Video-IPAD stealer caught on tape
Good Idea Cop's flirty texts trapped a drug Dealer
Sex Crazy-Woman Battered Beau over Sex Rebuff
How he is doing-Silent bank robber carries out 17 heists
Good research-Doc finds G-spot in cadaver
How this is possible-Wife murderer can have her life insurance
Good Idea -Cop's flirty texts trapped a drug Dealer
But the officer insisted in court Tuesday she never crossed the line as she pretended to be a party girl" in flirty texts.On March 12, 2009, Det. Joanne Pilotte got a tip about a phone number being used by a drug dealer."I don't know you and don't ever call this f----ing number again," said the guy who picked up. To (sic) bad you don't want to meet," she texted back. "You missed out on great (breasts)." "(Breasts)??" he replied, starting a flurry of suggestive, emoticon-studded texts between Jo and Andrew Elias Abboud, 29. Abboud is now on trial for trafficking cocaine and possession of coke, crack and marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.
Are you hot? Abboud asked. I have been told and I don't disagree, she replied, trying to win over the skeptical dealer by building a rapport.
How this is possible-Wife murderer can have her life insurance
After an Ontario Superior Court judge ruled last June that Ved Dhingra would not receive any of the $51,000 in insurance that he took out on his wife, citing the "public policy" rule, the 69-year-old filed an appeal.
How he is doing-Silent bank robber carries out 17 heists

Good Research-Doc finds G-spot in cadaver (dissection, is a dead human body)

A Florida researcher says he has found proof the G-spot exists.
The G-spot is located in the upper, anterior part of the vagina. It becomes engorged when a woman becomes excited sexually. But until now, the elusive G-spot had not been anatomically determined. During a dissection on the cadaver of an 83-year-old woman, Dr. Adam Ostrzenski of the Institute of Gynecology in St. Petersburg , Fl., said he discovered a sac structure in the vagina. Having three distinct regions, the G-spot emerged with dimensions of a length of 8.1 mm, width of 3.6 mm to 1.5 mm, and a height of 0.4 mm.

After removing the entire sac, Ostrzenski found the G-spot stretched from 8.1 mm to 33 mm.
"This study confirmed the anatomic existence of the G-spot, which may lead to a better understanding and improvement of female sexual function," Ostrzenski concluded in his study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Video-IPAD stealer caught on tape

Cops Hunt Brazen Thieves Caught On Tape Stealing iPad Man Advertised On Craig list.
Two Atlanta men who responded to a Craigslist ad offering an iPad for sale are being sought by police for the theft of the device, a crime that was recorded on a cell phone camera.
Last Thursday, the suspects answered an ad placed by Enrique Santiago and his wife Anna Olmedo, and asked the couple to meet them outside an apartment complex, according to an Atlanta Police Department report.As Santiago showed the two men the iPad, Olmedo--seated inside the couple’s minivan--filmed the trio discussing a possible sale. After both suspects briefly examined the iPad--which Santiago assured them was brand new--they bolted with the popular Apple product.Atlanta police today released the above video shot by Olmedo in an effort to get the public’s help in identifying the iPad thieves (whose faces and clothing are clearly shown on the clip). Investigators believe the suspects are members of a "robbery crew that finds victims on Craigslist" and, after setting up meetings in a particular neighborhood, runs off with a target's merchandise.
Sex Crazy-Woman Battered Beau over Sex Rebuff

APRIL 25--After her live-in boyfriend repeatedly rebuffed demands to have sex, a Florida woman allegedly attacked the man in their bedroom, chased him out of the house, and broke the windshield on his truck, police report. Stacey Ann Ortiz, a 34-year-old waitress, was busted on a misdemeanor battery charge following the confrontation last Wednesday morning at the Port St. Lucie residence the couple has shared for the last seven months.
As detailed in a Port St. Lucie Police Department report, Ortiz and her beau, 27, quarreled after returning home from a night of drinking at a pal’s house. While Ortiz sought to have sex, her boyfriend wanted to “lie in bed and watch TV.”
After the victim repeatedly turned down Ortiz’s sex entreaties, matters turned physical, according to police. Ortiz allegedly attacked the victim, who told cops that “in an effort to get away from her he ran down stairs and out the garage.” Ortiz, the victim added, chased after him.
At this point, the man called 911 to report that “his girlfriend was chasing him down the street and was attacking him.” When cops arrived, the victim was “only wearing his underwear” and had a cut on his forehead and several scratches on his chest.
Ortiz, pictured in the above mug shot, told police that she got into a “verbal argument which escalated into a physical argument,” adding that her boyfriend “head butted” her during the dispute. Ortiz--who copped to using a metal mop handle to break the windshield of her boyfriend’s truck--said she chased the victim down the street because she was “mad.” Ortiz, however, declined to discuss what triggered the couple’s argument.
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