Friday, April 20, 2012

Workers' compensation for woman's sex injury and Sex robots the future of sex tourism

IDEA-Banker kept dating spreadsheet to keep track of his eight girls

A banker who kept a creepy computer log of eight women he was dating put his foot in it when he showed it to one of them. David Merkur, 28, set up a spreadsheet detailing the characteristics of the women he met on a website and even compiled reports about their meetings.

But after getting on famously with a girl called Arielle, he emailed her the document - and it has now become an internet sensation.David, who works for finance firm Ladder Capital, wrote to Arielle: "Well, this could be a mistake, but what the hell... figured I might as well give you the whole thing."I hope this email doesn't backfire, because I really had a great time and hope to hang again soon :)"The New Yorker listed the women in alphabetical order and detailed his thoughts on their physical

appearances, giving each a score out of ten, with some being awarded a 7.0 or 7.5 for their "mixed bag of pictures" on the dating website they all used.

How this is possible-Sex robots the future of sex tourism

Sex workers in Amsterdam will have a hard time finding work if two New Zealand academics' vision of the future comes true. "In 2050, Amsterdam's red light district will all be about android prostitutes who are clean of sexual transmitted infections, not smuggled in from Eastern Europe and forced into slavery, the city council will have direct control over android sex workers controlling prices, hours of operations and sexual services," write futurologist Ian Yeoman and sexologist Michelle Mars. The duo's paper, Robots, Men And Sex Tourism, published in the journal Futures, centres on an imaginary future sex club in Amsterdam called Yub-Yum.

It posits that sex tourists will dish out big cash for all-inclusive robot sex romps.
This will be a big win for Amsterdam, they say, as the city will keep drawing huge swaths of randy tourists willing to empty their pockets, but avoid all the downsides, like drugs, violence and underage exploitation. The sex-bots will even be made from bacteria resistant fibre, the Victoria University of Wellington academics predict. Mars is a sex expert who discusses topics like designer vaginas. Yeoman is a professor of tourism management and author of the book Tomorrow's Tourist, in which he predicts that by 2030 "China will be the world's largest tourism destination, holidays in outer space will be the ultimate luxury experience, extreme Swedish ironing will be an Olympic sport, embedded technologies will be the norm in future tourists and skiing in the Alps will be no more."

Why he did-Criminal framed quite literally himself

A British criminal was found in a friend's home after he framed himself, police say.
When Manchester police entered Jordan Sim-mutch's home on Dec. 21, they knew they had the right place because they discovered "an ornately framed picture above the fireplace" which contained a newspaper article with the fugitive's mugshot and the fact he was on the run from police.Police found the fugitive and Sim-mutch hiding in a kitchen cupboard.
"Not only did this fugitive frame himself — quite literally — he also unintentionally framed Sim-mutch in the process," Const. Mike Lawler said Friday after Sim-mutch was sentenced to a community order and a two-month curfew."While Sim-mutch has always denied any involvement with the picture itself, the fact that a framed picture of his friend's mugshot proclaiming him a wanted man was staring down at Sim-mutch from atop of his fireplace means he knew full well he was harbouring a fugitive."Police said it's believed the criminal friend framed the newspaper clipping. "Why this man decided to frame his own appeal is anyone's guess — perhaps it was a badge of honour, or perhaps he just enjoyed the notoriety of seeing his picture in the paper. Whatever the motivation, this act of utter vanity pretty much handed Sim-mutch and the fugitive to us on a plate," Lawler said.

What a way to get injury-Workers' comp for woman's sex injury

An Australian woman who was injured while having sex in her hotel room during a business trip will get workers' compensation. Justice John Nicholas ruled the woman, who was not named, was injured during the course of her employment, the website reported.
Nicholas said if the woman had been injured playing cards in her room, she would have been entitled to compensation. Getting injured during sex should be no different.
The woman was injured in Nov. 2007 when she and a male friend returned to her hotel room after dinner. In his statement, the man said the two were "going hard" when a glass light fixture above the bed came away from the wall and fell on the woman's face. He was unsure whether they bumped the light, or it just fell off. The woman was seeking workers' compensation for facial and psychological injuries but her claim was denied by her employer. 

Why-Pilot Forgot to Lower Landing Gear

The pilot of an Australian passenger flight forgot to lower the plane's wheels for landing because he was too busy texting, a government inquiry has found.In its report, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau report said that the distracted captain and fatigued co-pilot of a Jetstar Airways flight to Singapore failed to complete their landing checklist, The Age reported.
At less than 400 feet from the ground, they had to take the emergency measure of reascending to try again, the report said. The investigators found that as the plane descended from 2800 feet to 1000 feet in altitude over the span of about two minutes, the pilots took no necessary preparations for landing — including lowering the landing gear.The board said that around 2500 or 2000 feet, the captain's cell phone began beeping with incoming texts. The captain didn't respond to the co-pilot's requests, and when the co-pilot looked over, he saw his captain "preoccupied" with his phone, the report said.


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