl in America. On Tuesday, Girls Gone Wild founder Joe Francis issued a press release offering a once-in-a-lifetime four-week internship on Capitol Hill working for Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor.

At this time more than ever, women need strong representation in Washington. Women's issues and rights have been completely assaulted by the Republican candidates during this year's Republican primaries, said Francis in the release.

When this opportunity presented itself, I felt there was no better way to empower women than to send the winner of Girls Gone Wild's Search for the Hottest Girl in America' contest to Washington, D.C. I truly believe that women, not men, should be making decisions for women in this country. According to the release, Francis bought the internship during a private charity auction for an L.A.-based temple. But Pryor said there's no such internship up for grabs and has asked the FBI to investigate.

This release is a hoax. This office does not sell, auction or donate internships. Internship positions are determined through an extensive application process. Unfortunately, as Mark Pryor moves into the 2014 election cycle this is the kind of stupid, out-of-left field attacks you will see," reads a statement on his website. The FBI does not confirm or deny ongoing investigations.
Francis has since explained that he bought the internship on the charity action site A spokeswoman for the site said the internship was offered by the
Wilshire Boulevard Temple
and was sold on April 24 for $2,500 on -- money that's since been returned. Kaijsa Kurstin added that BiddingForGood, like eBay, simply hosts the auctions. The schools and non-profits that use the site are responsible for selling and vetting items.
Wilshire Boulevard Temple
did not immediately respond to QMI Agency's request for comment, but told the Associated Press that "a private party" organized the auction on its behalf.

Why- Woman Arrested For Striking Cop in Forehead with Pink Sex Toy

An upstate New York woman was arrested early today after she allegedly threw a pink sex toy at a cop, who was struck in the forehead by the foot-long device.
Lisa Anderson, 47, was booked on a harassment charge after a Watertown Police Department patrolman was dispatched to a residence in response to a call about an unwanted visitor.
While answering the call, Officer Jonathan Pitts encountered Anderson on the fourth floor of a
State Street
apartment building. It was there that Anderson allegedly struck Pitts in the head with the sex toy. The cop was apparently not injured.
A Watertown Police Department report notes that the sex toy was approximately twelve inches in length. Anderson, cops added, retrieved the item from a chair as she was being escorted from the apartment of a male friend who had called police to report that she was intoxicated and was refusing to leave the residence.
A criminal complaint alleges that Anderson, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, did throw a pink in color sex toy toward Officer Pitts, the victim, and struck him in the forehead, during an unwanted person investigation.
Anderson was arraigned this morning on the misdemeanour count and freed from custody.

How-Cow on the run as she turns up at a McDonald's drive thru (video)

What did the dairy cow order when she got to the drive thru window at McDonalds?
Nothing - she just wanted a little attention.That’s what Sandy Winn says was the reason her cow, Darcy, wandered from her pen on Friday and ended up at takeaway counter of the fast food restaurant half a mile away in Brush, Colorado.Just as well. For some of a nervous disposition, the sight of a cow at the window of a burger emporium could be interpreted as the beef beasts revolting against their fast food oppressors.And with no scientific evidence to suggest that cows like fries or Happy Meal toys, that could be as likely an explanation as any.

Weird-Man Ordered to Dance “Moonwalk” at Gunpoint

Just remember to always think twice before ordering someone to dance the “Moonwalk” at the barrel of a gun. An Idaho man has been hit with a felony assault charge for allegedly forcing another man to perform Michael Jackson’s signature “moonwalk” while having a rifle pointed at him, the Bonner County Daily Bee reported. Police accused John Ernest Cross, 30, of using an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle while issuing the bizarre order to mimic a dance the late King of Pop debuted back in 1983. Cross said during an initial court appearance that there was no rifle involved, only a pellet gun, the Daily Bee reported. His bail was set at $20,000 and he was reportedly ordered to steer clear of the moon walking victim.


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